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(Also- Sam would fr wear hello kitty PJs. Ong, also Y/N lore )

Take yourself back a few years... To your highschool years! Yippie!

Your soical life was great, as in you just had a small circle of friends but were cool with majority of people.

You met a guy named Gene.
Honestly.. It took you a while to like him. But once you did... It felt like you were enchanted to him as he was to you.

Tall and dark headed... He wasnt popular nor was he a complete weirdo or perv. He was normal, and you didnt mind that.

He liked video games, driving around, and all around a vibe... But that soon came to a hault at the end of highschool.

Gene had a shift in his... Life.
You still dont know really what it was...
Regardless, he began to acting... Needy, too lusty, obsessive...

The amount of times you had caught him making sure you were home when you said you were, going with you everywhere..
He would even start shit with anyone who did anything out of line towards you.
At first you found it sweet, yet as time went on, you wanted privacy and some space.

"You what?" His dark chocolate eyes glanced to you. You repeated yourself. "Im not breaking up with you, just some personal space is all i ask." You stated, soon regretting that as he glared at you.

He grabbed your jaw, backing you into a corner. "My love, nothing will ever separate us. Not even you have that power." he stated in a sickening sweet tone that paralyzed you.

"Good girl." He then let go. Backing off.
You were like a sheep towards the end of that relationship. You agreed to awful things, took the hits, blames, bullshit... then you snapped out of it as graduation hit.

You had broken up with him right after graduation. Leaving with your parents right after.

You had been stalked for years after, he worked at Joja because you worked there, trying to hit you up, claim you again. His words not yours.
You were mere eye candy to him. A look.

So you quit your job to make a new life. Hell, you even thought about changing your name. When you met Grace and Blake, they kept him away.

That was until a week before you left for the Valley. He had Harassed Grace multiple times and tried to fight with Blake all the time for no damn reason.

"So seeing that familiar face in those photos... Scared me, honestly." You said to Sam who just looked bewildered.
"Im sorry if i jumbled-" he shook his head with a small smile.

"Its okay! Im glad you told me." he paused. He soon grabbed his blanket, wrapping it around you.

"For now, lets not worry about whats going on outside for a second.." He dug for his remote within the mountain of flat pillows to find it.

"How about a movie?" he suggested, giving you his signature cheesy smile.
You nodded, grateful for the small distraction from reality.

He sat down a huge bin of CDs, VHS tapes, and for music, cassette tapes. You hummed.

"Oh! I haven't seen this in forever!" You held up the White chicks CD. He chuckled. "Its in the Forest gump case. Shrek is in that one." He chuckled, making you roll you eyes.

He turned off the lights except for a small lamp in his room. Flopping down on the bed, he made sure there was a comfortable distance. He didnt want to overwhelm you with any physical comfort.

After 40 minutes or so, you heard soft snores. Looking to sam, you chuckled. Seeing the man just knocked out.
You tried your hardest to pop him off the wall to lay down correctly without him waking up.

But... That failed.
As you were about to back off of him, his eyes opening slowly. His bright blue eyes looking at you with a tired look.

"Ah.. S..sorry-" you watched as his hands pulled the sides of your blanket down, making you flop next to him. He soon got comfortable as well and just yawned.

"Nighty night y/n." He said with a lower toned voice, making you feel... Warm. You couldn't stop the smile that was on your face.
The movie continued as the two of you were fast asleep.


"Did you kick me last night... Cuz man..." Sam popped his back, a loud pop coming from it, making you hold back a laugh.

"thats why my cat doesn't sleep on my bed. First night i had him, i kicked him across the cabin by accident..." You said with a sheepish look, sam giving you a blank expression.

"Im not the one who is thinking it... But ill say it." he looked directly at you.

"I think that's called animal cruelty y/n." He said with a long stare. You rolled your eyes as he began to laugh.

You pinched his ear, "this is animal cruelty." you stated as he winced, trying to shrug your hand away.

"Vincent! Penny is here! Be back in a few hours for the dance okay!?" Jodi yelled from the kitchen, reminding you.

"OH YEAH! Hey sorry to cut our super cool kid sleep over." You paused, making sure he was wearing the hello kitty pants, "but i have to see if Emily finished my outfit." You said getting up. Sam nodded, "so your going?" He asked, seeing you nod. He watched as you talked but he was too busy to ask you something important...

"Bye Jodi! Cant wait to try your stew at the festival!" You yelled from the front door.

"Bye sam! See you in a little bit!" You said, snapping the man out of his internal monologue.

"Yeah uh you uh- sure!" He nervously spoke as you left. Jodi chuckled, making Sam jump.

"Strike while the iron is still hot kiddo." She spoke to her son as he just stood still for a second. He groaned.

"Dont make it weird mom!" He huffed with pink cheeks, but looked to her directly.

"Am i that obvious?" He asked, tilting his head a bit.

Jodi chuckled, "yep. Even Vincent hides things better. And hes only 6." He rolled his eyes as he walked to his room, soon getting dressed.

wave riders { Sam x reader} stardew valleyWhere stories live. Discover now