Chapter 7

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"Where are you two going?" Kaminari asked. "Nowhere." They replied and walked faster to the training room. Deku made Bakugo float. Bakugo used his explosions to move around in the air and he placed his foot on Deku's face. Deku barely moved in time.

Deku used OFA and charged at Bakugo. Bakugo tried to blow him out the way but Deku grabbed his arm and flipped Bakugo on his back. Deku leaned over Bakugo. "You look so pretty right now." Deku smirked. Bakugo blew his boyfriend in the face and kicked him in the stomach.

"You look prettier." Bakugo smirked. "Stand up." Bakugo commanded. Deku did. "Stay." He then commanded. Deku flicked his fingers to get out of the control of Bakugo. "Mm. You learned something new." Bakugo laughed. Bakugo started floating and then he let off a huge explosion. His boyfriend came out of the smoke with a couple bruises but he was smirking at Bakugo.

"Mm. You look hot." Bakugo teased. Deku used OFA and punched Bakugo in the thigh. Bakugo was of course, still standing. "Now you look hot." "I always look hot nerd." Bakugo charged at his boyfriend and his boyfriend charged back. "Don't use OFA." Bakugo commanded.

"I don't need OFA to beat you." Deku said. "Prove it." Bakugo floated and Deku thought he slammed his boyfriend into a wall. Bakugo came up behind his boyfriend blew him in the back, burning it.

Deku fell on his stomach. Bakugo kneeled down and faced his boyfriend. They just looked at each other for a minute. "Your eyes are pretty." Deku said. "I know." Bakugo said getting up. Deku used his psychokinesis to bend Bakugo's arm back. "Fuck." Bakugo muttered in pain. "Are you hurt?" Deku teased. Bakugo blasted his boyfriend in the back again. "Dammit!" Deku yelled.

"What's the matter Deku?" Bakugo teased back. Before he knew it he was pinned down. "You're so pretty." Deku smirked. "Go to hell." Bakugo muttered. Bakugo kicked Deku off of himself and pinned Deku down. "1. 2. 3. 4. 5." Bakugo counted. "Looks like I win." Bakugo said getting up. "Fuck." Deku muttered before getting up. "You're hotness was distracting me." Deku panted. "Yeah yeah." Bakugo rolled his eyes.

The class was just watching them from the outside of the room wide eyed. "We're definitely doing that again." "Hell yeah." They looked at each other and smirked. Uraraka was fuming. What is their problem? The two went inside and showered. Deku was now on the couch eating skittles and Bakugo was sitting next to him taking some skittles here and there. "So." Mina started. "So." The boys said in unison. "You guys have got to stop doing that." Jirou muttered. "So. I'm the training room you guys looked like you had sexual tension." Kaminari said.

Uraraka's head immediately snapped around. The two boys looked at each other. "Sexual tension?" "Did we really look like that Kacchan?" "Technically we probably did. We did pin each other down a few times." "This is your fault Kacchan." "You pinned me down first!" "Hehe. I guess I did."

Bakugo looked at his boyfriend like he was stupid. Deku just smiled. Bakugou put his hand around Deku's face. "Alright alright." Deku said. Deku got up to get apple juice. Bakugo took his skittles. "Anyway. We don't have any sexual tension." Bakugo finally said. "It looked like it." Kirishima said. "Sorry?" Bakugo said confused. Deku sat back down and immediately fell asleep on Bakugo's shoulder. "Dumbass." Bakugo mumbled.

Uraraka was glaring at Bakugo. Bakugo took the apple juice out his boyfriend's hand and sat it on a table. "Sorry. His quirk makes him sleepy." Bakugo said. Deku wrapped his arms around Bakugo's waist in his sleep. Bakugo picked him up bridal style and walked to his dorm. Bakugo opened the door and lay Deku on the bed. Bakugo shut the door to his dorm and walked back down to the common room.

Bakugo was still eating Deku's skittles. "Hey Bakubro! Wanna go to the movies with us tomorrow?" Kirishima asked Bakugo. Bakugo thought about it for a second. As much as he wanted to say no Deku told him he needed to make friends. "Fucking yes." He growled. The Bakusquad's faces lit up. "Group hug!" Mina yelled and the Bakusquad ran over to Bakugo. Bakugo awkwardly hugged them back.


"Okay get off of me." Bakugo growled. Everybody did as told. Bakugo got up. "Where are you going?" "To sleep." Bakugo's said going to the dorms. "Why are you going in Deku's room?" Uraraka asked. "This is my room." Bakugo growled. "But Deku is in there." Bakugo just went inside his dorm and shut the door.


"I was wondering when you'd come up here." Deku said as his boyfriend got in the bed and under the covers. Deku immediately kissed Bakugo on the forehead. "Heh." Bakugo chuckled. Bakugo wrapped his arms around Deku. "So warm." Bakugo said snuggling in. "Hehe." Deku was still showering Bakugo with kisses until Bakugo feel asleep. "So cute." Deku mumbled and drifted off to sleep with his boyfriend.


"Wake up Deku." Bakugo shook his boyfriend awake. "I'm up!" Deku yelled.


"Ah. Midoriya and Bakugo. You're late." "Sorry. We slept in." They said in unison. "Well. You two are being targeted by the league of villains so you can't leave campus without a pro hero." Aizawa said. Bakugo was using his quirk on Aizawa. He was trying to see what the plan was for the two. He stopped using his quirk and then smirked. "Kacchan." Deku said to Bakugo. "They're using us as bait to catch the league. Possibly the boss villain." "Hell yeah. This is gonna be fun." Deku and Bakugo smirked at each other.

They got seated and everybody was confused as to what they were smirking at. "You guys can't fight." Aizawa said and the two groaned. "What if they try to kill us? Then can we kill them?" Bakugo asked and Deku slapped him in the back of the head. "No." "So I'll die." Bakugo said. "Possibly." Aizawa said. "Hmm. A situation with possible death. Fun." The two boys said in unison.

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