Part 1- Chapter 10

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"She's hot." My kid sister, Tessa Bailey Miller, says as she goes through Harley Martin's social media. I grunt.

Tessa flips her long dark purple hair over her shoulder, taking a long drag from a cigarette.

"You shouldn't smoke, Tessa." I lecture.

"You shouldn't date someone who is only twenty four days younger than your little sister," She retorts and I roll my eyes.

"We're not dating," I growl. Tessa gives me a pointed stare.

"Yet," She adds.

Yet another eye roll. "So, you're paying me to go down to Phoenix to this little diner your girl works at and what, charm her?"

I give her a slight nod. "To put it simple, yes."

"Awww. Is this Martin bringing out big bros inner psychopath?" Tessa teases and I shift slightly in my seat.



The flower is really pretty. It's pink, Mary Beth's favorite color! I think she said it's called a rose.

It hurts to touch it, it has pokey things that made my fingers bleed. But Mary Beth will like it!

I run down our street from where the school bus dropped me off and open the door to our home.

"Mary Beth! I have something for you!" The music is loud, really loud. It hurts my head but Mary Beth likes loud music.

Mary Beth is in the basement, I know that because that's where her room is. The door to the basement is locked.

"Mary Beth!" She can't hear me. The door is still locked.

She must be playing hide and seek!

I throw my backpack down on the couch.

I'll have to put it away before mommy gets home, she doesn't like our bags on the couch.

I race outside to the basement window Mary Beth told me she always leaves unlocked, it's our little secret. The curtains are closed but I can see Mary Beth's head through the little gap.

The window opens and I tumble in. "Mary Beth, look! I have a rose for you!" The music is really really loud.

I don't like Mary Beth's music, you can't understand what they're saying because they're just screaming. But Mary Beth likes it, so I never whine.

"Mary Beth?"

Mary Beth is really cold, maybe she wants a Blankey?

There's a lot of blood coming from Mary Beth's arm.

"Oh no! I'll get a bandaid for your owey!"

The bandaids are too small, her owey keeps bleeding. There's sharp needles on the floor, the ones the mean doctors have before they give you a sucker.

I like suckers.

"Mary Beth!"

I start crying and curl up into a ball besides Mary Beth. "Please wake up, Mary Beth. Please."

Mommy and daddy are home now. I don't know how they unlocked the door, but they're standing here now.

They start yelling at Mary Beth and I start crying again.

Mommy and daddy are mad.

Now Mommy is crying and daddy goes to pull Mary Beth off the couch.

"Don't touch her!" I scream. Daddy ignores me and starts pushing on Mary Beth's chest.

Mary Beth doesn't wake up.

The Bosses Daughter (Parts 1 and 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu