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|| rose ||

see these thorns?
they've been here for a long while
are they here to protect you from me or me from you?

my mind's stuck in a foggy night
the dewdrops lose their lives
as they touch my skin
but why am i the only one bleeding?

the stars wink and sparkle and pass by
the sun shines and kills my petals and passes by
days turn into night and nights turn into hell
still waiting right here
for the unknown it beholds

melancholy blinds my eyes so much that i turn blue
then i bleed so much that i turn red again
i'm feeling so exposed
so vulnerable
dare to touch me cause i'm delicate

doom looming over me
and i stand still
but my breath isn't still
feel the touch, hear the rage, swallow the pain
breathe in the curse, smell the hatred, and bloom once again
this is what I've been doing all my life

the rusty candelabra
in the corner of the room
staring into my soul
jealous of my voice
he's the only one who hears my screams

i still bloom once again
with nothing at all in my heart
just a bleeding heart


one of the pieces i wrote way back in last year *grins*

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