Chapter 12

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Today Dabi woke up before the two boys. "WAKE UP BAKUGO!" He yelled in Bakugo's head. Bakugo sat up and blasted Dabi in the face. "Go back to sleep scar face." Bakugo grumbled. The 1-A came in running. "What happened?" They yelled. Bakugo just turned around blasted them. "The hell?" "Sorry. We thought you tried to kill another classmate or something." Todoroki shrugged. Bakugo immediately stood up.

Deku held onto Bakugo's arm in his sleep. "Go back to sleep bab-"

Bakugo turned around and covered Deku's mouth. "WAKE UP DEKU!" Bakugo yelled in Deku's head. "Kacchan why?!?" Deku asked while popping up. Dabi was just laughing at the whole situation. "Good morning Dabi." Deku said. "Morning." Dabi said. "Kacchan what's for breakfast?" "What do you want?" Bakugo asked him. "Are you guys gonna keep talking like we're not here?" Uraraka asked still beat up from yesterday. "You look horrible." Dabi pointed out. Bakugo started laughing.

"Dabi. Kacchan. That's not very nice." Deku said. Uraraka smirked since Deku was taking up for her. "Whatever." "I love you Kacchan." "I love you too." Bakugo smirked at his boyfriend and Uraraka didn't like it.

"Get over here Dabi! You fucking bastard! That was my food!" Bakugo yelled running at Dabi while Dabi was running away with Bakugo's omelet. Bakugo jumped on Dabi's back. "Give me my food you little shit!" "NEVER!" Dabi yelled. Dabi ran through the common room with Bakugo on his back. "What are you two doing?" Aizawa tiredly asked.

"Give it back scar face!" Bakugo yelled. "I already ate it!" Dabi chuckled. "I hate you." Bakugo grumbled and got off of Dabi's back. Dabi was laughing while Bakugo was yelling a string of profanities. Bakugo felt arms wrapped around his waist. "Deku~" Bakugo chuckled. He loves the warmth of his boyfriend. Deku rested his head on Bakugo's back. "I love you~" Deku said into his boyfriend's back. "I love you too." Bakugo grumbled.

"No way." Jirou said while unplugging her earphones. "What is it?" Uraraka asked. "They're dating." Jirou said and the 1-A students gasped. Uraraka was furious and she stormed in the common room. The boys immediately let go of each other. She looked at Bakugo angrily and slapped him. Dabi had his mouth hanging wide open. Deku was mad and Aizawa was in his sleeping bag. "HOW COULD YOU DATE SOMEBODY LIKE THAT! I'M WAY MORE AMAZING THAN BAKUGO!"

Bakugo was just standing there and Deku was stepping closer to Uraraka. Deku floated her and then threw her into a wall. "I date him because I love him. If you think talking about him like that is gonna make me wanna date you then you're mistaking whore." Deku said while standing over her. He had green electricity surrounding him and Aizawa woke up. He ran over to the two and pulled them apart. Bakugo was just looking at the ground. For once Dabi was trying to comfort him.

Deku picked Bakugo up bridal style and brought him to his dorm. Bakugo immediately started sobbing. Deku brought him into a hug and was kissing him all over his face between words. "Baby don't cry. It's alright. I love you. I only love you okay? Nobody could ever change that, especially not her. I love you so so much." Deku said while rocking Bakugo like a baby.

"She's right. You're so handsome and nice to everybody. Meanwhile I don't even feel comfortable talking to people without you and I'm ugly. I'm a baby." Bakugo sobbed. "Baby." Deku turned Bakugo's head so he could see his face. Seeing his lover crying broke his heart. Bakugo closed his eyes like he was waiting to hear something hurtful. "Baby. Open your eyes." Bakugo didn't open them. "Baby." Bakugo didn't open his eyes. "Kacchan." Deku said sternly. Bakugo opened his eyes and Deku immediately pecked him on the lips over and over.

"Baby. Don't listen to what other people think. I love you. Nothing is gonna change that. Yes?" Bakugo nodded but was still crying a bit. "I'm sorry." "Shh. You have nothing to be sorry about." Bakugo wrapped his legs around his boyfriend's body. "So warm." Bakugo mumbled. "You're making me warm. Your quirk makes you warmer than usual." Deku chuckled. He picked his boyfriend up and they sat on the bed.

"Wanna watch the All Might movies we used to watch?" Bakugo nodded. He got back in Deku's lap while Deku grabbed the remotes. There was a knock at the door and the boys groaned. Deku picked Bakugo as Bakugo wrapped his legs around his waist for support. Deku opened the door to see Uraraka. He immediately flipped her off and slammed the door. The boys got back in their position and Bakugo was kissing Deku all over his face.

Deku giggled and started kissing Bakugo's jaw and cheeks. "Your chubby cheeks are adorable Kacchan." Deku cooed. "I'm fucking not adorable." Bakugo pouted. "That just makes you even more adorable baby." Deku giggled. Bakugo pouted again and Deku blushed. "Why're you blushing nerd?" "You're so cute." Now it was Bakugo's turn to blush. "I'm not cute!" Bakugo grumbled with a scowl on his face.

Soon Deku heard soft snores from his boyfriend. "Cute." Deku thought as he kissed Bakugo's head. He picked Bakugo up and Bakugo wrapped his legs around in his sleep. Deku walked out of his dorm to and went to get some skittles. "Hey. How is he doing?" Dabi asked Deku. "He's fine now." Deku sighed. "I guess that's good to hear." Dabi muttered while putting a finger to his chin. "Yeah." "Hey Midobro. Is Bakugo okay?" Kirishima asked. "Yeah. He's fine. He just doesn't really have a high confidence level as much as he likes to act like it." Deku replied. The other two boys nodded in response as Deku went to get skittles. He sat on the common room couch with Bakugo curled up in his lap like a kitten.

He smiled at his sleeping boyfriend and kissed his forehead again. Then Todoroki came walking up to him.

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