Chapter Twenty Nine: I still don't forgive you

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She had cried for about 10 minutes and I still have not broken my silence. It's been months since I've ever spoken to her and I have no intentions of reconnecting. Has she hit rock bottom for the millionth time.

"it's your brother, he's cheating on me. He doesn't know that I know. I'm carrying his kid and I'm supposed to get married to him."
"Do you not care or at least have some sort of sympathy for me?"
"Wow, I'm honestly so happy that we did not stay as friends. You're still the same selfish person you were. Did all the fame get to your head?"

I just closed my eyes and sighed. I seriously did not know what else to tell this girl. She was the selfish one and always was. She was never happy for any of my life accomplishments. Now all of a sudden her so-called accomplishments are going to shit and she needs someone to cry too.

"nothing got to my fucking head. I'm just tired of constantly having to be there for you. You never give a fuck about anything I had going on everything just had to be about you. You always needed the spotlight. The only reason why you're reaching out to me now is because of my gain in popularity within the past few weeks. Please tell me I'm wrong."

"you are wrong. I thought we were grown and were able to move past our issues."

"our issues? We do not have no fucking issues. you were the issue. I just sat there and dealt with it."

"come on Jocelyn.. we were supposed to be Besties for life"

"i'm not gonna sit here and try to reason with you because you're fucking pregnant with my brothers kid. If you want you can go talk to my mom who also fucking abandoned me."

Just like that, I left the coffee shop. The tapping of her shoes followed me down the street. I put my AirPods into my ears so I could ignore her and circled around the block until she finally gave up.

"why do you have to be such a shitty friend, what if I wanted to reconcile with you."

"You can kiss every thought or memory goodbye. I'm happy with my life right now without you in it."

" i'm sorry Jocelyn how many fucking times do I have to tell you! Why are you so stubborn?! I get it I made a fucking mistake I made many fucking mistakes but seriously I need someone right now.."

I stopped in my tracks as she broke down crying. I turned to see she was about three houses down the street. Part of me wanted to know what exactly she wanted but another part of me didn't wanna believe her full story. I swallowed my ego and pushed myself to question her.

"What do you want? Don't take this question as a reconsideration of being friends because that is not the case. I'm only questioning you because you're very far along in your pregnancy and you're drawing a lot of attention to yourself by crying in the middle of a quiet neighborhood.

I already started to regret my decision and made my way over to her. She just kept crying and crying. So I sat on the sidewalk in front of her and waited.

"My parents kicked me out when they found out I was pregnant. I've been living in a cheap apartment that I could barely afford the bills for out here. Your brother doesn't help me with anything and he steals money from me. I'm not able to work anymore and I don't have anything prepared for when the baby comes.."

"So do you need money? A babysitter? Be more specific."

"I need pretty much everything for the kid to at least be comfortable. I am able to afford my rent for the next few months so you don't have to worry about that.

"Fuck me... Fine, I'll give you the money you need to buy the necessary things. Anything extra is your own money. If I give you this money you have to promise me you're not gonna harass me or anyone in my life ever again."

"Deal.. but I just wanted to say I miss you a lot."

"Save it. If you need any more help you can go to my mother I'm sure she would adore helping you."

I went with her to the bank and I pulled out $1000.

"Is this enough?"


"So we're done here?"

I wait for a response or at least a head nod. She nods her head, takes the money from my hand and then gives me a hug and doesn't let go. I patted her back to at least give some sort of gesture back in return. Then I stepped away from her.

"You have no idea how much this means to me. I'll mention to my baby about you.."

I nod then continue with my day. I didn't hear from her again.

After about an hour I made my way home. Than the one thing I dreaded came to be. I was leaving tomorrow and I had to start packing. I sat infront of the closet with all my things and a suitcase by my side.

"i'm not sure if I want to leave anymore"

"You promised them"

He sat down next to me and called Rae.

"Chat with her, she had a feeling that you would have second thoughts."

Rae always knew me a bit too well. It scared me how well she knew me. But I appreciated her.

"hey love I'm currently driving so I can't really talk too much but if you really don't wanna go, you don't have to. I hope you know that."

"I feel as if I'm letting you down. You knew how excited I was to go with you guys. I don't wanna make it seem like all of a sudden I am backing down because of a guy."

"We would've been mad if it was a guy that treat you like shit, but as you can see the one you're risking things for has done nothing but be good to you."

"so what should I do?"

It was silent between both of them, and then finally he spoke.

"You should go with them. I'll book flights ever so often to go see you guys."

"the girls, and I have found a big enough place that we have a guestroom for him if he ever comes by. Unless you're okay with him staying with you?" Rae chimes in giggling.

"depending on how things go with him, he can stay with me."

"Well, then it's settled. Are you ready to leave tomorrow?


I decided to get back to packing, and we spent our last night together watching a movie. I tried everything I could to stay awake. before I knew it, I was out like a light at 2:30 in the morning.

The next morning went by slow. My suitcases were in the car. The last thing I needed to do was double check if I had everything, at least from what I wanted to take with me as of right now. I was unable to take Ryder to the new place so he had to stay here. Within the past few weeks, he grew attachment to my Faceless Romantic. I said my last goodbyes to my little fur baby and got into the car with him.

Finally, we arrived at the airport. I couldn't really do the cute loving goodbye that you see in the movies. But I gave him one last hug and a kiss. I wish I was able to hold onto it forever. I made my way to security, and I watched him stand there on the other side of the line. He wore a all black fit and reminded me of the same image I saw months ago. The déjà vu dream I had at the beach with that dark figure standing in the distance. but this time it was at the airport. As I made my way closer, his face started to fade away in the crowd. I was no longer able to see him.

"Goodbye birdie <3 until we meet again my love"

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