Chapter Three: Moving Day

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So here we are, moving day. Everything happened so fast, I swear I caught my father cheating just yesterday. Well besides that the moving truck was outside. I never realized how much shit I had until I was bringing out the boxes and loading them into the truck. I barely noticed that my mom got a smaller truck. She refused to take certain furniture that was settled in their agreement. She wanted to start completely fresh. I had to part ways with my car sadly. Although I didn't mind the idea, the only thing that had me attached to that car were memories. The late-night food runs with Natalie, blasting music, and watching the sunrise with our group of friends. Who knows maybe a new start is good? who am I kidding I can't socialize for shit. How am I possibly going to make friends? Once I was finally done packing my belongings I helped my mom with her boxes. It only irritates me walking inside to grab her boxes because I saw my father crying. He's the last person that should be crying if he's the reason why this is happening. If he was so happy in the marriage he wouldn't have cheated on her, right? Again as I said before fuck all men. After an hour we were done packing and making sure we had everything. Honestly, it wouldn't have even mattered if we left anything behind. I don't want any belongings that had any sort of relationship with these people. As I started walking towards the truck's passenger seat, my mom gave my dad the keys and she made her way to the driver side. We both made sure for the final time that we had everything and we were off. I looked out the window and saw my father fall to his knees. He buried his face into his hands and he knew what he did. He's now feeling the pain that he gave to my mother that night. I put my phone on do not disturb. After all, I didn't want to talk to anyone at all. I knew I was gonna cry at the fact that I was leaving so many people behind. My mom pulled into Tim Hortons and got us both something to eat, then said "savor it" after giving me the food. I tilted my head and looked at her but I didn't say anything. It was also way too early for me to think so I ignored it.
~ 3 hours later ~
After sleeping for about three hours it was already 1 p.m. I looked out the window trying to figure out where we were since we were still on the road after three hours of driving I assume just to see a sign that says welcome to Seattle, Washington. Excuse me what? Did I go from being a Canadian to be an American? I mean that's a new one. So I turned over to look at my mom thinking of how exactly to word the sentence that is about to come out of my mouth.
"Uh, mom? Where are we going? I fell asleep we were in Vancouver BC I wake up and we are in fucking Seattle??" I rub my eyes and shake my head "am I dreaming??"
She just laughs "my beautiful daughter if we're starting somewhere new we are getting as far as possible from that disaster I promise you will love it there".
I hope she's right about the loving it there part.. honestly the whole idea of moving makes me extremely nauseous having to start new and talking to people with the fear of them not liking me or thinking I'm weird, I'm not your typical outgoing social kid I am your little quiet in the shadows girl; being out in the open not my thing.
"So where is our final destination, may I ask?"
"You'll see" my mom smiles at me and I can tell she's not hurting anymore from the pain my dad caused her.
I'm trusting my mother's word because I know for a fact she wouldn't take me somewhere she knew I wouldn't like and I know she isn't moving me far from home on purpose. She's doing this for the sake of both of us. I decided to go on my phone once I reach the four-hour mark on the road and I saw some messages from my dad and some messages from Natalie. I answered my best friend first she was pretty much talking about how she already missed me so I told her I missed her too and I decided to check what my dad had to say he wrote a long paragraph begging for us to turn around I just replied to him fuck off and blocked his number, I also took my mom's phone and blocked him on there too. I went on Snapchat and saw my friends post a bunch of memories with me and they wished me a safe trip. They're honestly so sweet I wish I was able to hang out with Sadie a bit more, she's a friend I made recently in college. Honestly, I feel like if she and I had more in common I probably would've had a bond with her like the one I have with Natalie but she's more of a hard-core stoner and drug addict but she's extremely chill to hang out with and she always has the munchies so gas station runs and late-night McDonald's runs are a go with her. It's starting to feel like we were on the road for hours and my mom wouldn't budge on telling me where we were moving to either. She had the GPS on her phone set up and it was connected to her earpiece which here's the funny thing she bought it specifically for this road trip. I have no idea why but whatever I guess.
~ Two hours later ~
My mom finally pulled off at an exit to get some food for us and stretch our legs. We've been on the road for about five hours now and I have no idea how much longer we're going to be on the road, my mom refuses to tell me no matter how much I beg and annoy her. We got Taco Bell and we were off again, I think we were in Medford, Oregon? I'm not exactly sure since I haven't been paying attention but I'm pretty sure that was the last sign I saw. I've kind of been daydreaming since there isn't much to do since my phone has been cutting in and out of service the whole ride. I started watching the sun go down slowly as we were making our way south.
Jocelyn's mother drove for another few hours until she could find a hotel that had a room available for them to stay the night. She wanted to leave pretty early, around 5 AM so she decided to find a resting spot around 9 PM. After driving around for a few more minutes she found a hotel that had rooms available. She parked the van and they went to the front desk to get a room. They got their keys and headed to the hotel room grabbing some clothes to sleep in and an outfit for tomorrow morning. Her mother went to shower first since she had to get as much sleep as she could. During that time Jocelyn was on her phone texting some of her friends letting them know where she was and how the trip was going. After about 15 to 20 minutes her mom finished and decided to finish the food she ordered and Jocelyn went to shower just so that when she was done she could eat and also go to bed. She had a long day tomorrow since she and her mom were aiming to reach their final destination by tomorrow night. Finally, Jocelyn headed off to bed and her mind was fully awake preparing a dream for her which turned out to be a partial reality.
