Part 1- Chapter 12

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"Please, sit." Harris says, pointing his crooked finger towards the seat directly in front of him. 

Calm, girl. I tell myself as I approach him, the stench of rotten onions flooding my nostrils. 

I sit down and automatically Harris' hand reaches to tuck a piece of my blue hair behind my ear, the act sends my nerves into overdrive. 

"You are such a beautiful girl, Jill. You need someone to take care of you." His voice sounds as if razor blades on glass. Everything about this man; his voice, his stench, even his goddamn crooked nose, makes me want to run to the nearest cliff. 

I move my head slightly away from his grasp, his hand still lingering longer than needed. "Do you have a boyfriend, Jill?" My mind instantly goes to Leo, but he's not my boyfriend. Yet, hopefully, maybe.  

"Yes." The words are out of my mouth faster than bullets, sharper than a newly sharpened throwing knife. 

A sickening smile plants itself on Harris' face. "Oh, really? What's his name?" I know instantly he's taunting me, daring me to lie. Again. 

"That's none of your business, Sir." I stand up quickly, the chair I was once setting on falling to the ground with how much force was used. I slowly inch myself to the still opened door, hoping by some miracle my boss will stay where he is. But he doesn't. 

He stalks towards me, anger ravishing in his eyes.  "I think you misunderstood me, Jill. I wasn't trying to scare you." Lies. Every word that escapes his mouth is a fucking lie.

My body is shaking violently, part of it with the amount of adrenaline coursing through my veins. While the other is shaking due to the beginning stages of withdrawals. 

"Stay away from me," I growl more feral than a wild animal. I turn to run out the door and for a moment, I think i'm free. For a moment, I'm back in the fields from my childhood, playing tag with my best friend, no care in the world. 

But that moment is shattered when I fall in the kitchen, catching myself by my hands. A 'tsk' is behind me and I'm too weak to get up and run. I turn around and scoot until my back is digging into the frame of the metal oven, it's sharp edges drawing small trails of blood down my arms. 

"Jill, look what you have done." His voice sounds disappointed while amused. 

Before I have time to think of an out, Harris reaches for my ankle, pulling me down with force I didn't think a man of his god's awful structure would have. With my free foot, I go to kick him away but he smiles darkly as he catches it with ease. 

A scream gets stuck in my throat. I thrash violently against the floor, trying to escape his grasp even if for only a second. His rough, disgusting hands are at my waist, tugging at my skirt. 

"Fuck you, no!" I manage to yell, sounding like a crazed animal. My knee comes up and barely misses his balls. Harris' hand makes contact with my face, sending a shock of pain from my head to my toes. 

I thrashed harder, more crazed. I will not go through this again. I can't. I fucking can't. 

His hand rests at my neck, holding my head down as I try to buck my hips, making it harder for him to unzip his pants. I turn my head and there I see it. My purse, If only...

I stop moving, stop struggling. I lay still and close my eyes, taking slow breathes. Harris is surprised by my actions, so much so he freezes. "Jill?" His voice husky with, I bite back a humorless laugh, concern. He taps my cheeks, I stay still. 

"Fuck, Ji-" He leans his face forward and I lunge, smashing my head into his, now bleeding, crooked nose. "You bitch!" The brief second he releases me is all I need to escape from his structure and hurl myself at my bag, grabbing it and taking out the only thing that'll get me out of here alive. 

I aim the gun calmly at Austin Harris, not bothering to listen as he pleads for me to put it down. 

I pull the trigger. 

For a moment, time stands still. The echo from the shot echoes in my ears. 

At first, a wave of calm floods in waves over my chest. Then, the shock. 

I just killed my boss. The lump of his body lays on the floor, bleeding and unmoving.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 

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