The Pope Of Comber

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Chapter 10

A Blog from the Bog

Johnny's Blog: 'The JJ's Trailer' The 'Manor-House' Grounds.

Yeah well, my good old Daddy always used to say 'Johnny Boy' always keeps you a Journal! So well that's what I'm doing right now. Well it's actually an 'Internet-Blog' so they say.

This crazy place they call Comber, is right smack-bang in 'Ireland' sort of near the top, not far from the big droopy dick part. I think they call that part a peninsular or some shit, such looks like a droopy dick to me.

Hell, shoot me a big one, when I was a kid I used to dream about Ireland. You know all the folks riding around the wide open fields on horseback and shit like that!

All them there other poor folks would be dressed in rags and eating bags of potatoes all day long and all the men folk would be shagging sheep?

There doesn't seem to be too many folks on horseback?

But there sure are a lot of weird folks about. Shit, I thought back home in Texas was full of crazy 'Muthers' but this place, Comber. Well it takes the biscuit, all in one big bit bite too!

It's kind of strange to be in a place that seems to have no Black folks and no Mexicans about and most of the folks speak English? Well sort of, like.

Cousin Jake, 'Jake Sheldon', that is and he's not really me cousin. His Daddy is over here making a big budget movie. Shit when I first met some of the folks here in Comber I sure did believed he was making a sequel to that old Burt Reynolds movie 'Deliverance.' But the big guys making a big old sci-fi type of picture, don't ye know. Anyway, I was lucky Jake's my best bubby and has been since high school. Anyway, I always wanted a job as a director/producer and Jake's Daddy's company just happened to be looking for trainee assistant producers so well hey dilly Dee and shoot me a big one! So here I am and what a way to spend the summer.

The location is a big Mutherfucker of a place, has its own big old 'Manor –House' with a shit load of fields for miles around.

We sure do need all the space as it's like the circus has just hit town. We've got trailers and trucks of all shapes and sizes big Muthers and little fuckers too.

I share a big trailer with my good bubby Jake and its party-time every night. Just one problem though there ain't any decent drugs anywhere in this shit-hole of a place called 'Comber'. I mean if Beavis and Butthead ever came to this shithole of Comber? I do believe the two dudes would get so depressed they would shoot themselves in the goddam head. This is no place for a couple of young stoners like them or any other serious young stoners for that matter? This guy we first met when we came here managed to get us a couple of low grade joints. Shit me and Jake have thrown out better shit than this guy can get. But we usually just stick to alcohol, beer and shit like that.

They have their own local moonshine here to, although they call it 'Poteen'. Some of the locals and the hands on the farm, or the 'Estate' as they call it, drink it.

The Polish guys drink most of the Poteen, loads of it in fact. I thought it tasted a little salty to me? Funny looking yellow colour as well. Nothing like the good old taste of Texas Moonshine, shit I would give my right arm for a bottle of 'Old fateful' right now.

Both Jake and I got a day off last week so we thought we would do a bit of sight-seeing as you do.

It was Jake's idea to use the bus 'Best way of finding out all about the local folks' he said.

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