A Lover's Betrayal Is Heart-Breaking

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"Motoya, are the explosives ready?" Kiyoomi asked into his communicator.

Kiyoomi was standing next to Osamu, Iwaizumi, Akagi, and Suna on the roof of the building where his father was located.

"We're ready for detonation," Komori answered.

"Good," Kiyoomi confirmed, "Vulpes? Are you in the building?"

"Yeah, I found the breakers, jus' waitin' for those bombs to go off," Atsumu answered.

"Alright, Motoya make sure you're out of the blast zone," Kiyoomi directed.

"Already done," Komori answered.

With Komori's confirmation, Kiyoomi nodded to Suna who typed something into a digital screen he had attached to his wrist.

Suna stared at the screen on his wrist, "All exits will be blocked in three... Two... One..."

The building shook and car alarms went off as a series of loud blasts rang through the air.

All at once, tons of debris and rubble rained down and blocked the exits of the building.

"Phase one completed, Vulpes, activate phase two," Kiyoomi commanded.

Suddenly, all the lights in the building switched off instantly.

"Phase two complete," came Atsumu's voice through the communicator.

"Alright, everyone, night vision goggles on, phase three is a go," Kiyoomi directed.

The team did as they were told and Oikawa began to scan the building from his position on the roof of the building across the street.

"Twenty armed guards on the first floor, fifteen on the second, ten on third, one on fourth and five heading up from third to fourth," Oikawa reported.

"My father is on the fifth floor," Kiyoomi said quickly, "Tooru and Michinari, start taking out the guys on the first floor, Vulpes and Motoya, clear out the basement, Rintarou and Osamu, take the second floor, and Hajime, you're with me on third floor."

"Got it," came the joint reply of everyone as they got to work.

Atsumu and Komori met up in the basement and started taking out the guards.

Atsumu was lightning-quick as he darted around the room, slitting the throats of the people in range and throwing knives at those who were too far away with pin-point accuracy.

Komori stood at the stairs and shot anyone that tried to escape with his homemade dart-gun that shot cyanide injections into his victims.

On the first floor, the sounds of windows shattering filled the air as Oikawa quickly picked off rival members with his sniper, one bullet per head.

Akagi was hiding in the shadows with his crossbow and arsenic-tipped arrows that he launched into the hearts of the rival gang members.

The slashing of a katana accompanied the sound of a low-pitched hum on the second floor could be heard as the Suna and Osamu made quick work of their enemies.

Osamu slashed through his victims, letting their heads roll as he decapitated them from their bodies while his new sword that Atsumu gave him cut through them like they were butter.

Suna, being the tech genius he was, used the control panel attached to his wrist to pilot an attack drone that sprayed a barrage of bullets towards his enemies.

On the third floor, Iwaizumi and Kiyoomi were making quick work of the rival gang members.

Iwaizumi was crushing skulls and breaking ribs with his knuckle-busters as he ripped through the enemy forces punch after punch.

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