Chapter 52

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Over the next few days, the doctors would only let me have a few visitors at a time. They wanted to make sure I wasn't too overwhelmed and see how my memory held up.

They let me see a few new people each day, testing my mind to see if I could remember everyone. To my immense pleasure, I did. I didn't forget a single person, including my deadbeat parents, who never bothered to call back when Marcus left them a message that I was awake and doing well.

Good riddance! I know who my real family is. They're the ones who really matter.

It's a bittersweet reality, knowing that the people who brought me into this world want nothing to do with me unless it benefits them financially. You'd think I'd be upset about it, but thanks to the people I have in my corner, I'm dealing with it pretty well.

I knew I had shitty parents, but you'd think if your kid was in an accident and there was a chance he wouldn't wake up, you'd have some kind of parental instinct kick in and tell you to go to your child. They had no such instinct. They sincerely didn't care- well, unless I had a will or insurance that would give them compensation had I died.

If I wasn't done with them before, I certainly am now. From this point forward, those people don't exist to me. The only ones who matter, the only ones who can call themselves my family, are the ones who've been here for me this whole time- Jenna, Marcus, Lins, Mel, the guys on the team. They are the only family I claim now. They're the only ones who matter.


Dr. Mullaly finally released me from the hospital. He was satisfied with my test results, and he was finally convinced that I could handle going home. He said it was truly a miracle that I came out of everything unscathed. The scans all look good, and it appears that I have no side effects related to the accident. The doctor said if he didn't know any better, he'd think my scans were from a person who had never been injured at all.

I'm a walking freaking miracle!

I'll be staying at Jenna's apartment for a while. The doctors said it was a good idea to stay with someone just in case something happened. It makes more sense than staying at my apartment since Chase and Liam are around when Jenna is working. They can check in on me when she's gone since the hockey season is over.

When we first got back from the hospital, Lindsey had planned a welcome home feast in my honor. She decorated the apartment, made a ton of food, and invited the whole team to stop by and give me a hearty welcome back. It was incredible!

Jenna had no idea she had planned it. When she walked in and saw what Lindsey and the other roomies had done, she couldn't hold back the waterworks. It was touching to see how much trouble they went to just for me. And I know it meant the world to Jenna.

By the time we laid down that night, I was beat. So much had happened since I woke up. It's crazy to think that just a few weeks ago, I was in a terrible car accident, and now here I am, right as rain- not even a scar as a reminder.

I held on to Jenna, reflecting on everything that had happened since I woke up, listening to her soft breathing. When I felt her shoulders shudder, I looked down to see her wiping a tear away.

I felt my eyebrows pull together as I looked down at her. "Babe, what's wrong?"

Her eyes snap to meet mine as her bottom lip is pulled between her teeth. "I don't know why, but I just keep remembering how scared I was. I was so afraid that you'd never wake up that you'd never come back to me."

Her words pull tightly on my heartstrings. I hate that I caused her so much pain, even if I had no control over it. "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry for scaring you."

Jenna sniffles and wipes away another tear. "I thought if you came back, you wouldn't remember me. You're right here, and you remember. You're okay. I just can't help it. I'm an emotional mess right now. It's such a relief that I was wrong."

I turn her head to face me, lowering my own, so we're barely a breath apart. "Jenna, no power in the world could ever make me forget you. No matter what, I will always come back to you."

She looks at me, eyes softening at my words. "I heard you, you know. Every word you said to me while I was unconscious. I heard you, Jenna. Your voice helped keep me fighting. You helped me find my way back."

Jenna stares at me, lips trembling, unable to find her words. I don't wait for her response. I need to feel close to her. I need her. My lips close the distance between us. It's the perfect balance of passion, love, relief, and happiness. We kiss until the world falls away- until nothing fills my mind but Jenna.

It may have been minutes or hours, but by the time we separated, the energy had shifted. No more were we reminiscing about the recent past and my brush with death. Instead, the only thing on our minds was us. That's exactly how it should be.


I've been out for a week. Things seem to be falling into a steady routine so far, and I'm starting to feel normal again.

I had a visit from the detective working my case. He had several questions about what I remember from the accident, how I'm recovering, and how I'm associated with Max Beckham. He informed me about everything going on in their case against Max.

Not much was a surprise to me since Jenna told me what she knew already, but I found out Max plans to plead guilty and take whatever punishment the courts see fit. Detective Oswald said the prosecutor was gunning for the maximum sentence in the case.

Serves the fucker right for trying to kill me!

I still can't believe he's the one responsible for the accident. I mean, I knew the guy was unhinged, but I never thought he'd do something so vile.

The night Jenna told me about it, she broke down and kept apologizing, saying she felt responsible for everything that happened because of her history with Max. That was a stab to the chest. I assured her that none of it was her fault, and the only one I blame is Max. He's the only one responsible. My girl doesn't deserve to beat herself up about something her lunatic ex tried to do.

When she calmed down, I told her exactly how she makes me feel- loved, worthy, valued, and indescribably happy. I told her that she's the first person ever to make me feel that way in my personal life, and I would spend the rest of my days making her feel the same way.

As I held her in my arms, I planted kiss after kiss to her face, neck, and the side of her head. "You know what else you make me feel?"

She smiled as I planted a kiss on her nose. "What's that?"

A devious smirk overtook my lips as I leaned closer to her ear. "Horny."

Just like that, the tension was broken. She lightly smacked my arm and giggled into my chest. "Behave yourself, Casanova!"

I pull her tightly into my side. "I can't help it! What do you expect from me when I'm lying in bed with the most beautiful woman in the world, pressing up against me, only half-dressed, hmmm?"

Jenna angles her head back to look at me. "Half-dressed? I am fully dressed! I'm wearing shorts and a cami here."

I chuckle as my eyes roam down her form. "Mmm, baby. That outfit is sinful. I've seen lingerie that covers more."

My little spitfire lands another soft slap on my chest, making me laugh. "No matter what you wear, Jenna, you'll always make me horny."

She shakes her head and glares jokingly at me for a moment. Then, her eyes grow soft. "I love you so much, Tanner."

I lean in, stealing a kiss before turning us over, trapping her underneath me as I use one elbow to prop myself up. I hover over her, drinking her in with my gaze as my free hand travels up her neck, finding its resting place on her soft cheek. "I'll love you forever, Jenna."

Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me down as her mouth crashed into mine, taking my breath away. The kiss we share is deep and passionate. It holds the promise of a love that will last forever.

That's all I've ever needed. 

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