The Pope Of Comber

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Chapter 7

Present–day: Movie Locations first week: The Manor house

Baxter was up at the first rays of the morning sunlight. He always loved this time of the year, late spring early summer.

There was always something magical about the first rays of sunlight as they danced around the grounds of the 'Manor-House' chasing the dark shadows away.

The huge and slender pillars that surrounded the grounds each with its own light absorbing crystal mounted on top. Seemed to come alive and glow in the first rays of sunlight.

How he wondered at the genius of whoever invented such things and why?

The pillars it seemed were unique monuments to a bygone age there was no mention of the reasoning behind them. No information was found anywhere in the house or library. Or why there was so many of them planted about the grounds?

Baxter had counted a circle's of around forty pillars scattered about the grounds each one at the same precise height, twelve feet standing straight up facing skywards.

In one of the many storerooms within the grounds of the estate, were heavy wooden boxes full of the strange glass-crystals each the size of a standard football.

All he was told by his predecessor 'Old Papa-Joe Patterson' was to replace any broken or damaged crystals as soon as possible.

So far only a few of the crystals over his time as manager had become damaged. Fair wear and tear and the Northern Irish weather didn't help.

As instructed he had new crystals mounted and the old ones dumped. As far as he could tell the crystals consisted of toughen glass and were not expensive.

Baxter turned his attention to the vehicles surrounding the house sitting like so many lost souls they too were scatted about the place somewhat precariously.

Somewhere in the distance he could hear a generator starting-up. And people voices carrying over the silence of the morning air, the start of another new day, he thought.

It was early yet, about six am, Bill and Jane had said the day before they would be on site as they called it around eight am.

Baxter decided to return to his office and catch-up on a little light reading and check the bank and home accounts for the following month.

Bloody boring yes, but all part of the job and someone has to do it.

It was then that he caught a slight glimpse of a figure of a woman she seemed to be moving around the outside the window of Baxter's office.

It took awhile before he realized it was 'Bella' the cleaner he had instructed Alex to employ a few day's before.

She had not noticed Baxter as yet, so he decided to stand and observe her for a short time. The sunlight made her look even more stunning as it seemed to reflect perfectly from her light brown skin.

What was she doing here so early in the morning? Why was she peeking through his office window? He thought.

He couldn't contain himself any longer 'Miss Bella!' he shouted in her direction.

Bella quickly turned clutching her arms to her huge breasts as she done so. She looked startled at the sudden sound of Baxter's voice as it broke the morning silence.

As he moved closer to her Baxter could clearly see Bella was upset and frightened.

Always the perfect gentleman Baxter said 'I am sorry Miss Bella...I did not wish to frighten you.'

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