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When we got cleaned up Xavier offered his clothes to me. We decided it was best if I stayed over in order to not be asked questions going downstairs. Especially by Theo. I have no clue if he had a clue on what we were doing or if he heard, but id rather not test that out.

"Here." Xavier holds out one of his shirts and a pair of boxers. "Thanks." I grab them from him and start changing into the clothing. "Are you hungry?" I turn around to see Xavier leaning on the door to his closet. "A little. I mean we didn't eat anything this morning." I say walking to him. "Mm. We can go down there when they go to bed. Ok?" I nod my head in response and he grabs my hips pulling me closer to him. "Is Lidia still bothering you?" Xavier asks looking at my face. I furrow my brows in confusion. I wasn't showing or saying anything about her. Why would he ask? "Not after this morning. Why?" He sighs and shakes his head. "I just feel bad that I have no clue or way in helping." It warmed my heart to know he cared about helping. It let me know he truly paid attention to what bothered me.

Wrapping my arms around him I smile. "It's not anyone's fault but hers. She won't tell us why, and that's on her. Not me. Not you." He smiles back and kisses my forehead. "let's take a nap. I'm exhausted." This makes me giggle and we walk to the bed getting under the covers as he wrapped his arms around me until we drifted off to sleep. This is much better than my apartment. Well besides all the people In the house. Not that this was any different than when we first had sex and everyone was asleep in the living room. I won't get into that though.

I wake up to my stomach growling from hunger. As I sit up I see Xavier was still sound asleep next to me. My stomach growled again making me cringe at the noise. I need to go to the bathroom and wash my face. Gently, I grab Xavier's arm that was still around my waist and plop it down next to me. When I go to grab my phone I see the time written on the clock. 7:36. Well fuck, now I have to wake him up. I turn back around and brush aside some hair on his face making him sniffle at the tickle. I quietly giggle and pull the hair tie off of my hair. Grabbing a bundle of hair I put it in a ponytail at the front of his head. He groans and turns his head away. "Noo." I climb on top of him trying to fix the hair. When I finish I sit back and look at my artwork. "Wonderful. Exquisite." My talking wakes him and he just stares at me still half asleep.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Xavier says grabbing my waist. "Making art. Duh." He looks at me in confusion and smiles. "What do you mean?" I giggle and flick his hair. "I'm a hairstylist now. Haven't you heard? His face goes shocked and he quickly pushes me off making me laugh. He walks into his bathroom and I hear him scoff. "Real funny Vina." He says walking back out with his hair back down. I frown at the disaster he did with my masterpiece. "Everyone should be gone and at school, if you want to go down and eat." I quickly jump off the bed and walk over to him grabbing his already held-out hand. "You're just gonna walk around in shorts and shirtless?" I ask as we walk out of the room. "I always do." He replies

We get to the kitchen and there is leftover pancakes that were still warm, so we took them and sat on the barstools. "I slept like a baby." My remark makes him laugh and look over at me. "Was it the fact that my arm was wrapped around you or my bed?" I pretend to thunk really hard and look at him. With a straight face I reply. "Definitely the bed."
"Wow ok." He scoffs causing me to laugh. "Ok fine... both." He only rolls his eyes and takes a bite of his food.

Sitting here with him and just being with him in general has really taken my mind off something I've been avoiding for months. Ever since my brother died to be exact. Going to his grave. I only have been once. The one time being his burial. Seeing peoples sympathy and sorrow from the corner I had concealed myself in at the funeral home. Every time someone came up to me to pay respect I simply thanked them and looked back down. I hate confronting stuff. Well besides when I confronted Xavier but that's beside the point.

"Davina?" Im quickly pulled out of my thoughts and turn my head to a concerned Xavier. "Im sorry what?" He looks at my face and lift his hand to my cheek sliding it across my face. Id been crying. "Whats wrong?" He asks placing had hand on my thigh. I give myself a moment to collect my running thoughts before speaking. "Just thinking about my brother. I don't really feel like talking about it. Sorry." I say shaking my head at him.

Nodding his head, he retreats his hand and glanses at my food. "Better finish it before I do." Laughing I take a bite and look back at him. "You wouldn't dare touching my food." "Eh kinda would." He chuckles reaching slowly over to my plate with his fork. I swat his hand away giving him and angry look. "Don't touch my food bitch." Playfully frowning at him. His smile fades into shock as he stares at me. "Wow. Davina calls me a bitch for the first time." I roll my eyes at him. "Well I must say.. I take this as a complete honor." He places his hand over his heart dramatically. His sarcasm warmed my heart.

"I can call you whatever I want." I state taking another bite. Feeling Xaviers stare I look over at him smirking. "Is that so?" I nod back at him. Before I could register movement he had his hand on my hip and his face in front of me nearly inches away. "You call me what I want you to call me Vina." My normal face in an instant becomes red an my normal body becomes warm. No not warm, hot. Burning molten hot. God why am I like this. I literally had these pleasures fulfilled last night. God Xavier has so much power in his hands. I need to learn how to do the same. I could end up becoming magma in his hands.

"Ok, what the fuck." And there it goes. My body turns cold once again as do my eyes. Well not really. They became wide. As did Xaviers. We are so stupid. Why didn't we check the rooms before waltzing down here like nothing could stop us. We were so wrong. God we're blinder than a fucking 97 year old. And stupid.

"So are y'all like a thing!?" Freya says stuffing her mouth with a pancake. I look over at Xavier already looking at me. I slowly turn back to her. She didn't seem bothered by it. I guess she just wanted to know. "You cant say anything to anyone." Her eyes dart up to mine. "Please im no snitch. And by that im assuming thats a yes." I sigh and nod. "Bout time." What? "Come again?" She laughs at my shock. Rude. "Bout time my brother gets a girl that isn't some self centered brat." Self centered brat huh? So there was someone before me. Not that I care. Just Curiosity.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I smile at her getting one back. "So um you two continue what was happening before I walked in, im going to the mall. Bye." Before I could say bye shes out the door and im sat there in silence. "Welp that happened." Xavier sighs. "Im not worried about her knowing. I like Freya." He smiles. "Good to know."

He stands up grabbing the plates and starts walking to the sink. I take the opportunity to pay him back and quickly stand up running past him grabbing the plates and going go the sink. "Hey!?" I giggle as he wraps his arms around my waist. "The least I can do is this." I say allowing myself to relax into his arms while I wash the dishes. "Im not stoping you." He chuckles and places a kiss on my head. Perfect. Every second I spent with him was  perfect.

I loved it.

I love it.

I-I- love him?...

I love him...



welp. Sorry I haven't updated. The mac I wrote on i broke. 🥲💀 so i didn't have something to write on. I wanted to write so i just wrote on my phone. Love yall 💗



How do y'all feel about Davinas feelings?-

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