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[today i met a guest who said that the same cake i made was most in line with her taste, praised my craftsmanship, and i was so happy.] 】

after knowing that all this was zhu li's cruel prank, although i was depressed, i also tried to explain it to song bailao.

but he had already blacklisted my communication methods, not to mention the phone, and could not even send a text message.

within a few days, zhu li went abroad, and i finally didn't have to stay under the same roof with him anymore. after that, it was seven years, and we never saw each other again.

although song bailao and i are not even friends, i still don't want him to think that i am a despicable person. i managed to get the address of song bailao's house, and wanted to meet him and tell me about the day. anyway, every time he went, his maid would tell me he had gone out. the number of times, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he deliberately did not see me.

one summer vacation passed, and i didn't succeed in knocking on his door.

this may be fate, and in the end, i reluctantly and disappointedly chose to give up.

after school started, i went to my senior year of high school, and i would still go to that rooftop during my lunch break, but there was no one there to eat my snacks.

getting used to this stuff is really scary, and although i'm the only one left, for a long time, i'll still prepare snacks for two.

one day, about a month after the start of school, i opened the bento box and saw two marvins in it, and i was stunned and realized that i had done too much.

i ate one silently, and when i picked up the second one, i was already a little full, but i continued to stuff it into my mouth, stuffed it halfway, and suddenly felt a nausea in my stomach and spit it all out.

at that time, i didn't think too much, thinking that i just ate too much, and i didn't go to the doctor.

when i first felt something moving inside me, it had been four months since the events in the equipment room.

zhu li was really a crow's mouth, but only once, i was pregnant.

"you have a really big temper right now." zhu li wiped the juice from his face, and his smile faded a little, but he did not get angry.

however, the cold light in his eyes made me understand that his heart was not as calm as it seemed. that's what i admire about him, always decent in front of outsiders, the pursuit of perfection, the typical performative personality.

the old memories are not very good, and i just want to get away from him as soon as possible and never intersect with this person again.

"i have nothing to say to you, so take care of yourself." i glanced at the back of his neck, and though he covered it with a collar, if he was careful enough, he could still see a little dark red scar—proof that he had been marked.

zhu li twisted his eyebrows, and the coldness in his eyes filled qingya's face.

"what a pity."

his words are full of questions, but i am not interested. not far away, where i had been standing, li xun was walking through the crowd to that side, and i didn't look at zhu li and lifted my feet to rush over.

as soon as i stood still, li xun arrived.

"found mr. song, he asked me to take you over."

led by her, across the small nine-curved bridge, we entered an octagonal pavilion built on a pool.

The Wound In My Heart (Chen Shang)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora