Chapter twenty seven: Breaking the news

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With no intentions of being such major aspects in each others lives, they couldn't control reality. They weren't 100% sure why they met each other the time that they did. It doesn't take a genius to realize what is truly good for them. Although they were toxic at first. It didn't take long for them to realize how much they truly needed each other.
Time was running short for these lovebirds. The days were counting down quickly. Nothing Randall could say or do you was stopping her this time. Her plane ticket sat on the counter in the same spot every day. One day Randall was going to have to face the day he wakes up and it's no longer there.

"are you okay you've been quiet lately" Jocelyn questioned him.
"I'm fine-" he replied back in a raspy tone.
She wasn't buying his lies one bit. He wasn't planning on sitting there telling her that he didn't want her to leave.

"it's obvious that-" she got cut off by the bedroom door being slammed then she started to reconsider going to New York.

They both kept their distance from each other for the rest of the evening. All that was present was an eerie silence. Some picture it as the silence you hear within the neighbourhood of an abandoned property. The ones where the winds clash violently against the branches and leaves.

It didn't take long for Rae to be brought into the picture.

~ phone call ~
Jocelyn: "hey Rae I know I haven't talk to you in a couple months I just wanted to know how you were doing"
Rae: "i'm doing great hun thanks for asking"
J: "well that's good, I think you have already heard what's happening?"
R: " you living with corpse? Yeah he told me and he told me that you were in a coma for a couple months. I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope our trip to New York is still on the table?"
J: "I thought we were staying there for a couple of months?"
R: "well we are, but the place that we were planning on buying already got sold. So we would have to look for a new place and who knows how long that would be."
J: "fuck.. and that place would've been perfect for us"
R: "well Emma looked at the place and it was nothing like the photos"
J: "Great so now what do we do.. I don't wanna be there for too long without a place to stay. at least a permanent place."
R: "I honestly thought you wanted to get away from here? What made you change your mind."
J: "did he not tell you?"
R: "Who corpse? No he hadn't told me anything... Is there something I should know?"
J: "I honestly thought he would've told you since you guys are so close."
R: " I know me and him are best friends, but we haven't been close these past few months. ever since you fell into a coma he stopped speaking to us. I know it wasn't your fault but he was really worried about you. He started speaking to us again once you regained consciousness and weren't freaking out."
J: "oh.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to pull him away from you guys."
R: " please don't apologize, it was an understandable situation. But wait are you pregnant?!l has he been hiding this for me? How many weeks are you? Do you guys have a name yet? do you guys know the gender?"
R: "I was about to say damn first you make corpse want to be around people and be more open with us. now you have him becoming a father?"
J: "girl noooo but he did ask me to be his girlfriend."
R: " i'm sorry what?"
J: "Yeah he asked me last night and I told him I was moving.."
R: "Girl this is huge for you! Isn't that what you wanted?"
J: "he's been really unhappy since I told him I was leaving with you guys"
R: "you know long distance is a thing right? And he's probably one of the best people to do it with"
J: "I will miss him too much I wouldn't be able to, But I have to get going I'll talk to you later"

After laying in bed moments after that phone call she wasn't sure what to do next. What if she was capable of doing long-distance. What would people think? Would they be supportive? Would there be high tension of either or cheating on each other? She was so conscious of herself and knew for a fact that he could get anyone he really wanted. What made her so different?

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