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SCARLETT STOOD WITH ROBBY AND the rest of Cobra Kai. The two were teaching them Miyagi-Do and the group was struggling. Scarlett couldn't blame them. The karate style Miyagi-Do used was a complicated style of karate that Mr Miyagi had learnt and taught. Scarlett felt almost guilty for betraying the man that was like her grandfather but she felt as though he knew how Daniel favoured Sam over her.

"There's a reason Miyagi-Do is so hard to learn," Robby stated watching them struggle.

"These blocks are incredibly precise. Each one is designed to overcome a specific attack," Scarlett added.

Robby walked towards Tory, "Show me wax on, wax off." They got into a fighting stance and Tory blocked, "The more you learn Miyagi-Do, the tougher you are to defeat."

"Except for one tiny flaw," Kresse called as he exited the office. The students stopped as he continued, "Their entire style is reactive which means all their moves are countermoves. That means we are in control. And we can use that to set traps." Kreese nodded to Scarlett.

"Show me paint the fence," she said to Robby. He looked confused but did as asked. She punched and he blocked but she feigned jabbing his stomach and dropped, swiping his feet from beneath him, "Sorry."

She helped him up and he smiled at her, "Good job," he whispered. Scarlett smiled to herself at the compliment.

"Continue. Nichols, in my office," Kresse said. He walked back and she followed.

Class finished and Tory approached Scarlett. "Hey."

"Do you know your mom got me fired?" Tory asked.


"Yeah, she came to my workplace and set me off and I shouted at a guy," Tory grumbled.

Scarlett sighed, "I'm so sorry. I'll help you find a new one."

Tory smiled, "Thanks." They walked out of the dojo and Scarlett got into her car.

As she came home she walked inside and her mom immediately cornered her.

"Where have you been?"


"Don't be vague with me," Amanda stated. Scarlett rolled her eyes. Her mother didn't care about her but she cared about her whereabouts. And that was annoying to Scarlett.

"I was out, with friends, it doesn't matter mom," Scarlett shrugged before trying to go upstairs.

"Scarlett Marie LaRusso, you get back here right now. I don't know where you've been sneaking out to - And yes I've noticed you climbing down the drainpipe - but it must stop." Whether Scarlett liked to admit it or not, her mother was very perceptive much like her. After all she was her mother's daughter.

"God, mom, go back to worrying about Sam, I don't have time for this," Scarlett waved off and mounted the stairs.

"Well, we're having dinner with Johnny, Carmen and Miguel so you better get back down here soon," Amanda called. She huffed as Scarlett called back with a whatever.

Scarlett entered her room and locked the door. She shrugged off her school bag and flopped onto the bed. Her phone rang and she picked up, "Hello?"

"Hey, Scar," Robby's voice came through.

"Robby, hey. What's up?"

"I wanted to know if you could sneak out tonight. To practice with me?" Scarlett was happy that he asked her to practice but was confused as to why he didn't call one of the other dojo members. However, she brushed it off as catching up.

"Um... my family's having dinner with Miguel, his mom and Johnny soon but after that... I think so," Scarlett said.

Robby smiled on his end, "Cool. Meet me in the park? Say 9?"

"Perfect, see you then." Scarlett hung up and glanced at her bag. She had a million tonnes of homework and she wasn't in the mood to do any of it.

She finally got up and pulled her books out, putting on headphones and getting to work.

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