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(((( y/n- your name
L/n- last name
Ill try and use they/them pronouns but I'm used to writing x female readers so I'll most likely slip up on that, so my bad in advance!! Any suggestions just lmk!!))

You sighed as you watched Robin and Lewis leave the farm. Today was your first day. To be honest, you were glad to be here, just sleepy from the long bus ride.

Stepping into the small abode, you saw a box full of parsnip seeds. "I'll plant them tomorrow..." You stated for yourself.
Setting out all your luggage you noticed how dark it had gotten.
"Lewis did suggest i should meet the residents at some point. I'll also do that tomorrow." You mentally wrote down that in your head.
I mean so far, Robin and Lewis are pretty nice so I'm sure the people are too.


You smiled to yourself. Feeling proud.
You sat the water can on your front porch and headed to the town, its around lunch so its prime time to talk to people.

Walking on the stone path, you see a few cozy looking buildings.
Seeing a trio of women talking, you decided to walk up to them.

"Hi I'm y/n, i just moved in." You smiled. They all did back.
"Hi! I'm Caroline, my husband runs that shop right there." The woman with green hair spoke kindly.
"I'm Jodi. i didnt expect a farmer to look so young hahaha." She chuckled making you sheepishly grin. She had light brown hair with tired eyes that were different from her tone.
"I'm Emily! If you ever need a drink. i work at the saloon." she beamed, she had bright blue short hair. Her energy is what you wished people had.

You waved at the ladies before continuing on..
You met alot of people. From the beach to the mountains. You were also trying hard to be good friends with Linus. He's a sweetheart.

Walking towards a forest area your eyes caught something green, as well as a loud thud. You missed that sound actually.
Seeing a blonde guy do a kick flip made you wide eyed.
There was a little boy with pinkish red hair watching him with a smile, asking for more tricks.

"Now this is a ollie!" The blonde tried doing so, but as he tried to lift the front tail, his back foot slipped causing him to fall.
"Are you alright?" You asked fast walking up to him. He peeked up, curious at the new voice.

"Hahaha. Yeah!" you helped him up. "I'm Sam by the way. You're the new farmer, Right?" He asked with a sluggish smile. You nodded. "Yep! I'm y/n." the little boy peeked around Sam. "thats Vincent my little brother." Sam stated as the little boy smiled, trying to get on sams board.

"I'm Guessing you skate?" You asked with a chuckle. The man nodded. "Of course! Ever since i played skate games!" He stated with a bright smile, your heart skipped a beat but you didnt notice.

"What about you?" He asked, keeping a carful eye on Vincent.
You nodded. "Before i got tangled into a capitalist job system, I used to all the time." You stated with bright eyes. Sam grinned. "Can i see you do a trick?" he asked, your face ran pink. You slowly nodded.

He had Vincent run off. Handing you the board. Placing your feet on the grip, you pivoted.
Gaining speed Sam watched with wide eyes as you easily turned harshly, earning a loud creek sound to the board.
He grinned, finding you kick ass.

"Dude!!! That was epic!" You laughed. "Right!!!" You looked at your watch. "Ah shoot... I was supposed to get something to eat.." You huffed. Sam rasied a brow.
"Your welcome to stay for dinner." he suggested.

"Wait really? I couldn't.." You stated, embarrassed. he nodded.
You handed him his board as the two of you walked into the house.
You saw Jodi and waved. "welcome in!" she smiled softly, going back to cooking.

Sam and you sat at the table, you were glad Sam is a talker but so are you. Then again you had food in your mouth most of the dinner.

The family and you talked about small things before it was time to go.
"It was nice meeting you all! Thank you for the meal!" You stated to them before leaving. "Y/n! Let's hang out on Friday!" Sam yelled. You turned back to him and gave a smile thumbs up before leaving.

'He's cute... And his mom makes good food.'

You couldn't help but think about today. Got a fishing pole today, met two amazingly over positive people as well. And one of them being really cute.
There was obviously some people you have yet to meet. Like Carolines daughter Abigail, and Robin's son Sebastian.
Plus whoever's in that tower.

Opening up your phone you see a few texts from your old coworkers, saying they miss you. But you also got a text from another old coworker. Your once good mood was sour.

"Hey babe. I was wondering why you left a few days ago. please answer me. I desperately miss my angel." .
You gagged at the message.

"Creepy ass needs to leave me alone." You turn off your phone and roll into bed. Ready to face tomorrow. Maybe you could talk to sam again.

wave riders { Sam x reader} stardew valleyWhere stories live. Discover now