~Could it be?~

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"I still don't understand the hype...." I say walking Jackson and Emma to the front door. We had finished five episodes and I still found no interest or point in the show. Like blah blah blah you have speed and now you fight bad guys. But if we are being honest... Speed couldn't be more useless. It still takes brain and strength. That's just my opinion. But whatever. 

"your lack of interest in this show is bad," Emma says giggling along with Jackson. "Mhhh no, I just think it's a bad show," I say running my hands through my hair. This causes Emma and Jackson's mouths to form an "O" of shock. "Excuse you, mam!" Jackson wines slapping my shoulder causing me to burst into laughter. "Damn I'm sorry I only speak the truth!" Emma rolls her eyes and reaches for the doorknob. "Well, you say that now." I shake my head at her. "Well we better get going it's getting late," Jackson says. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time. It was 12am. I got put through torture for 3 hours. Too much for me to handle. I'm exhausted even after the nap I took getting back from school. 

"Ok well, i'll see yall tomorrow." I grab both of them bringing them closer to me for a group hug. "Even as much as I hated the show I love spending time with my two favorite people," I say releasing the hug. "I'm right here you know!" Xavier calls from the living room. I laugh and yell back. "You're the third!" He scoffs and stands up from the couch walking over to us. "Fake!" rolling my eyes I turn back to Emma and Jackson. "Love yall." They say it back and walk out of the apartment. I can't wait to get to my comfortable bed. I just want to sleep. But before I do so I really need to know something...

"I'm tired. Are you staying over?" Xavier looks at me and gives me a soft smile. "Of course I am cmon." He holds a hand out and I grab it interlocking our hands. We began walking to my room soon after turning everything off. "Are you going to change?" I asked looking at his jeans and shirt. He looks himself up and down. "Well, I didn't exactly bring anything." I laugh and walk into my bathroom and then my closet. "Come here." He walks in and looks at me in confusion. "I still have one of your boxers and t-shirts." Holding the shirt and boxers up he grabs them from me and plants a kiss on my head. "Thanks, vina." I smile at him and turn to my drawers. I grab a pair of pajama shorts and a crop top. Xavier walks out of the closet and into the bathroom grabbing his toothbrush from the counter. I just stand there admiring him. Sometimes I forget that we only met 3 months ago. The best 3 months of my life in a while. I'm caught off guard when I see him staring back at me through the mirror. Whoops. I look away and change into my clothes.

 "I love when you do that," Xavier speaks from the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom, put my clothes in the hamper, and look at him. "Do what?" He smiles at me tilting his head. "When you just look at me. Admire me." Blushing I pick up my toothbrush and start the water in the sink. "No need to be ashamed I do it all the time." I look over at him and roll my eyes. "Yeah but you never get caught," I say putting the toothpaste on my toothbrush. He chuckles and walks into the room. "Because I'm too good at it." 

After I finished brushing my teeth I turned the light off and walked into my room. Xavier was sitting against the headboard on his phone. "Did you lock the door?" I ask getting on the bed. "Mhm." He hums setting his phone down. I just stare at him. "What?" He asks smiling at me. "I have a question..." I get off the headboard and climb on top of him straddling his body. He holds my waist to support me. Wrapping my hands around his neck I lay my head on his shoulder. "Why is Lidia acting so weird all of a sudden?" He sighs and wraps his arms around me. "Honestly I have no fucking clue." It's so weird that she suddenly grew disgusted or angry towards me. I hadn't done anything. At least nothing that I intended to or knew about. Unless.....

