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COBRA KAI had gained some new students due to the new Cobra Kai gear. The students weren't even wearing gis anymore. Robby whispered in Scarlett's ear as they monitored Kenny. She chuckled as Kenny started to explain what had him so pissed.

"So they stole all your clothes?" Robby asked.

"In front of the girl you like?" Scarlett muttered, "Yikes."

"I can't take any more of their crap. I'm ready to use my training," Kenny responded.

"And what do you think you're gonna do?" Robby asked.

"I'll do what you do. Kick their asses," Kenny replied before violently punching the dummy. Robby stared at him before looking toward Scarlett.

"I got kicked out of school and landed in juvie," Robby tried, "Come on you gotta be smarter than me and your brother."

"Well I gotta do something," Kenny replied.

"Beat them at their own game. No fighting. They're mean, be meaner," Scarlett suggested, "That's all we can give you."

"Class fall in."

The three walked to their spaces in front of the two Senseis.

"Today we have an important lesson don't we Sensei Silver?" Kreese asked.

"Yes, we do. Weakness," Silver said.

"Your opponent's weakness must be exploited whenever possible."

"At the tournament, you'll have to recognize that weakness. And make no mistake, we all have one."

"Sensei Kreese doesn't," Tory said,

"Course he does. We all do," Silver replied making the man look at him, "Today, your goal is to find your opponent's weakness and attack it. No points. You hit the mat, you lose. You got it?" they nodded, "Alright prepare for combat."

They made a border around the mat as the senseis spoke to each other quietly.

They stood on opposite sides and looked around.

"Elswith," Silver called. One of the new girls stood, Piper.

"Nichols," Kreese called. Scarlett gave her a small smile. The two girls went to their respective senseis and they talked before going to the mat.

They started and Piper started doing a series of flips.

"Just gonna dance around or are you gonna throw something?" Tory asked.

"Why not both?" Piper teased.

The fight went on for a few moments before Tory beat her.

"We should do that again sometime," Piper said as she sat up.

"Don't get your hopes up," Tory replied going back to her spot. She winked at Scarlett causing her to suppress a laugh.

"Good, one, Sensei Kreese. Who's next?" Silver asked. The two continued to call on students to fight.

"Good work Mr Park," Kreese praised as Kyler won.

"Thank you Sensei," Kyler nodded.

"Another one for me," Kreese smirked.

"Double or nothing?" Silver asked.

Kreese nodded, "Okay. Ms Elswith." There weren't many girls so he had to go with one that had gone before. Piper stood as Silver looked around for a female student to oppress her.

"Ms LaRusso."

Scarlett stood and crossed the mat to her sensei.


"We're on the gymnastics team together. A few years ago she slipped off the beam and broke her tailbone. Never fully healed."


She walked to the mat opposite Piper. She raised her fists.


The two circled each other. Scarlett knew better to go first, despite the Cobra Kai motto.

"So how's Sam?" Piper asked.

"Wouldn't know, wouldn't care," Scarlett replied. Piper attempted to kick and she blocked, jabbing the girl in the stomach.

She tried to roundhouse kick but Scarlett ducked under her leg. Scarlett stood kicking her in the face. She girl stopped as she held her jaw.


Scarlett shrugged as she went at her. She attempted to knee the girl in the stomach but she caught her knee and threw her to the mat. Scarlett rolled up kicking at her. She sidestepped and tried to punch Piper's face.

Scarlett ducked grabbing her arm and pushing her away, keeping the grip on her arm. As she did she kicked her lower back and then the back of her leg causing her to crumble to the mat.

Silver smirked as he gave a slow clap. "Good job, Ms LaRusso. Offence suits you."

Scarlett nodded and sat back in her place next to Robby. He gave her a nudge as Silver looked at Kreese.

"Final one?"

"Sure. Mr Keene." Robby stood as Silver's jaw ticked.


The class snickered and so did Kreese.

They didn't bother asking what the weaknesses are. It was clear.


Robby kicked and Kenny blocked before ducking as another was sent his way.

They kept coming until Kenny groaned in pain, clutching his arm.

"Whoa, whoa. Hey. Are you okay?" Robby asked.

"Back to your corners," Kreese ordered. "Stop playing with him. Take him down."

"Yes Sensei," Robby replied.

They went back to their sides of the mat.


Robby immediately kicked him. The boy clutched the same arm, "Hey, Kenny. I'm sorry."

Kenny swept his leg and he landed on the mat with a groan.

Scarlett couldn't help but chuckle as Kenny and Silver high-fived. "There. What did we learn? The common belief is you shouldn't care about what other people think about you, right? Wrong. What your opponent is thinking is key. In war. In business. In a fight. Don't let your opponent think whatever they want. Make them think what you want them to think. If they think you're weak, that's when you can surprise them with your strength. Good job."

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