Escaping the Police Can Be Enjoyable

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Kiyoomi stared at Atsumu wide-eyed, "What?!" He hissed.

Atsumu scoffed and Kiyoomi swore that he could feel the eye-roll from behind the assassin's mask.

"Ya trust me, right?" Atsumu asked quickly.

"You wouldn't be on this team if I didn't," Kiyoomi deadpanned.

Actually, Kiyoomi would have already been dead if he couldn't trust Atsumu.

Atsumu hit the back of Kiyoomi's head causing the mafia leader to wince slightly.

"Then jus' follow my lead, yeah?" Atsumu replied reassuringly.

Kiyoomi thought for a second before nodding hesitantly, and Atsumu took the opportunity to lace his fingers with the mafia leader's.

"If we get caught, we're gettin' caught together," Atsumu assured, "I promise I won't leave ya behind..."

Kiyoomi stared into the milky-white sockets of Atsumu's mask as the flashing blue and red lights grew closer and nodded.

Atsumu let go of his hand, "Jus' follow my lead," he said and Kiyoomi nodded.

Atsumu stared at Kiyoomi for a second longer before he turned away and looked around.

Without warning, the assassin broke into a sprint towards the edge of the building and Kiyoomi watched in awe as he gracefully leaped off the edge without hesitation and landed on the roof of the next building over.

Kiyoomi blinked as he realized that he was supposed to follow.

The mafia leader sucked in a sharp breath and steeled his nerves before taking a step back and running towards the edge of the building just as Atsumu did.

He squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the wind bristle through his hair, it was only as his feet settled on the solid ground next to Atsumu did he open his eyes again.

"That's it!" Atsumu praised, "C'mon, we gotta get to the end of the block before we can get down," he explained.

Kiyoomi nodded and they ran across the roof of the building.

Kiyoomi watched Atsumu leap gracefully off the edge if he'd done this a thousand times before, but the mafia leader quickly realized that the assassin probably had.

He couldn't help himself but keep his eyes on Atsumu's slender, toned figure as the assassin somersaulted through the air and continuously landed perfectly.

It wasn't long until they reached the end of the block, Kiyoomi's eyes widened as he realized that Atsumu wasn't stopping.

Atsumu dropped over the edge and Kiyoomi quickly ran up to the edge to see what had happened.

Kiyoomi sighed in relief and smiled softly as Atsumu waved up at him from where he was standing on one of those outdoor stairwell things.

Kiyoomi didn't hesitate to vault over the edge, and he landed next to Atsumu before they quickly made their way down the stairs.

When they arrived at street-level, they darted across the empty road towards an alleyway between two buildings on the other side.

Kiyoomi was right behind Atsumu who he noticed was an incredibly fast runner, agile and nimble, with an intense amount of stamina, though he knew about the stamina part already.

Kiyoomi noticed that if he didn't focus enough, Atsumu seemed to blend into the darkness of the night, he really lived up to his reputation.

He watched the assassin run directly towards a high wall before effortlessly lifting himself up and vaulting over the top.

Bloodlust (SakuAtsu Mafia/Assassin AU) Where stories live. Discover now