Chapter 11

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The two boys woke up in the common room. Dabi was sleep on the two boys. Dabi's torso was in Bakugo's lap and his calves in Deku's lap. They smirked at each other and threw Dabi  off of them and onto the floor. "Ow fuck!" Dabi screeched. "Morning sleeping beauty!" Deku yelled. "Shut up!" Dabi yelled and got back on the couch. "Morning Kacchan." "Morning." Deku gave Bakugo a peck on the lips. "Wow. Problem child 1 and 2 kissing. That's new." Aizawa said.

"Don't tell anybody or I'll kill you." Bakugo said and Aizawa rolled his eyes. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone because I don't care." Aizawa said. "TELL ANYONE WHAT?" Present Mic asked. "That problem children are dating." "Keep your mouth shut you loud bastard!" Bakugo threatened. "Whatever." Present mic muttered.

"Anyway. I guess we need to get you a tooth brush and stuff. Kacchan has a drawer just for toothbrushes so I'm sure there is some for you Dabi." Deku smiled and dragged Dabi to the bathroom where the other 1-A boys were getting ready. Deku opened the drawer and handed Dabi a toothbrush. "Here." "I want a blue one." Dabi said. "You're a big baby." Deku pouted and then gave Dabi a blue toothbrush.

"I'm sure you can find the showers on your own." Bakugo said. "I don't have any clothes." "I'll have the create bitch make you some. What do you want to wear?" Bakugo asked. "A dark blue short sleeved shirt and black ripped jeans." "Okay." Momo threw Dabi's clothes at Bakugo. Dabi got out the shower and Deku and Bakugo looked up to see a half naked Dabi with a towel around his waist.

They immediately turned around. Bakugo threw the clothes at Dabi. Dabi chuckled and put on the clothes. "Let's go to class. You're coming with us Dabi." Deku smiled. Bakugo's grabbed Dabi's wrist and dragged him to class. "Sorry we're late. Dabi is slow." Deku said and pulled up a chair so Dabi could sit by the two.

"Alrighty.." Aizawa said. "Is this what you guys learn? This is boring." Dabi said to the two boys. "We didn't get taught how to cut off different body parts and refrigerate them pro-"

Blue flames started coming from Dabi's hands. Deku immediately floated him while Bakugo had sparks crackling from his hands. "Dabi. Be nice or I will float you to the sun and laugh while you burn." Deku threatened. The class was just looking at the three. The flames from Dabi's hands went away and Deku put him down.

"Thank you." Deku smiled. "Sorry old guy. You can go back to lesson." Bakugo said. "Kacchan don't call him old." Deku yelled.
"Class dismissed." Dabi and the two boys went to the common room like usual. "Have you ever eaten ice cream?" Deku asked. "No. What is that?" Deku walked to the fridge and got out a cookies and cream ice cream. "Here." Deku threw a spoon at Dabi. "Ow! You bastard!" Dabi yelled as class was walking in the room. "Don't call my boyfriend a bastard scar face!" Bakugo yelled. Deku wasn't even paying attention because he was getting some skittles out the cabinet.

"BOYFRIEND?" The class yelled from behind them. Deku walked out of the kitchen and saw his classmates staring between Deku and Bakugo. Dabi just laid back while eating his ice cream while Bakugo was glaring at him. "No. Deku is not my boyfriend." Bakugo said while putting a hand through his hair. "Then why did you say that?" Tokoyami asked. "It was a joke. Also, who are you!?" Bakugo asked.

"Kacchan that's Tokoyami!" "Who?" Dabi was laughing on the couch. Deku glared at him and he immediately stopped laughing. "Anyway. You guys can go back to what you were doing." Everybody skeptically left. "Wait to keep it a secret." Dabi whispered. "Oh shut up." Bakugo grumbled while sitting next to Dabi on the couch.

"Did you ever listen to music?" Deku asked. "Huh? Oh yeah. Sorta. It was always Shigaraki's choice and it was always something called rock. It wasn't very good." Dabi said while lifting the spoon to his mouth.

"There is other type of music Dabi." Bakugo said. "Just because you said that I'm gonna force you to listen to the great Doja Cat." Deku said. Deku pulled out his phone and started playing juicy. Dabi was bopping his head a bit.

"Hehe. I told you it was good!" Deku was leaning on the back of the couch and Bakugo went to lean next to him. "What are you guys doing?" Class 1-A walked into the common room. "What does it look like?" Bakugo asked annoyed. "Kacchan." Deku growled and Bakugo grumbled. "Baby. Be a little nicer please." "Fine." Deku smiled.

Uraraka shoved Bakugo to lean on the back of the couch with Deku. Bakugo blasted her in the face and she fell on her back. He blasted her again and again while Deku was trying to get Bakugo off of her. Bakugo wouldn't get off and he would just yell things like 'floaty bitch' or 'don't push me dirty hoe'. 

When Bakugo felt like he had enough he got off of her and flipped her off. Dabi was just laughing and Iida went to get Aizawa. "What happened?" Aizawa asked tiredly. "The stupid bitch pushed me. I feel like I've told her before not to touch me." Bakugo growled. "That's kind of childish don't you think?" Tsu asked. "Do you wanna be next frog?" Bakugo asked and she shook her head. Bakugo walked out the front door. Uraraka was laying on the ground in pain. "Sigh. This isn't what a hero does." Bakugo walked back in. "Wait."

Everybody turned to him and he stood over Uraraka while his eyes turned orange. "Release all of your pain." Uraraka didn't feel hurt anymore.

"You can heal people?" "No. I can make them feel like they're healed." Bakugo grumbled. Dabi gave Bakugo a high five. Bakugo looked at Dabi for a second until he put three fingers on Dabi's forehead and it glowed. "Are you giving him a pact?" Deku asked. "Mhm." Bakugo muttered.

"A pact?" Dabi asked. "Now you can reply to me when I'm in your head. You can also sense my thoughts and other things." Bakugo mumbled. "So I can yell in your head when you yell at me?" Dabi asked amused. "Yes unfortunately." Bakugo muttered.

"HI BAKUGO!" "DABI I HATE YOU!" Bakugo was glaring at Dabi while he was just laughing.

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