The Silent Destruction Returns

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After a few minutes, Kiyoomi and Atsumu walked into the main room.

"So what did we need to see?" Atsumu asked as he took a seat next to Osamu with Kiyoomi sitting down next to him.

Osamu merely pointed to the screen and Atsumu followed his gaze to see a news reporter on screen.

"A few hours ago, a string of explosions went off in this building. The police were called to the scene only to be horrified with the inside," the reporter said as the screen showed footage of the inside of the building.

Kiyoomi smiled grimly as the different floors were shown on the screen.

He immediately realized why Atsumu was covered in blood when the news showed a clip of the basement.

Bodies littered the floor, no matter where you looked, there was no doubt you'd see a corpse or two.

Blood splattered across the walls of the basement and the floor seemed to have disappeared beneath a pool of the red liquid, a gruesome and grotesque scene that was true to Vulpes fashion, and Komori only added to it with the cyanide darts, leaving sickly grey corpses in his wake.

The ground floor was less morbid, though some of the corpses were also a sickly grey from Akagi's arsenic-tipped arrows, and there was lots of shattered glass and some brain matter splattered across the floor from the many bullets that Oikawa rained down into their skulls with his sniper.

On the second floor, bullet holes covered the walls and corpses of the headless bodies that scattered the floor, remnants of Suna's attack-drone and Osamu's expert swordsman skills.

The third floor was the least gruesome, though with the amount of skulls that were crushed by Iwaizumi, no one could say that it wasn't morbid, especially with the scarily-accurate bullet holes embedded in between the eyes of the corpses.

Kiyoomi smirked, his team was truly the best of the best, eight skilled fighters who eliminated over fifty people in the time span of a few minutes.

The screen then flicked to Mr Sakusa's office, showing the scene that Atsumu left behind.

"After months of no activity, it seems Vulpes is active again, our sources have said that there were different weapons used during the massacre as proved by the autopsies conducted on some of the victims. In a grim turn of events, it seems that Vulpes is no longer working alone. Authorities are working on tracking them down as this report is being made," the reporter finished with a slight shake in her voice.

Kiyoomi felt Atsumu's fingers curl into his as the assassin took hold of his hand.

Kiyoomi subtly wrapped an arm around Atsumu's waist and pulled him closer, to which the assassin accepted the action and cuddled into Kiyoomi's side as the news report continued.

For the next few weeks, Kiyoomi began to grow his mafia with Atsumu by his side.

When Atsumu wasn't working with Kiyoomi, he'd go into the city and watch the sunset on the rooftop of the building where he first met Kiyoomi.

Sometimes Kiyoomi would go with him and they would just chill out and relax, or enjoy their alone time.

Atsumu's life had become a lot more peaceful with Mr Sakusa dead, he could enjoy the freedom and happiness that came from being with Kiyoomi.

Though Atsumu's eyes were still as cold and blank as ice, he was happy, and Kiyoomi cherished every single moment that he could make the assassin smile.

Atsumu would go on all of Kiyoomi's business deals, though he was mostly unnoticed unless someone stepped out of line, to which a dagger was pressed to their throat and they were met with Kiyoomi's menacing grin.

Rumors quickly spread throughout the mafia world that the infamous Vulpes was working with Sakusa Kiyoomi, the best marksman and gunslinger in the city.

However, the rumors were true, and it put major targets on both Kiyoomi and Atsumu's heads as other rival mafias wanted them dead.

Separately, Kiyoomi and Atsumu were dangerous, but together, they were lethal, add the rest of the team, and you've got yourself an overly powerful, unstoppable force of pure destruction.

The authorities weren't able to find out who eliminated Mr Sakusa and his gang, everyone knew that Vulpes was an accomplice, but just like his reputation said, he couldn't be traced.

Atsumu was still a ghost in the mafia world, but now he wasn't alone, he had his brother, his boyfriend, and his friends.

Atsumu was still a shadow, a demon of death cloaked by darkness, but where there was only a murky gloom now held a bright light, and the assassin could not be more grateful.

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Heh this was actually supposed to end like three chapters ago but here you go 🤲

Anygays, Crackshot signing off for the last time in this fic, byee!!

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