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SCARLETT was excited. She was going to be spending the day with her friends, hanging out at the waterpark. She had taken her grandmother's car and was now waiting for Tory to show up.

As she stared down at her phone, two hands covered her eyes, "Guess who."

"If it's not one of my friends I will dropkick you," Scarlett stated. The hands moved and she turned. She smiled widely and practically tackled Robby into a hug, "You're here."

"Yeah," he kissed the side of her head as they hugged. Scarlett tilted her head and pressed her lips to his. He smiled into the kiss and gripped her waist tightly. 

When Scarlett pulled away she questioned, "How was Mexico? Did you go to the beach, do some sightseeing?"

"It was kinda wild but not really that kind of trip. However, we did work out some of our deep-rooted issues, though some are still too big to solve," Robby chuckled as he glanced in the direction of the Miyagi-Dos, "But I missed you."

Scarlett smiled, "I missed you too."

"So I've been thinking about this for a while now and I was wondering if you'd consider maybe just taking a break from Cobra Kai?" 

Scarlett chuckled, "What are you talking about?"

"You heard what Kreese did and he's not even half as bad as Silver," Robby responded, "Now's the time to get out before things get worse."

"I can't just quit."

"If I did it, you can do it. Silver's gonna get inside your head, and then—"

"God, you sound like my father. Robby, listen, I'm glad you and your dad worked through your shit. And if you want to leave the dojo, that's fine. But don't tell me what to do," Scarlett stated. 

Robby sighed, "You're right. I'm sorry."

Scarlett smiled, "Let's go look for Tory and then check out the Typhoon. It's got a five foot drop that's supposed to be sick."

The two walked off to find Tory. They eventually found her lounging on a chair. The two sat down beside her and started to catch up. Robby told them about the fighting ring he and his dad went to where they fought a bunch of guys. 

As they were talking Tory's eyes drifted before she stood and walked away. The two shrugged and followed her, finding her to be getting in between a fight. 

Robby looked at her, "I know you can handle yourself, but don't tell me that the best place for Kenny is Cobra Kai."

He walked off and Scarlett sighed. 

"What was that about?" Tory questioned. 

"He wants me to leave Cobra Kai."

"What?" Tory questioned. Scarlett nodded, "Well... maybe you should. What are you doing about the whole Silver cheating thing?"

"I don't know yet. I'm still deciding," Scarlett responded. 

"I just can't believe it," Tory shook her head. 

Scarlett looked around to see where Robby went but instead found that the Miyagi-Dos and Cobra Kais arguing in a large group. She tapped her best friend and they ran over to stop it. 

"Stop!" Scarlett pushed the two sets of kids away from each other. More fuel was added to the fire as Miguel and Eli ran up. 

Eventually, they attracted the attention of a lifeguard. He blew his whistle loudly, "Stop it. All of you. Or you're all getting kicked out." He walked off and Scarlett sighed. 

"Okay, clearly we can't coexist in peace, so let's find a solution," Miguel stated. 

"We can't fight. What are we supposed to do?" Mitch questioned. 

"We need to go," Robby said. 

"No," Scarlett and Tory chorused. 

"How about a race?" Bert offered. They all looked at the waterslide above their heads. 

Eli stepped forward, "Yeah, I'll go."

Scarlett chuckled, "So will I."

"Alright. Champ versus champ," Kyler whooped. 

"Whoever wins gets the park," Tory spoke. 

"Deal. But you won't win," Eli responded. The two groups walked their separate ways. 

Kyler stood at the end of the slide and gave a small speech, "Are you all ready for this?" the crowd of dojo students cheered, "This is to decide the champion of all champions."

Scarlett was handed a float and got in on her half of the slide. 

"Three, two, one. Let's go!"

Scarlett pushed off and shot off into the slide. Water rushed past her as she sped through and came out the other side. When she noticed that she was first, she cheered. 

Eli came out a moment later, "What the hell? You guys cheated. There was a hole in my tube!"

"Cheaters!" The Miyagi-Dos cheered. Scarlett frowned and got out of the pool. As she was drying off, Eli walked toward Kenny and engaged in a fight. Miguel and Robby tried to stop it but the lifeguard came back. 

"Everyone get out of the park immediately. I mean it. Everybody out now."

The crowd dispersed and Scarlett exited along with Tory and Robby. 

"This really sucks. I can't believe they kicked us out," Tory stated. 

"This is exactly what happens when Cobra Kai's involved. Everybody loses," Robby told Scarlett. 

Scarlett stopped, "Are you trying to blame me? I was trying to stop a fight, not start one."

"I know you won the tournament and everything's good for you, but by defending them, you're part of the problem," Robby responded. Tory looked between the two as they argued. 

"I was just hoping we could have a fun drama free day together, but I guess that's impossible."

"It's only impossible if you're still in Cobra Kai. And so is staying with me."

Scarlett chuckled bitterly, "Really? If I don't leave Cobra Kai, you're gonna break up with me? Is that what you're saying?" Robby shrugged, "I'm a big girl Robby, I don't need you to tell me what's good for me. I can make my own tough decisions and I certainly don't need any help from you. So if that's how it's supposed to be then boo -fucking- hoo," she sneered angrily. 

"Well then I guess that's it. You and Kenny and everyone else can stay brainwashed. I'm done trying to help," Robby responded. He then walked off and Scarlett sighed. 

"Did you guys just..." Tory stated. 

"Break up. Seems so," Scarlett nodded.

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