~ Dream ~
In sunny California where the grass was greener and the sun tickled your skin as soon as you walked out the door, the place where most people moved to become big in the social media world. What a pretty place if you ask me but you can't exactly trust people here, you feel more alone than anything you don't know who wants to be your friend or use you for your money and your fame. But I'm not famous so I don't have to worry about that and I could enjoy the warm sandy beaches and cold water between my toes and not worry about being swarmed by fans just trying to live my daily life, the camera is never in my face but I guess I could keep an eye out for any famous people. I hung out by the beach one day and noticed a tall, fit built individual standing along the boardwalk, he's wearing black jeans, a chain that was hooked on to the belt loops and an oversized hoodie with his hood on he also had a mask not sure why cause it's hot as hell out. I wasn't much different though but I grew up around cover-up you're going to distract the boys so I was always wearing baggy clothes and covering up as much as I could. The tall figure on the other hand I'm not sure why he was covering up so much I don't wanna approach him because he's a stranger and for starters looks a little bit suspicious you look around you and see everyone wearing colorful clothing then the shadow figure there I think he noticed me staring at him... I walked up to him. Hey, I'm new around here and was wondering if you could recommend a nice place to have lunch at. I got no answer, he looked down at me with his hands in the pockets of his jeans. I felt chills run down my spine as his dark brown eyes felt like they pierced my soul as he walked away brushing past me. A cold heartless feeling came over me.
~Falls asleep end of dream~
Around 4:30 The alarm clock goes off, both Jocelyn and her mother wake up and start picking up their things. Both use the bathroom to brush their teeth and hair. They make sure they aren't forgetting anything and head off to the truck. They went to McDonald's and got a breakfast meal. They had about another 12 hours until they should reach San Diego by 4 to 5 PM. Jocelyn asked her mom for a hint on where their final location was. Her mom shrugged and said "I'm paying attention to the road. I'll answer questions later". There was no use her mom was never going to tell her the final destination until they got there. So Jocelyn just went back to sleep, the sun has barely risen and it was still pretty dark for the most part. Her mom was happy about leaving at this time. They were going to catch absolutely no traffic and be able to make a great time. After about three hours of being on the road they reached Sacramento. The sun was already coming up and the streets were a little bit busy. Jocelyn woke up and looked around "finally civilization" not endless miles of the road. She looked around to see if she could figure out where they were but then gave up. She checked her phone only to see that they were in Sacramento California. What a pretty place, but I guess they weren't stopping here. Then they got back on the highway. Her mom asked her if she was hungry she told her mom no. They continued on the highway for a few more hours Jocelyn was getting pretty impatient and asked her mom "are we there yet?" Her mom said "just a couple more hours". Jocelyn was getting pretty bored of staring out the window, so she finally decided to go on her phone. First checking social media, wondering what exactly she has missed in the past hours she's been M.I.A. Which honestly wasn't much she wasn't too crazy about following people's business online anyways. She scrolled through TikTok for a bit then decided to go on Netflix to finish watching money heist.
~ Jocelyn's pov ~
It feels like I've been on this road trip forever, not knowing when the end is. I'm starting to question if my mom is just taking me around the US and there's no end location. I watched money heist for about four hours. I snapped my best friend Natalie every time I was in somewhere new. She started freaking out when she found out I was already in California. She kept joking around about how I was going to become famous living in California and how I would never talk to her again. Which is complete bullshit, she knows I'm an introvert. This whole new start feels like a life in prison sentence to me. Okay, maybe I overreacted it's not that bad.
~ End of Pov ~
So finally the road trip was over, the last four hours went by extremely fast. Jocelyn noticed a sign that said Welcome to San Diego. Her mom looked over to her and told her "welcome to your new home". Jocelyn pulled out her phone, took a photo of the sign and posted it on her story "new home?" Instantly Natalie views her story and snapback "Bestie living in the same city as her celebrity crush there you gooooooo". She starts laughing and shakes her head, there was some positive in her moving so far from home. She can physically say that she lives in the same city well closer to her celebrity crush. That doesn't mean much, since no one knows what he looks like. You could probably walk past him in public and not even know it was him. She thought about the dream she had last night, she remembered it vividly. Was it a sign? Was it just a coincidence? Or did the fangirl inside of her want to get her hopes up? I guess that's a mystery that remains unsolved. After driving around for around 10 to 15 minutes, they finally pulled into the driveway of their new home.
~ Jocelyn's POV ~
It was around five in the afternoon when we got here, I got out of the truck and stood in front of the house. It was a two-story house, honestly.. looked way too big for just two people to live in. It was bigger than the house at home in Vancouver. I asked my mom for the keys so that I could explore inside. I left my mom unpacking the truck. It was a high ceiling home that had a large backyard. So I decided to investigate, there was a fully functioning pool that just needed to be cleaned. I mean not too, but I think I might explore the beaches. On days that I just wanna stay at home and refresh the pool would come in handy. I finally went upstairs and checked out the rooms. We had an extra room for if we had guests. After snooping around I decided to go help my mom bring stuff inside. We left most of the furniture in the living room of the house. Then I started bringing my boxes up to my room. My mom blew up the air mattress for both of us to sleep on for the night. She mentioned to me that if she wasn't home when I woke up it was because she went to pick up her car, and she was going to go do some shopping for furniture. I only nodded and went on my phone. I had to start looking into getting a new car, and being a college student I don't necessarily have much money to my name. I didn't want my mom to just go buy me a car because I am independent like that.

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