"Do you think she knows?" I lift my head from his shoulder and look at him. He shakes his head slowly. "Could be, but the only people who know are Jackson or Emma, and they promised to not tell anyone in the meanwhile." I let out a big sigh and put my head back on his shoulder. "I just- I hate the feeling of being judged. It makes me insecure. It makes me feel as if they are inspecting every inch of me. I hate it..." Xavier rubs my back and kisses my head. "I promise you when I find out I will tell you." Turning my head to face him give him a soft smile. "Ok." He gives a smile back and leans into my face. I bring my face closer attaching our lips. I breathe out into the kiss causing him to speed up the kiss. Bringing my face off his shoulder I. slide my hands off his neck to the sides of his face. But we were both tired so we didn't do much more than kiss. When we released the kiss he kissed my cheek and we laid back in bed. He embraced me into a hug until we both drifted off into a thoughtless sleep. Well at least for him. I basically dreamt about every possibility for why Lidia could hate me. It didn't matter how many scenarios I went through, none of them added up. So I'll let it go for now. But till then I'll let Xavier try and figure it out. I mean she is his sister.

"Vina!" I'm shaken awake out of nowhere by Xavier. "What!?" I groan sitting up in bed. "We're gonna be late cmon." I rub my head and lay back in bed. "No vina cmon..." Xavier slips his arms around my back and lifts me up. "Nooooo...." I groan wrapping my legs around his body and my arms around his neck. "We can't miss today we have a quiz first period." He says gently rubbing my back while walking us into the bathroom. I groan digging my head into his neck. "Who cares I want to sleep." This causes him to chuckle. "Don't we all Vina." I plant a kiss on his neck making his body stiffen. "Vina we cant we seriously will be late." I ignore him leaving a trail of kisses up to his jawline. I feel my warm legs hit the cold counter causing me to shiver. "Such a turn off bro." I lift my head look at him already smiling at me. "Shut up and get ready." He says walking away into my closet. 

I jump off the counter and turn the sink on. I slowly open the drawer next to me and grab my face wash. Placing the the cold liquid on my face I rub it in and splash water over it washing it out. Next I take my tooth brush, wet it, and place the toothpaste on it. I brush my teeth and lean over to spit when Xavier comes out of the closet and walks behind me holding my loose hair back. We interlock eyes in the mirror and he just smiles. I wipe my mouth and walk past him into the closet. "what should I wear?" I ask as I stand in front of my many clothes. Xavier walks into the closet and looks at me. "Whatver you wear you look beautiful in." I throw my head back and walk to him engulfing him in a hug. "Im serious." He laughs and lays chin on my head. "So am I." I let go and walk to the clothing racks pulling off a hoodie off the hanger along with some jeans. "This?" I ask holding it over myself. "Perfect." He says looking me up and down. I smile and turn around begging to undress. "Im gonna go put my shoes on." I hum in resposponse. 

When I finished getting dressed and putting my shoes on Xavier and I walked to the car holding hands. "God I hate school." I say as we get in the car. Xavier gently rubs my knee while turning the car on. "I think every person in society does." I scoff and lay back in my seat looking at him. "Not as much as me. Id rather sleep with a diseased racoon than go to school." He looks at me ready to burst into laughter. "Shit ok." I giggle and look out the window as he starts driving. As he drove he had rested his hand on my thigh. It was driving me crazy. I just wanted to kiss him but I couldn't we needed to get to school. "You know... Ive never been to your house." I comment looking at him. "You've never asked too." He answers looking over at me for only a split second. "I thought it would be weird to ask. I also thought it would get us caught." He looks back at me as we get to a red light. "And me staying the night at your house isn't any different?" I smile as I scoff. "Thats different! The only people who don't know about us live with you!" Like its true. If I spent the night at his house it would be obvious. You know what no it wouldn't. Whatever.

"If you want we can go today after school." He says looking back at the road. I bite my lip trying to decide. "Sure." I say finally giving in. What could go wrong right? Everything will be fine! Nothing is going to happen anyways. I will simply go over for a movie or something. No kissing! No cuddling....! No touching......! No type of affection....! .............. Everything. Will. Be. Ok..... right?



This chapter is longer to make up for being gone for almost 2 weeks or 1 I forgot.

Anyways it 1 am I'm going to bed gn1 Love yall!



Do you thing everything will be "Ok."?-

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