Part 1- Chapter 3

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"Harley!" My neighbor, Jill, says as I pull into my parking spot next to my 1980's rustler travel trailer. I've lived in this trailer for nearly two years, I moved into it a little after my eighteenth birthday. For the past year, though, my baby and I have been living in this RV campground called 'Martha's Parkin'. It's not the most humble spot but it better than paying three hundred dollars every two weeks because here, rent is only two-fifty a month.  

Martha's Parkin has WiFi, showers and bathrooms, electricity and water hook ups, dumping zones and drinkable water. It may not have the prettiest of views but i'm not bitching about it. "Hey, Jill." I say politely even though all I want to do is get some sleep without having to listen to someone puke, honk their horns, or fight with their spouse. 

"Did you hear about what happened down in Florida? A hurricane came and destroyed the place and-" 

"I did hear about that." I walk towards the door, hoping she'll take a hint. Jill is a nice lady whom is in her seventies and is VERY talkative. 

"Back in my day, the only thing we had to worry about was contaminated water and sunburns. But now?" She laughs. "There's a natural disaster wherever you turn!" I nod my head. 

"I'm sorry, Jill, but I really need to go. Nice talking to you, though." I say the nicest I can and rush inside. I set my bag onto my small table and walk the narrow path to my bed. The moment my head hits the pillow my vision is swallowed my darkness. 

I'm back in my childhood room, back in my eight year old body. "Mommy, please don't go." I cry. Mom and dad were going into the city to bail a friend out of jail that day. "Please, I want to go with you." I cry and mom shakes her head. 

"No, Harley. Uncle Bentley is going to babysit you, just for tonight. Mommy and daddy will be back before breakfast." She kisses me on the head and hurries out of my bedroom. I start crying harder because I know what it means when Uncle Bentley babysits. 

"Hey, Honey Muffin." Bentley says as he creeps into my bedroom and I start screaming. "No! Go away!" I cry. I cry for mommy, I cry for daddy, but most of all, I cry because I know there is nothing I can do to prevent what's going to happen next. 

Bentley takes his belt off and hits me on the back with it. "Hush, Muffin." He growls in my ear. I choke in my sobs as Uncle Bentley begins removing my clothing with a sickening smile on his face. 

"Shhh, Muffin. If I have to tell you again, I wont be so gentle." I hiccup and he continues to smile creepily at me. "Good girl," He groans as I whimper at the pain. 

My eyes shoot open and my body is shaking. I wipe the fresh tears from my face and sit up, checking the time, 1:48. 

I need whiskey, I think to myself in attempt to distract myself from the never ending nightmares I always end up having. I stand up and open the cupboard above my sink. 

"Damnit," I mutter when the only thing I see is tequila, something i'm not very fond of. "Look's like im going back to the bar." I groan as I slam it shut. "Fucking stupid." I brush my hair and grab my black jeans with a white blouse above my bed, topping it off with my black purse that I keep next to the door. 

I pull into a slot in front of the bar and happily take the seat I was sitting in last night. "Back so soon, are we?" Luis jokes. "Vodka or a beer?" He asks when I don't laugh. 

"Beer, please." 

He pulls out a bottle of Budweiser and Bud Light. "Which one will you be having, darling?" I tell him i'll have the Budweiser and pops the top off. 

I've already drank four beers when a guy slips into the seat next to me. "Surprised to see your here again after what happened yesterday." The guy is roughly 6' 3', nicely tanned skin, dark brown hair with matching colored eyes. 

"Why would that be?" I ask and he grins. 

"You slapped dear old Mad Dog and lived." I roll my eyes. "'Mad Dog'? Why's he called that?" The man laughs and shakes his head. 

"Not my place to say anything about that. I'm Dario." He offers me his hand and I shake it. 


"As in-"

"Yep," I interrupt. The question 'As in Harley Davidson?' is a question I've had to answer more times than I could care to count. Dario laughs. "Right on. Do you ride?" He asks and I shake my head. 

"Nope. Nor have I been on one." 

"Shit, you be missing out then." He says and I shrug. Dario leans his arm onto the counter. "How 'bout I take you for a ride, muffin?" My grin disappears the moment he called me 'muffin'. I chug the rest of my beer and grab my purse. 

Dario's eyes widen with excitement. "That a yeah?" He asks eagerly. Dario is still sitting on the stool so i step closer until i'm inches away from his face. I lick my lips and give him a seductive smile. 

"Well," I moan and Dario's breathing quickens. I trail my fingers up his arm and strike a slap on his face. "I was about to say 'yes' but then you called me a dessert, so no." Luis laughs and some of the people sitting close enough to know what was going on laugh as well. 

I lay a twenty down for Luis and head back to my jeep, already wanting to go home. 


"Hello, Harley!" Jill says and I only give her a brief smile, not filling up to having an two hour conversation with her.Jill begins talking and I nod my head as I fiddle for my keys. "Oh, that young man of yours is so nice!" She says and I snap my head towards her. 

"What do you mean, Jill? What young man?" I demand and she just laughs. 

"Oh, Harley. You don't have to pretend you don't know who i'm talking about, i'm not your mother!" She jokes and my breathing quickens when I try to relax a little so I don't lash out. "Just remember to use a condom!" Jill says before, thankfully, going inside her own trailer. 

Who the fuck is she talking about? I don't have any 'young men' in my life nor will I ever. I turn back towards my door and notice the door is slightly ajar. Realization hits me and I carefully pull my Glock-19  from my purse and take the safety off. 

Using my left hand, I open the door briefly and return my hand back to the gun so both hands are on it. I bring it to my chest and slowly step inside. 

There's a guy with dirty blonde hair sitting with his back towards me and I aim the gun towards his head, my finger hovering over the trigger. "Who the fuck are you." I spit and he chuckles. 

"Put it away, Harley Martin." I recognize the Australian accent and glare daggers at the back of his head. 

"I ain't putting shit away, fuck nuts." I growl and I notice he has one of my photo albums is in front of him. He turns around and faces me with an amused look on his face. 

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