Chapter 24

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Running into Tanner in the gym this morning was unexpected. I thought for sure he'd sleep half the day away after last night. That's why I let him be when I went to work out this morning. He looked dead to the world lying on the couch. Of course, before I left, I checked him out. I mean... checked on him. It's the responsible thing to do, after all.

In the night, he managed to ditch his shirt and the blankets he had covering him when I went to bed. I saw every line on his muscled torso. I saw the trail of hair leading down his shorts. And I saw the massive erection he was sporting. It made me wonder what he was dreaming about. Needless to say, after I made sure he was breathing, I high-tailed it to the gym. Ya know, to work off the rush of energy I suddenly had.

When he apologized for last night and asked me to lunch today, I felt something strange in the air around us. It felt electrified. I chalked it up to my wave of energy from this morning and tried to brush it off. But I felt it again when we were at lunch.

After he said he wasn't the playboy he used to be and that he wanted something serious like Chase and Lindsey, I felt my heart go crazy. He looked so earnest when he said it. I think he actually meant it. And the way he looked at me- well, let's just say that affected me on a whole different level.

When we finish our lunch, I ask Tanner what he has planned for the rest of the day. He says he has nothing going on and asks me the same. I tell him that I'm thinking about doing some shopping and ask if he wants to come along.

Tanner laughs. "Ohhh, I get it. You want me to come carry your bags for you, huh?"

I shoot him a surprised look and continue our playful banter. "I am perfectly able to carry my own bags. I just don't want you to feel lonely in that big apartment by yourself."

He strokes his bottom lip, trying to hide his grin. "Well, it would be lonely without you."

A subtle wave of energy passes between us before he replies, "So, where to first?"


Tanner insists on carrying the lamp I picked out for my bedroom, which I am grateful for. It's not in a box, and it's awkward to carry down the streets of New York. He doesn't complain when I drag him to a clothing boutique and try on several different outfits, only to walk out empty-handed. And he hasn't made any smart-mouthed comments about any of the stores I'm taking him to. I'm shocked, to say the least. Most men would be complaining by now and begging to go home.

I ask if he has anywhere he wants to go, and we end up in a shoe store where he grabs a few items then goes straight for the checkout. It only took him ten minutes. He insists that was the only store he needed to go to, and he'd be happy to follow me to the next one of my choosing.

I feel a little bad, he's been such a good sport so far, but there is still one more store I want to go to today. Plus, I'm having a very good time hanging out with him. That's something I didn't expect. I thought it would be weird or feel forced spending time with him this way. It's actually been very comfortable. Hanging out with Tanner, talking to him- it's all very natural. So natural, it's almost scary.

After last night, I didn't know what to think or feel. Now, I'm almost more confused about what's happening between us, but it's not driving me crazy like it used to. Part of me feels like I just need to relax and let whatever happens happen. Maybe that's what I'll do.


At the last store on our shopping trip, I step out of the dressing room and show him my last outfit of the day. It's a form-fitting black dress that reaches just above my knees with long lace sleeves, a sweetheart neckline, and a very low back. I've paired it with red heels.

Tanner is typing on his phone when I walk out, closing the dressing room door behind me. He looks up, and his eyes nearly fall out of their sockets. I ask how I look and give a little twirl. When he swallows, I see his Adam's apple bob.

His voice is hoarse, even after clearing his throat. "Um, wow. That is so... just, wow."

He seems flustered and can't even find his words. I celebrate internally for making him act this way. "Yeah? That good?"

The devil on my shoulder is beaming. He wants you bad, girl.

Tanner clears his throat again. "If you don't buy that, I will most definitely throw a tantrum."

I laugh, smoothing out the front of the dress. He continues, "That dress was made for you, Jenna. Just, wow."

I thank him and step back inside the changing room. I decide to buy both the shoes and the dress. As I'm checking out, Tanner moves in front of me. The checkout lady tells me the total, and before I can swipe my card, Tanner slides his own into the machine.

I gape at him. Did he really just- "Tanner! Why did you do that?"

He shrugs like he didn't just spend almost $500 on a dress and a pair of heels. "Because I wanted to."

The woman at the register is swooning. She gives me a 'you're so lucky' look as he grabs the shopping bag. I blink after him a few times before following him out of the store.

Okay, this guy wouldn't even buy a girl dinner before trying to get her into bed when I first met him. Now he's buying expensive gifts, going shopping, and holding my bags? Maybe he really has changed.


We're in a cab, heading back to the apartment, and I try to pay him back for the dress and heels. He refuses and tells me just to accept it and let him do something nice for me. I finally relent but quietly decide to cook us a very nice dinner tonight to show my appreciation.

We reach the apartment and lug all of the bags inside. Then, he follows me to my room and asks where I want everything. I have him set the bags on my bed and the lamp on my nightstand. I'm about to mention dinner, when his phone buzzes. He shoots me an apologetic look before checking it.

We're still standing in the middle of my bedroom when he asks if I want to go with him to meet up with Drew for a drink at the bar. I tell him I'll pass, but he should go ahead. He nods and promises that he won't be repeating the acts of the previous night.

I chuckle as we walk into the living room. Then, I ask if he thinks he'll be back for dinner.

Tanner nods. "I'm only going for a couple of drinks, if that. Let me know when you want me to head back for dinner. I'll have my phone on me."

I tell him I'll text him after a bit.

Once he leaves, I head for the market to pick up the ingredients for tonight's dinner.

I wonder what he'd like for dessert. 


Double update today! Chapter 25 coming at you soon!

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