Part 1- Chapter 6

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Her trailers empty.

Her phone and keys have been long forgotten on the counter.

The photo album that once had a place on its shelf is nowhere in sight.

A dark chuckle rumbles again my chest.

Harley Martin has just started the most dangerous game of hide and seek.

"So be it." I say aloud to the empty walls, the predator inside me begging to be released.



I've been driving down the highway in my dad's old 1997 convertible Chevy Camero. Her paint, a dark green, has faded over the years of being under the blazing sun.

When I was thirteen, my parents were...taking a break, you could say. A seven months long break. Why? Honestly I couldn't tell you.

But why they were separated, I chose to stay with my dad. He was always gone through out the day but I managed to corner him and tell him I wanted to get my hands hands dirty.

Needless to say, we got straight to work when a buddy of his towed a old beat up '97 Camero who's seen better days.

It took six months to rebuild the engine, replace all the windows, add a bitchin bass system and replace the old, worn interior.

I have all the windows down, blaring  Blood Blind by Cannibal Corpse. My speedometer says I'm only going ninety-seven in a seventy.


Around one, I find a little gas station off the exit and pull into pump three, grabbing my wallet and  heading in.

The store in question has several questionable things, one being all the bullet sized holes in the walls....I love this place already.

I grab a Arrowhead water and a bag of hard gummy bears.

"That it?" The middle aged man behind the counter grunts.

"No. I need fourty on three." He grunts his response and I quickly pay, not wanting to be around the guy who makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck any longer.

The cash register slams shut as I open the door but I brush it off. I start pumping gas when.the familiar sound of motorcycles pull into the gas station. There's eight bikes and eight bikers, only three of them have a girl on their backs. My eyes glance at their vests and I tense.

'The Devil's Tribe'

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I keep my head down. "I'll be in soon. Gotta take a call." One of the men says. He has a salt and pepper beard, tattoos up and down his arm, and black sunglasses on, preventing me from seeing his eyes but I feel his intense stares.

The group wonders inside and I bounce on my feet, my nerves starting to sky rocket.

"Speak." I hear him say. Anything he says after that, I'm unable to hear. The gas shuts off and I shove it onto its holster and spin around, nearly jumping out of my skin as I instinctively go to punch the lone biker who is now standing right behind me in the throat.

He catches my wrist and smiles. "I'm afraid there will be none of that, Miss Martin." A cold chill runs down my spine as I struggle agaisnt him.

"Let. Me. Go." I snear as I still try to pry my wrist from his grasp.

He shakes his head slightly, his smile widening sickeningly. "There'll be none of that either." Without thinking twice, I give him my best doe eyes and connect my fist with his dick. Agony flashes through his eyes but is quickly replaced by anger.

With the quick second his hand loosens against mine, I pry my hand away and get the gun out of the waist of my jeans, aiming it steadily at his head.

The door opens and in no time, the seven other men all have guns pointed at me now. Salt and Pepper grins.

"Darling, there's eight of us. One of you. Put that away before you get it hurt." He says tauntingly. I narrow my gaze.

"Next time I say let go of me, fucking do it or I'll shoot your dick off and mail it to your mother." I snap. Pepper starts laughing, the men around us still stone faced.

"Move." I order and he stops laughing, a huge smirk on his face.


I lower my gun and shoot the dirt besides his foot. He doesn't flinch but I noticed how the look in his eyes went from cocky to horrified to stone cold in three seconds.

He stares me down but I return thr favor. He steps aside and makes a 'go for it' motion with his hands.

I keep my head up and gun at my side as I slip into my car, jamming the keys into its slot.

"He'll find you, and when he does you'll wish you never would have ran." Pepper snears. I flash him a grin and a middle finger salute, practically flooring it out of the small gas station.

Peppers warning keeps repeating  through my head and I bite my lip.

I have to protect myself, I won't get hurt again.

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