Chapter 6

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Bakugo had his earphones in while cooking. Deku was doing combat training with Uraraka. Bakugo's phone started ringing. It was an unknown number. He picked it up. "Hello. Is this Izuku Midoriya?" "Who the hell are you and why do you need him?" Bakugo asked curious. Who the hell is this calling his boyfriend? The people in the common room turned to him.

"I just need to talk to him." "You need to talk to him. Why?" "I can't talk about that with you now can I?" The man sassed. "Okay. If you keep sassing me you won't be talking to him at all." Bakugo threatened. "Okay. I'm Hisashi." "Hisashi... oh my god. Hold on a minute old guy."

"Deku. Get to the common room now." "I'm coming." "He's coming to talk to you in a second." Bakugo said. "He probably won't be very happy to talk to you." "Kacchan what was it you needed?" Deku smiled at his boyfriend. "There is somebody who wants to talk to you." Bakugo said handing his boyfriend the phone. "I'm your dad. Hisashi." Deku stayed silent for a minute. "Repeat that please?" Deku said quietly.

"I'm Hisashi Midoriya." The guy said. "What the hell?" Deku asked the guy. "I don't have a father. He left." "I'm back now." "Who said I wanted you back?!?" Deku asked making things in the room float. "Deku. You're making things float." Deku looked around the room and the couch in the common room was floating. "Dammit." Deku aggressively put everything down with a thud. "Sorry weirdo. Maybe we can talk some other time." Deku said hanging up.

Bakugo was putting the Katsudon on a plate for the people he called 'extras.' Of course he made his boyfriend's plate first. "COME EAT EXTRAS." He yelled in everybody's head at once. He quickly stopped using his quirk and everybody stopped what they were doing and came to eat. "Do you have to do that every time!?" The class asked. "Yeah." Bakugo smirked and started to eat.

"Thank you for not being mean to our classmates. You're getting lots of kisses." "You're welcome Deku. I can't wait." Deku smiled up at Bakugo and Bakugo rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's cuteness. "So Bakugo do you have a girlfriend?" Uraraka asked. "No." Bakugo said confused.

"Why would I?" He asked while raising an eyebrow. "I don't know. You always hang with Deku so I was wondering if you had anybody else to talk to. If he happens to be somewhere else you'd be lonely." Uraraka said. "Are you throwing shade floaty bitch?" Bakugo asked completely taking his attention off of his food. Everybody looked at Uraraka.

"No. It's just that what if he gets a girlfriend or something?" Uraraka asked. "You know." Bakugo started while getting up and taking away Uraraka's food. "You can cook for yourself." He finished and poured everything down the sink then proceeded to turn the garbage disposal on. "I'm in a relationship already Uraraka. That doesn't stop me and Kacchan from hanging out." Deku said.

"Yeah because I'm your boyfriend." "Yeah yeah."

"REALLY WHO IS SHE?" The common room asked. "All of you extras shut up." Bakugo commanded. "Okay you can talk again." Bakugo said while washing out the sink. Uraraka's eyes were filled with hatred but she acted like she wasn't mad. Bakugo sat back down next to his boyfriend and continued eating like he didn't just throw away somebody's food and make everybody shut up.

Bakugo got up and put on some slides. "Where are you going Kacchan?" Deku asked. "The store." He said. "Wait for me!" Deku yelled while getting up and putting on his iconic red shoes. The two walked out the door in silence.


"What are you getting?" Deku asked his boyfriend. "Something to bake a cake and some sweets of course. They don't have enough spicy stuff either, so I'm getting some spicy things. Is there anything you want?" Bakugo asked. "I'll just get some skittles. A giant bag." "You're gonna get diabetes, but okay." Bakugo shrugged and grabbed a bag of skittles. They checked out and walked out the store.

The man with the hands all over his body like from when they were walking home was standing there. "Ah. Bakugo and Midoriya! Just who I looking for." He said while walking forward. Deku immediately made him float and Bakugo was blowing up the guy with the purple most around his body.

"What do you want?" Deku asked. "Stay." Bakugo commanded the purple mist guy and he couldn't move. "Make him float too Deku." Deku did as told. He slammed them to the ground a couple times and the grocery store was watching the two. "Now. What do you want? If you don't tell us we'll find out ourselves." Deku threatened. "Surprise!" Some blonde girl said while jumping at Bakugo with two knives. "Stop." He commanded and she fell to the floor.

"The hell?" Bakugo used his other quirk. "Toga, Shigaraki and Kurogiri." Bakugo muttered. "What are their names?" "Toga. Shigaraki. Kurogiri." Bakugo repeated louder. "Don't use your quirk Kurogiri." Bakugo commanded. "Float the Toga girl and slam her down." Bakugo said and Deku did. Bakugo continuously stomped on the 'villains' until they turned to mud. "Weird." Deku muttered. "Yeah." The two boys walked to UA and acted like nothing happened.

They got there and everybody was sitting on the couch watching the news. "What are you guys watching?" The two asked. "You." They replied. "Eh?" Deku asked. "You guys were in live tv." Kirishima said. "Oh." The two said and went to go put their groceries away. "OH IS ALL YOU'RE GONNA SAY?" The class shouted. "What are we supposed to say!?" Deku asked waving his hands around. "Stop Deku." Bakugo commanded. Deku immediately  stopped. "Sorry." Deku muttered.

"Young Midoriya! Young Bakugo! Are you two okay?" All Might asked running into the common room. The two looked at him confused. "Why wouldn't we be?" The two said unison. "Well you were just attacked by villains..." All Might said. "Well. We're obviously fine now." Bakugo said rudely. "Kacchan." Deku said sternly. "Whatever." Bakugo muttered.

"I wanna do some training with you." "Okay Kacchan." Deku smirked up at his boyfriend. "You're gonna lose." Deku laughed. "No I won't." Bakugo smirked. They walked to their lockers and put on their hero outfits. They walked back past the common room and then walked into the training room.

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