Part 1- Chapter 1

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I knock briefly on the door of my parents' house and quickly open the door. "Hey, ma." I say when I see mom in the kitchen.

"Hello, Harley." Ma gives me a hug before going back to mixing something in her mixing bowl. By the smells of it, she's bakin brownies. "Where's pa at?" Ma eyes my outfit for a split second and I know instantly she's not too happy about what I chose to wear.

Which, I don't understand why. I'm wearing a red spaghetti strapped tank top, jean shorts, and my black combat boots. It's really not that bad. "He's out in the garage with your brother." Ma says and I nod my head.

"I know what would make your brownies bomb ass," I suggest.

"Language," She mutters as she spreads the batter into the pan. "What would that be?"

"Some pot," I say jokingly and she glares at me. Ma sets the mixing bowl down and crosses her arms. "You may not live under my roof anymore but I will still kick your little ass if you are-"

"Ma, it was a joke!" I interrupt. I start laughing and pa and my brother, Marcus, come inside through the sliding door. "There's my little girl," Pa says cheerfully and embraces me with his arms, giving me a big old papa bear hug.

Marcus nods his head in my direction and mutters 'slut' as he walks past me and goes upstairs. Marcus is only six years younger than me, thirteen, but my god he's an asshole. Pa walks besides ma and gives her a kiss. "You know what would make those brownies extra?" Pa mumbles against her ear and she shakes her head.

"Drugs! I got some out in the car!" I cheerfully joke and both mom and dad snap their heads in my direction. Unlike Ma, Pa has a huge ass grin on his face.

"Are you staying for dinner, Harley? " Pa asks me and I shake my head. "No. I was just coming to say hi." I tell him and he nods his head.

"Where you off to this time?" Ma questions and I shrug.

"I don't know, I've got to pick up Carrie, and then she'll tell me."

"You don't know where you're going?" Ma repeats and I groan. Wrong choice of words dammit.


"No. Just because you are nineteen and have your own apartment across town does not mean I can't express my dislikes about this."

I groan and fold my arms across my chest. Ma begins to lecture me but I turn around and start heading towards the door.

"Where The hell do you think you're going, young lady? I'm talking to you!" Ma yells and I quicken my steps and slip out the front door with my parents hot on my trail.

"Harley Cynthia Luis Martin, I'm talking to you!" Ma yells angrily as I open the door to my 1998 Key Lime-colored Jeep Wrangler.

I slam the keys into the ignition and floor it out of ma and pa's long-ass driveway. Ma and Pa live in a five-bedroom house that is on four acres of land. They have a barn, which pa has turned into his own little garage where he will spend hours on end fixing old motorcycles and trucks. Then there's a smaller barn that has a couple of cows, horses, and pigs. 

I pull onto the main road and turn up my music, blaring it down the empty road as the wind sends my hair in every direction, thankfully not in my face. 

By the time I get into the city, it's damn near four and it's starting to get chilly. I pull into Carrie's short little driveway and she's already on the porch, smoking a cigarette.  Carrie has bleached blonde hair that almost reaches down to her ass and is wearing, surprisingly, casual clothing. She has her tight blue jeans on with her light pink tank top that makes a 'v' down the front of her chest, her black flats, and a thin black jacket. 

"Hey, girly!" She says as she puts out her cigarette and stands up with a grin. I shut off the jeep and hop out, grabbing my backpack in the process. "Hey, imma change before we head out." She nods her head and opens the door. 

"You know where the bathrooms at," She says as she walks inside behind me. I change out my red tank top for a white t-shirt that clings to my body just right. I exchange my shorts for my ripped light blue jeans and trade my boots in for my white converses. 

I brush my hair out and decide to not fuck with it. I throw everything into the bag and walk out. Carrie whistles and I flip her off which she laughs at. "Let's go!" She says cheerfully and we head out.


After a torturous hour of listening to Carrie give out directions, we finally pull into a small little bar named 'Dirty Dogs'. "Carrie," I say when I see a group of bikers glaring in our direction. "How'd you find this place?" 

She giggles and gives the group a flirtatious smile. "That, my friend, is classified." She hops out and I'm quick to follow after her. We walk inside and walk towards the bar and the bartender, whom is at least in his late 40's, tells us he'll be with us in a moment. 

We take a seat and I glance over my shoulder and notice that most, no, ALL the bikers here are wearing a black leathered vest that says 'The Devil's Tribe' on the back. The bartender laughs at something the person he was talking to and finally walks towards us. 

"Well, I was wondering when I'd see you young lady." He says to Carrie and I give her a suspicious glance. Carrie laughs. 

"Hey, uncle Luis." She says. "This," she wraps her hands around my arm and I tense, "is the famous Harley i've been telling you about." Luis' eyes twinkle with recognition and he tips his head back slightly as his eyes examine over me repeatedly. 

"Don't eye fuck me until you've bought me dinner,"  I snap and Carrie smacks my arm. "Be nice, he's family." I roll my eyes and they both laugh. "What can I get you two, this one's on me." Luis offers and I swivel in the bar chair boredly. 

"Glass of vodka," I say without hesitation. 

"On the rocks?"

"Hell no." Luis hands me the glass and I say a brief 'thanks' before downing it. "Girl, I haven't even ordered and you've already drank a full damn cup." Carrie complains and I smirk. 

"I was thirsty." I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Mhm, anyhow. I'll have a tequila sunrise, please." Luis hands her the drink and she sips it. 

"Which brand was that?" I ask Luis after several minutes, even though he's talking with someone else.


"Vodka, what brand of vodka did you give me?"I clarify and he pulls out the bottle and I laugh. 

"Keel? That shit is just fucking water." I laugh. "What about Spirytus? Got any?" Luis grins and puts the water-vodka back and pulls out the REAL vodka out. 

"You mean this?" He asks and I nod with a huge ass grin. 

"Yes sir." He laughs again.  "Yep, you are your fathers daughter." He says but I don't have time to process what he said before Carrie is singing in my ear. 

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