The Pope Of Comber

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Chapter 17

The next morning: Baxter's Office: 09:35 Hrs

Baxter was now sorry that he had turned off the phones to the office yesterday. He always turned off the phones when he had a private meeting in his office. But this morning just about everyone and their bloody grandma was calling about utter nonsense.

Possibly making up for yesterday He thought.

He knew after years of experience in his job that the problem was the direct result of the rapid approach of the end of the month. His calls were mainly from the estate's creditors, wanting prompt payment of their bills and services. It was always the same people demanding the same bloody things every dam month.

It was really boring stuff actually and honestly quite hateful at times. But unfortunately as Baxter knew too well it was also an important part of his job in the efficient running of the estate.

A few weeks ago Baxter had the adjacent room cleaned out and painted there was already a few power-points and a phone-plug within the room.

All that was required was a table and chair and his old laptop and Bella now had her own little office. He thought it would help, as Bella's presents in his office-space was a great distraction to him. He thought she may have been upset. But she loved the idea and was now doing her fair share of the phone work and accounts. Perhaps Baxter joked with himself that he may also have been a distraction for Bella.

The thought put a much missed smile on his face, it felt good. Baxter had come to trust Bella over the months with everything. Even the running of the estate, she seemed to know exactly what she was doing.

Baxter was impressed, Bella just blushed. God he loved it when she done that!

It was nearing the end of August. And that Dam film crew was still polluting the estate grounds with their 'Vehicular Monstrosities'. It was the term Baxter liked to call the collection of vehicles filling the grounds.

They should have been finished by now Baxter thought. As he stood up and went over to the window, ignoring the ringing phone on his desk.

In the distance to the East-wing of the Manor-House, Baxter could see several men standing about looking very lost. There were just as many others moving about a bright and silver looking object on the ground.

Even from this distance from them. Baxter could plainly see the camera platform slowly moving from side to side. Sitting within the camera platform was the shape of a huge man he was surrounded by a cloud of blue smoke.

'That Bloody Yank Shelly' Baxter said under his breath.

'Ah...Mr Baxter Excuse me a moment.' It was the sound of Bella's voice. Why was she calling him Mr Baxter? He thought as he turned around to face her.

He quickly saw two people standing just within the office a few feet from his desk.

One was unmistakably Bella looking confused the other was a small perfectly dressed elderly lady wearing a full length tan coloured fur coat and matching fur hat.

It was around 15 Celsius outside already Baxter guessed. And perhaps he thought even warmer than that inside in the office.

But he knew the little old woman always wore the same thing on this very special day of the month. The outfit wouldn't have been complete without her white cotton gloves, which fitted her small hands impeccably.

'Hello Lady Lincoln, how are you this morning?' Baxter said in his best well-mannered voice. Even Bella looked impressed with Baxter's performance.

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