The Truth Of Death Is One Of Tragedy

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Atsumu was hyperventilating, his memories had started a full-on panic attack.

The panic attack was so bad that he didn't even realize Kiyoomi's arrival.

Kiyoomi quickly rushed over and crouched down in front of him before he gently grabbed the assassin's hands to get him to look up at him.

Kiyoomi froze as he realized that he was staring into the true eyes of Vulpes.

His eyes were a honey-like brown color, but in them held a sadness that made Kiyoomi feel like his heart was sinking down a bottomless pit.

Atsumu's tear-stained face and disheveled hair made him seem so different in comparison to when he was Vulpes.

When Atsumu was Vulpes, he was an unseen, unheard force, no one could see his face, no one could see the dead look in his eyes.

Kiyoomi had only seen one side of the assassin, the confident, flirty, unashamed side, but now he was faced with Vulpes' true self.

His eyes were blank, distant, lost almost... They barely carried any emotion besides sadness within them in contrast to the stream of tears that flowed from them.

"Vulpes? Hey... Are you okay? What happened?" Sakusa asked quietly as he removed Vulpes' hood and wiped his tears with his thumb.

It occurred to him that Vulpes looked pretty young, like fresh-out-of-highschool kind of young.

Vulpes hiccupped as his breathing began to slow down just a little, "K-Kiyoomi?" he asked shakily.

"Yeah, it's me... What happened?" Sakusa asked.

Vulpes let out a sob as he tried to explain, "H-he knows... He knows! K-Kiyoomi- I can't- He's gonna... He's gonna kill me-"

Sakusa placed his hands on Vulpes' shoulders, "Woah... Slow down, take a breath."

Vulpes nodded slowly and began trying to regulate his breathing.

Once Vulpes had calmed down enough, Sakusa asked his question again, "Alright, so what happened?"

"I was keepin' an eye on yer father, like I said, but I overheard him talkin' to his advisors 'bout me... Kiyoomi, he knows I'm alive," Vulpes answered.

Sakusa's eyes widened, "What? How does he know?"

Vulpes shook his head, "It was more like a hunch, but... He explained that I couldn't be killed... He said that I was a weapon made to be unkillable, he said-" Vulpes bit back a sob as his gaze drifted downwards, "He called me death... I-I didn't ask for this! I didn't want to be an assassin! I didn't want any of it..."

Vulpes balled his fists in frustration as Sakusa sat quietly and continued to listen.

"Ya asked me how I know Miya Osamu, yeah?" Vulpes asked in a resignated tone of voice.

Sakusa nodded, unsure of where this was going, he'd noticed that Vulpes looked like an exact carbon copy of Osamu, but he didn't say anything about it because people who are strangers sometimes look alike.

Vulpes hesitated before carrying on, "My name is Miya Atsumu... I'm Osamu's twin brother..."

Sakusa's eyes widened, he knew Osamu had a brother since he'd mentioned it a few times, but Osamu had said that his brother went missing around thirteen years ago and was presumed dead.

"When we were six, our parents took us to a park to play volleyball... We lost the ball at one point, and the park was partially surrounded by forestry, so I went to go fetch the ball 'cause Samu was too scared... I have no memories of what happened in that forest, but I remember wakin' up with your father standin' over me..."

Sakusa quietly sat down next to Atsumu as he listened to the latter continue.

"He forced me to train or I'd be killed... If I messed up, he'd get angry an' hit me, but if I made him angry enough he'd cut me with that fuckin' dagger... An' then he gave me that same dagger when I was eleven, when he assigned me my first target..."

Atsumu took a deep breath before continuing.

"The guy was from some enemy gang... After years of sneakin' around the base for a bit of freedom, I was able to slit the guy's throat without him noticin'... I remember lookin' down at my hands an' seein' the blood that dripped off of 'em... I remember the look on his face, it was contorted in a silent scream, an image that I will never be able to get outta my head... After that, my intensive trainin' started..."

Sakusa's heart dropped, he'd thought that was the end of the training.

"He'd get some of his best marksmen to shoot at me, which meant that I had to learn how to dodge bullets really quickly."

Kiyoomi gulped, he remembered having to shoot at a boy who would dodge the bullets with ease, though there were times when he'd hit the boy and his father would praise him and then punish the boy.

He quickly realized that the boy was Atsumu, and thinking back on it, Atsumu's movements were very similar to the boy's.

"I can hear them, Kiyoomi... Their screams that they didn't even get the chance to voice... It haunts me, I try to drown them out but-"

Atsumu took a second to wipe the tears from his eyes.

"The images of their terrified faces, I can't get 'em outta my head... All of those people who I was forced to kill, most of them were bad people, yes, but it's not like I can criticise them... After all, I'm the one with a kill-count of over four hundred..."

Kiyoomi's eyes widened, "You remember the amount?"

Atsumu nodded and sniffed, "I remember every single victim that I assassinated, every single life that I ended... I don't remember their names, but I remember their shocked, fearful expressions..."

Atsumu stared up at the ceiling and sighed, he squinted his eyes and blinked back tears.

Kiyoomi pulled Atsumu's hood down further before running his hand through his fluffy bleached-blonde hair.

He pulled the boy towards him and engulfed him in a tight hug, he rubbed Atsumu's back comfortingly while managing to somehow avoid getting stabbed by one of the twenty-seven blades that were attached to Atsumu's gear.

Kiyoomi continued to rub Atsumu's back as the blonde clutched tightly onto his jacket.

"Hey... You're okay now..." Kiyoomi said as he tried to comfort Atsumu.

"He knows I'm alive, Omi..." Atsumu looked up at Kiyoomi with sad eyes.

Kiyoomi blinked at the nickname, it was so adorable that he was trying not to simp while Atsumu was in this state.

He brought his hand to Atsumu's cheek and wiped away the tears as he smiled softly at the blonde, "Everything is going to be okay, Atsumu, with the two of us working together, my father will be dead in no time..."

He realized that Atsumu was nineteen years old, considering that he and Osamu were twins, they had to be the same age.

He just wanted to protect the blonde, even though he was more than sure that it would be the other way around.

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Not me casually giving Atsumu a fuck ton of trauma-

Anygays, bye!

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