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SINCE Scarlett and Robby broke up, she was completely pissed. She was pissed over the fact that he thought he could control her. She was pissed over the fact that her family wouldn't even contact her. She was pissed that she had unintentionally cheated during the tournament. And she was pissed because Silver didn't seem to care. 

She was well aware that her grandmother was worried about her considering she had spent the entire weekend in her room, without talking to anyone. However, at this point, her anger was too much for her to talk to someone calmly. 

Her fists continued to drive into the sparring dummy at a rapid pace as her thoughts spiralled deeper into anger. She only became aware of something behind her as the entire class quietened. She turned and saw Stingray behind her. 

"There he is," Silver smiled from the other side of the classroom, "The man himself," he directed the students, "Joon-bee stance. An exemplar of everything Cobra Kai stands for. Loyalty. Discipline. Inner strength. After former Sensei Kreese's cowardly attack, most people would have crawled into a hole to hide. Not Stingray. He stood tall. Demanded justice. That's Cobra Kai. So let's give him the welcome he deserves."

The class started to clap. Scarlett and Tory glanced at each other because they knew the truth. 

"Nichols, LaRusso, take over the class. I need a word with my guy here," Silver stated. Scarlett nodded and walked past them. 

She wondered what luxuries Silver paid Stingray off with to lie to the cops about his assault. 

The two men eventually exited the building and Tory looked at Scarlett, "What do you think they're talking about?"

"How Stingray was paid off, obviously," Scarlett grumbled, "He loves to pay off people, doesn't he?" She directed the class on moves as Tory walked around correcting mistakes. 

That evening, after training was done, Scarlett drove her and Tory to the prison. They were going to be meeting with Kreese, to talk about Silver. He had called Tory up one morning telling her about what Silver had done to him. Sh told Scarlett and they arranged to see him. Scarlett didn't necessarily trust Kreese. But she trusted him more than she trusted Silver at the moment. 

As they pulled up, Tory turned to her, "Do you really want to do this?"

"What choice do I have?" Scarlett asked, eyes wide, "This man is ruining my life right now. I don't talk to my parents or my siblings. I broke up with my boyfriend because of this asshole and his dojo. And honestly, I feel like a liar because I cheated in the tournament."

She slumped in her seat, completely defeated, "Kreese knows Silver. He knows his M.O. The only way we can possibly even try to take him down, is with Kreese."

Tory nodded, "Okay, let's go in."

They exited the car and walked up to the building. They signed in as Kreese's granddaughters using fake names and were given visitors badges. 

The two girls sat at a table aa they waited for him to be escorted out. As he saw them he smirked, "What brings you here?"

"We need help," Tory responded. 

"And why might that be?"

"Everything was supposed to be better after the tournament. But it's only getting worse. I'm becoming someone I don't want to be. Someone I was raised not to be. I'm hiding the truth from people I care about. I'm lying to someone I fear. We're delivering anonymous notes to my father that could put him in danger," Scarlett stated. 

"There must be another way. Or at least someone else out there who wants to be in this fight," Tory shook her head, "Just tell us there's an endgame to this. I need to know that it's not all for nothing."

"There is an endgame, kids. Silver's going down. Only he doesn't know it yet."

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