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Knocking on Sam's bedroom door, it opened. "Hey, wassup?" He asked. You grinned. "So i got you something." You dug through the small backpack you had. He sat on his bed as you stood by him.

Pulling out the green fruit with the flower, you watched as his eyes sparkled with joy. "I herd from a little birdie you love these."

"I love cactus fruit! How did you even..." He looked up to you as you smiled. "Thats a secret " you chuckled as he just shrugged.
You noticed all the musical equipment.

"You have a band?" You asked. "Oh yeah. Me and Sebastian work hard on it."
You awed. "I learn more and more about the people here..." You stated in a whisper.

The bedroom door than opened, showing Sebastian with a keyboard.
"Hey sam." The dark haired man stated. "Yo."

He turned to see you. "Hey y/n." You waved.

"Did you ask Abigail about being our drummer?" Sam asked. Seb nodded. "She said sure. Shell be here tomorrow."

"We now gotta figure out the genre of music..." Sam hummed, feeling conflicted. You sat on the green carpet.

"Do punk rock. Ya know... Um like three days grace or pierce the vail. Maybe?" You suggested. the two guys shared a look before looking to you.

"Y/n. Your a god send..." Sam smiled to you. "Its a great idea!" You chuckled.

"Alright! Let's practice!"
You listened in.
It was interesting. And relaxing. Even Sam's voice was level with his guitar playing. Soothing.

You couldn't help but stare in amazement at his voice. The guy can definitely sing.
The two were enjoying themselves.

You smiled as Sam looked at you with a small smile as he sang. After a little the two finished, you clapped. "That was amazing!" You awed. The two bowed.

"Imma head out. Abigail wanted to hang out with me." Seb stated. You and sam waved as he left.

He looked to you. "Wanna go do something?" He asked. You nodded.
"I got a place. Its really pretty but you can't leave my eye sight." You stated. He rasied a brow. "Sure mom." You lightly hit his arm.

"What was that for??" He asked with a fake pout. You laughed. "your the type of person who would say mommy unironically." You saw his face flush pink.
He soon chuckled as the two of you headed out.

"I mean your not wrong." you turned quickly to him. "Sam." He hummed.

You let out a small laugh. "your great." "calling people mommy un ironically. Or me in general?" He asked confused. "Both."

Entering the dark woods he looked around with a sparkle in his eyes.
But soon as he saw a small green blob pop out he grabbed your arm putting you behind him.

"Sam-" "i got this." His face was still and serious. You watched closely.
The slime grew closer, rushing at sam. Sam tried to step onto the creature who dodged him.
You pulled out the rusty sword, moving around sam.

Slicing it, you turned to see sam watching closely. "You have a sword?" He asked. You nodded.
"Ya. I went to the mines yesterday. And a guild leader gave me one." Sam gave you a proud yet concerned look.

"Be careful when you go down there!" He softly scolded. "Pffftt. Okay "dad"." You joked. He busted out laughing.

Sitting on a fallen pillar, you two relaxed.
The silence was comfortable. "Seb would love this place. Shady and cold." Sam stated. you nodded. "He probably would. But who knows. It's better when your here with someone." You stated.

sam looked to You as your eyes were closed and relaxed. Something about how soft your hair was as well as your relaxed state made him feel... Warm. He looked down at the grass under his shoes. This moment was too good for him. His mind wandered into a odd place it hasnt touched since his dad went off to war. The negative space as he called it.

"You know. I wonder about things..." He started. You peeked up to see him staring downwards. "like?" You asked.
"Small things.. But i always get the feeling my old man won't be back." He stated sadly. You gave him a curious look.

"You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want too, sam." you stated with comfort. He nodded. He looked to you in the eyes. "I'm comfortable around you, so i don't mind." He gave a sheepish smile before it turned back into a thin line.

"My dad is out in the war's front lines. He left years ago. I really hope he returns soon. I feel bad for always lying to Vincent..." He said with a lump in his throat. You put your hand on Sam's. He looked back to you. "Its gonna be alright. I believe hell make it back! A little belif goes a long way. And I'll be here along the way with you!" You said with a bright smile.

Sam was wide eyed. He was the older sibling with the burdens on his shoulder. His face felt hot.
You opened your arms out, letting him rest on your shoulders in a hug.
You could feel the silent tears. He must have been a bit stressed. After all he works really hard for his mom and brother.
You rubbed small circles in his back with one hand and the other played with his soft hair, slowly messing it up.

"Thank you y/n, i really needed that." You smiled at the man. "Of course. Anything for a friend." You stated. he was about to say something but your phone rang.
You picked it up.

Sam gave you a odd look after rubbing out the red in his eyes.

"Babe thank god you answered. How can you just leave me?! You know how much i meant to you! You can know what this means, right?"

You were silent.

"This means you'll be found one day. And I'll get back at you sugar. could be tomorrow-"

You hung up and dropped your phone onto the grass. Sam gave you a curious look.
"Everything alright?" He asked.
You shrugged.

"I hope so. Some guy i worked with in the city is a stalker ex of mine. He's... Ugh..." You cringed from the thought of him. sam grabbed your hand. giving you a comforting smile but with soft eyes.

"If he tries anything I'll make sure to kick his ass. As you said to me, I'll also be here the whole way." You gave him a squeeze, he squeezed your hand back.

"Your such a sap." you joked. he grinned. "Of course i am! how you think i get all the ladies." You wheezed. "What?" "I don't believe that."
He stood up with his hands on his hip, dramatically. "How rude! After all Ive done! Pffftt." he broke his small act by laughing, making you laugh as well.

You then stood in front of him. "Sam. Your amazing and all, but..." "But what?"
"But you definitely could pull hard with your skaterboy personality." He gasped.

"Really?" You nodded. "Oh for sure." he grinned.
the two of you walked out of the forest.
Sams arm around you as you both were trying to catch your breaths from laughing and slight running.

But as Sam walked you home, he noticed something on the back of your neck. A small purple spot. He immediately knew what that was. You were here for only a little over a week, but the bruise looks old. He looked back at to you trying to catch your breath.
He then made a mental note.

'Keep them safe.'

wave riders { Sam x reader} stardew valleyWhere stories live. Discover now