Part 1- Chapter 11

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The bells above the diner's door rings and a groan escapes my lips. In walks a young girl, around my age, with dark purple hair, dark amethyst to be specifically, strides towards me as if she owns the place. Despite Arizona's temperature being hotter than the deepest part of hell, this girl is wearing a pair of tight black leather jeans that hug her ass in ways even Tom Brady would do a double take. 

Her shoes are a bright pink heels that amazes me she's yet to fall face first onto the stained carpet. Oh my god, I love her top. Her laced silk bra is the matching color of her death-heels. Everything about her screams 'Im making a statement; fuck yourself'. 

Before I can so much as mutter a 'damn', Bad Bitch flips her sunglasses atop her head and gives me a knowing smirk. "I'm meeting a couple...friends. Knowing them, they probably made a special reservation for 'numb nuts'." Her voice isn't high pitched, thank-fuck, it's more raspy in a hot bad-western-girl kinda way. There's a twinkle in her eyes that seem familiar yet im in awe. 

I grin. "Well, Numb Nuts, right this way." I lead her to the table with Suit and Jag-Off, asking if I can get her anything to drink before I depart. 

"Yes," She grins a devilish look. "A nice cold glass of..." Her eyes trail briefly down my legs. "Dr.Pepper." She finishes. 

I've never been with any girls before, I mean hell; i've never been with anyone, but my friends and I used to always hit on each other whenever anyone brought around a new boyfriend, even after. I know for a fact that I've never once met this strange, confident woman before. But she seems familiar, in a way she feels home. 

It's beyond strange, and hard to explain. 

I set the Dr.Pepper down besides Numb Nuts and pull out my note pad. "Ready to order finally?" The trio smiles at each other as if they are all laughing about some sort of joke, no doubt a private joke they won't be sharing any time soon. 

"Burger, no tomato." Jag-Off says, tossing the menu dramatically down atop the table. 

"What kind specifically, jackass?" 

Another grin. "Surprise me, doll." Right, I jolt down 'single burger, wheat buns with nothing on it. Side of sweat potato fries, no salt.' I smile. 

"For you, sir?" 

"I would like your club sandwich, please. No tomato and a side of normal fries." 

"Mm'kay. And you, girly?" 

"Tuna sandwich. Do you have applesauce in this joint?" The question throws me off guard before I nod slowly. "Great, i'd like applesauce as a side then." For some reason, the thought of anyone older six asking for applesauce at a diner is highly amusing. 

I begin to walk away when Jag-Off calls me back. "Aren't you going to ask what we want for dessert," his eyes glance at my name tag. "Jill?" He asks, tauntingly. 

I narrow my gaze. "Nope." I walk away and silently plead for today to be over. 


"Here's the check," I slip the paper that says 'Total- $32.26' down flat against the table as I clear the table besides the interesting trio that have been here for over an hour. Fancy Pants slips three twenty dollar bills down. "Keep the change, miss." 

Holy shit. Sixty minus thirty-two... I do the mental math as I smile and nod my thanks. The two walking male parasites leave the diner, Jag-Off laughing loudly as he slaps the back of Fancy Pants. Numb Nuts, however, lingers. 

"I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other farely soon, Martin." Numb Nuts says lowly before striding like the bad bitch she is outside, disappearing out of my line of sight and leaving me frozen where i stand. 


Although the events from previously today should be long forgotten by now, the event is the only thing in my mind, hours later. 

How the actual hell did she know my name?

Has Leo finally found me? 

Why now? Why here?

As I wipe down the last greasy table in the diner, a wave of nausea flushes through my stomach. 


My breath hitches. 

God, please no. 

It hasn't been twenty-four hours since I last shot up, I usually am good for a day and a half. 

No. No. No! 

But I know as my body begins to shake, I know it's a 'yes'. I am so fucked. 


I finish my rounds around the diner, jamming the dirty towels into the basket to be washed with more force than I needed. Keep it together, Martin. You don't need it, you don't need it. You. Don't. Fucking. Need. It. 

But I do. \

"Jill, come here." The voice belonging to my perv of a boss, Austin Harris, hollers from his scrubby office room down the hall. The hair on the back of my neck stands up and fear prickles down my spine. 

"What?" I snap. 

Harris is standing in front of his desk, arms crossed with a big smile on his face. 

"Come in," His raspy voice orders. Everything inside me tells me to run, to not take any further steps towards this pig

I betray myself as I keep my head up straight and take a step forward. 

"Yes?" I say with a sweeter pitch, hoping this parasite will speak faster if I appear the slightest interested in what he could possibly have to say. 

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