
37 12 13

|| doomsnight ||

flushed cheeks
smokey winged eyes
hair down, chin up
rosy dresses brushing the floor
as their feet go
round and round
light as a feather
with an arm wrapped
around their thins waists
do you hear
their laughter harmonize?
it's a perfect night.

sunken cheeks
glistening eyes
messy hair, chin against the table
ends of my dress tangled
both feet stranded
in the same place
frozen hard as the roots
of the willow tree
swaying sorrowfully
to the slow beats
of my mourning heart
it's my doomsnight.

champagne splashed across the floor
i dance alone away from the spotlight
collecting words he had washed ashore
they're locked inside forever airtight.

je suis tellement foutu
can't he see me
crumbling to pieces
right before his eyes?
oh, right
his eyes are on another
as they glide gracefully
across the floor
where i was once
destined to be.

it'll be alright
it'll be just fine
get home before you die
he's making you die
like a slow poison
nagging its way
through your heart.

take the long way home
grieving all by myself
as the raindrops fall
like every single one of his mistakes
pouring down on me
until i drown
while he smiles.

so i walk home alone
drenched in our history
it's calm after the storm
my bed welcomes me back
hold my pillow close
as i wait for the tears to come
but they've all been
washed off by the rain.

all i want is
for this night
to take its leave
just like he did.


isn't it despairing how merely one or two words could shatter a person's heart so much that it's so hard to glue them back together?

kalopsiaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora