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"Thanks alot Marnie. I really appreciate this!" You smiled to the woman. "Of course sweet heart!!" You waddled out the large house, earning a giggle from jas.

Setting down the boxes of hay, you groaned. "Man, my back hurts..." You tried to pop your neck, only to make it worse.
Touching around the base of your neck you jolted at the slight discomfort.

"Oh shit..." You head inside your house and fix your small yet old bruise.
"Why is it whenever i try to use makeup it just wants to look janky?" You sighed.

You looked to your phone that laid on your bed. You haven't touched it since the other day with sam. You know Grace and Blake are blowing up everything.

You go through out the day, making bank and then the daily walk.
Running into alex, you had been tasked with some duties. Mans needed some seaweed.

The day began to slow down, the golden hour at its prime.
Hearing some laughs and giggles, you turned to see Jas and Vincent playing in the sand.

You could also see Sam sitting by them as he worked on something in a note book.
Putting down the rod, you get up and make your way over to him, confidently.

"Hey-yo!" You smiled at him. He perked up, smiling back at you. "Y/n! Wassup?"
You took a seat next to him.
"Nothing, doing a mission for Alex." you stated as you held out the seaweed. Sam laughed.

"Working on a new song?" You asked, soon seeing his face flush a light pink. He nodded while fidgeting with a pencil.
"Yeah, we are actually trying new ideas out... Oh!" His nerves seemed to immediately fade away, pulling out a folded up pamphlet, your eyes scanned it.

"Oh hell yeah!" You beamed. "And you get in for free! Manager." He nudged your arm. You laughed. "So I'd love for you to go, not j..just me either! Seb and Abigail would p..probably like you there too!" He laughed at the end. You nodded.

"Of course ill go!! Im like a secret member!" you grinned making the blonde laugh.

"Brother!! Its dark! Lets go home!"
Vincent yelled. Jas nodding with him.

"Alright alright!"
Before the two of you got up, sam took a glance towards you. Your eyes that matched your pallet, the way your hair was messy but styled.
Your eyes caught with his.

You gave him a small smile, making him smile back.

"Alright! I get it! Lets go!" Sam ordered while chasing the two.
You laughed as you began to record them.
Your laugh soon turned into a wheeze seeing Vincent and Jas latch onto his legs making him a bit off balance.

"Y/nnnnnnn!!! Pleasssseee-" he then soon fell into the sand with two laughing kids running around him.

You got up and ran to him. "Here. Its not everyday you get bullied by 7 year olds."
He rolled his eyes as he grabbed your hand.

Grabbing the buckets and shovels, you four began walking off the beach.
Dropping off Jas and Vincent, Sam walked you home.

"hey wanna come in? I have some amazing food." You smiled at the blonde. Sam looked unsure before you grabbed him.
"if your worried, takw it to-go." You gave him a sheepish smile as he just nodded.

He looked around the very tiny shack.
'I guess it fits one person.' He soon heard a soft meow. 'And a cat?' He smirked at the small action.

"Here ya go. Shrimp cocktail. Homemade secret ~!" You grinned, sam chuckled as you both dug in.

Turning on the tv, you both critized the critics on a food tv show. "i think their food looks great! Bunch of old guys dissing on good food-" "Exactly! That pasta looked amazing!!"

"I think the guy with the crop top will win." Sam placed his bet.

"Oh yeah?" You looked at him before going back to the TV.
"Im betting the old woman will win. Nothing beats traditional home cooked food." You heard a clap from sam.

"Then its a bet." He held out his hand. "Whats the wager?" you asked, making him stagger for a second. "Just playin-" he cut you off with a confident look. You felt a small amount of tension between you and him.

"How about..." he smiled. "You take me to the mines if i win." "what! No, its really dangerous!" You blurted, soon seeing a dim look to his eyes before they lit up again. 'golden retriever vibes, huh?' You smiled at the thought.

"Well too bad, and if you win..." He thought. "you will allow me to change your outfit for a week." He gasped. "Thats a high bet." He smirked. "Oh yeah? I know how important your jackets and hoodies are." You laughed at him as he dramatically cried.

"Let the best guess win. Hehe." You beamed at the excitement. Sam huffed but smiled at your determination to change his outfits.

He did feel indifferent about your reaction to going to the mines with you, he knows its dangerous but hes gone with Abigail and Seb a few times... But.. He peeked around your house, seeing a full chest full of shiny objects. a part of your wall with 3 old swords and sling shots.
He knew if he went with you, at least he could be safe but just incase you got hurt.. He would be there.

The scenario placed in his mind. A small blush ran across his face. 'No.. No. Take it like Abigail would! The experience of the mines and fighting.. Maybe?'

"Chefs. Today you all have done successfully. But there is only one who tops this competition." dramatic music built, zoom ins.. Sam and you sat, watching intensely.

"you." The judge pointed. The camera following to a middle aged man in a kimono.

You and sam groaned. "What the hell!!" "I belived in the crop top!!" You and sam began yelling at the tv, "well..?" He asked.

"Its a tie, we do both." You laughed at his paled face.

"That also means the mines!" He lit up. You then paled. "hehe clothes though!" You both began to fangirl.

"Ah shoot.." Your clock went off, signaling midnight. "I should probably go home." He stood up. you nodded.
"Let me get you off the property. Monsters kinda like it here." You laughed. He shrugged. "I should be fine, see." He flexed his arm, making you laugh. You touched his arm.

"Oooh a big strong man in my house. I feel special." You laughed at the end making him laugh as well.

You stand on your front porch, waving to the man as he slowly disappeared.
Somehow it felt... More lonely.

Going back inside you laid on your bed. The soft noise of the trees made you feel more alone. Snuggling up to your cat, you sighed.

Flashes of sam kept in your mind, making you smile and grin. Pulling the blanket closer to you, you eventually fall asleep with fake scenarios in your head.

"Lets get this on too! And then we can go to the mines, kay?"

wave riders { Sam x reader} stardew valleyWhere stories live. Discover now