Scars Will Heal With Time

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Osamu darted towards his brother as Atsumu held out his arms to initiate a hug.

Atsumu stumbled back a bit as Osamu crashed into him, but he returned the hug happily.

Osamu sobbed into Atsumu's shoulder as Atsumu rubbed his back comfortingly, "I missed ya too, Samu..." He said.

The others just watched as Osamu, the usually most level-headed and calmest member on the team, broke down in the arms of Vulpes, his twin brother.

"C'mon Samu, it's gettin' late, we hafta get back to base... We can talk there..." Atsumu said softly.

Osamu nodded and let go of Atsumu who slowly wiped the tears from his brother's eyes.

They returned to the base and Atsumu had a long conversation with his brother about what happened during the past thirteen years.

After a few hours, Suna took Osamu to their room to get some rest since he was quite overwhelmed by everything.

Though it's safe to say that he was just about ready to chop Sakusa's father into tiny little pieces with his katana.

Atsumu went to Kiyoomi's room to find the mafia leader chilling at his desk.

"Aren't ya goin' to sleep?" Atsumu asked.

"I could ask you the same question," Kiyoomi replied as he turned around to face Atsumu.

Atsumu sat down on the bed, "I don't really sleep... When I was younger, I was trained to be able to stay awake for days without bein' effected mentally," he explained, "Not to mention that my paranoia's not gonna let me sleep..."

Kiyoomi sighed, just how much torture did his father put Atsumu through?

Kiyoomi got up from his chair and walked over to Atsumu.

"Come on, I'll lend you some clothes, and then you can sleep... I'll stay with you, I won't let anything happen to you," Kiyoomi promised and Atsumu nodded.

One by one, Kiyoomi helped Atsumu take the knives out from his belt and everywhere that they were placed.

Once all twenty-seven knives were out and accounted for, Kiyoomi handed Atsumu some clothes and told him to take a shower.

After Atsumu was finished, he laid down on Kiyoomi's bed.

Kiyoomi watched him silently before looking back to his desk to figure out a plan to take down his father.

He'd known that his father had a second gang other than the one that Kiyoomi took over, but he didn't know that it was still operational.

It was something he'd figured out when Atsumu had told him who he worked under.

They couldn't just rush in though, his father had some powerful allies and they'd quickly be overrun if they didn't do something about them first.

His train of thought was cut off by Atsumu's voice, "Ya should sleep too, ya know?"

He looked back to see Atsumu sitting up and patting the place next to him, he sighed, got up and switched off his desk lamp before walking over to the bed.

The blonde reached out and grabbed Kiyoomi's hand before pulling him down next to him and wrapping Kiyoomi's arms around his waist.

Kiyoomi tensed up at the action but quickly relaxed as Atsumu curled up against his chest.

Atsumu once again felt that feeling of warmth and comfort that only came when he was around Kiyoomi.

Kiyoomi on the other hand was internally gay panicking, he really liked holding Atsumu like that, maybe a bit too much.

"Hey, Omi...?" Atsumu asked into the darkness.

"Yeah?" Kiyoomi replied.

"Do ya ever feel like... Endin' everythin'?" Atsumu asked.

"What do you mean?" Kiyoomi asked, slightly taken aback at the unexpectedly dark question.

Atsumu turned over and looked at Kiyoomi through the darkness, "I coulda escaped from yer father anytime I wanted to... But I felt like I was useless in everythin' else but killin' so I jus' complied an' did the monotonous tasks given to me... I had no will to live, I was jus' waitin' for the day when I'd finally get overpowered an' someone would kill me..."

Kiyoomi sensed a 'but' so he stayed silent, and just as he'd expected, Atsumu continued.

"But that day never came, so I felt that when I would eventually kill yer father, I'd jus' end myself in the process... But now I feel like I can go on," Atsumu said softly.

"Why do you feel that way?" Kiyoomi asked as he ran a hand through Atsumu's fluffy blonde hair.

"I... I don't know... I don't really understand it, but when I'm around ya I feel... Safe and warm inside," Atsumu decided that those were good adjectives to describe how he was feeling.

Kiyoomi could feel his face heating up as his heart pounded in his chest at Atsumu's words, and he pulled the smaller boy closer to his chest, "I feel the same way, Atsu," he replied before reflexively placing a soft kiss on Atsumu's forehead, "Get some sleep, yeah?"

Atsumu felt his cheeks heat up, he liked it, the kiss and the nickname, though he wasn't really used to that amount of affection shown towards himself before.

He snuggled into Kiyoomi's chest as the latter smiled unconsciously and pulled him closer.

A few hours later, when Atsumu woke up, he found himself trapped in Kiyoomi's firm grasp.

He looked up at the mafia leader, admiring the way his ebony curls fell perfectly over his face.

Atsumu then slowly tried to break free from Kiyoomi's grip, once he was able to escape the mafia leader's hold, he went to the bathroom and changed back into his gear.

After that, he grabbed his kunais and began writing a note before pinning it to Kiyoomi's desk with a metallic silver kunai with a matte-black hilt.

I'm in the training room if you need me.


After that, Atsumu left to go practice in the underground training room.

Kiyoomi woke up about ten minutes later to find that Atsumu wasn't there, he begrudgingly got out of bed and saw the note pinned to his desk.

He read it and smiled softly before going to shower and then heading down to the training room as well.

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Ohhh there's an action scene coming 🤩

Anygays, byee!

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