Part 7

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Welcome to Chapter 7 - thank you everyone who has so far read, voted and commented on this story - I have decided that compared to my other stories this will be a shorter story but still filled with all the action you know and love - so here is the new part, enjoy!!

Derek POV

I didn't expect the emotions that hit me when I heard his voice once again coming out of Scott's phone, it did make me wonder how many times he has listened to that message since his death. Without a single word spoken between us we all got into Rafael's SUV and took the short drive to the High School, so much has gone down within this school, I can't help remembering the time Stiles held me a float for several hours saving my life.

"What's got you smiling?" Scott asks from next to me and I hadn't even realised I had been smiling as I remember that memory of us, it still amazes me that when we first met, I would have happily killed him yet right now I would rather have died for him instead.

"Stiles. I was just remembering the time he saved me at the school, feels kinda weird heading back without him." I admit honestly knowing no point lying with Scott and Parrish present in the car, they would just hear my heart skip a beat.

"He is still with us, always and forever." Rafael states as he pulls in to the car park nearest the school entrance, I appreciated his words as I unbuckled my seatbelt and exited the SUV.

As we walk towards the entrance way, I hear a distant bang causing me to stop in my tracks. I close my eyes and try to concentrate to hear properly where the sound is originating from.

"Derek, what is it?" Parrish asks as I open my eyes to see him and Rafael have taken out their guns as I hear another distant bang, the sound was so familiar but I couldn't place it.

"We aren't alone, listen closely." I state towards Parrish and Scott knowing they had a better chance of hearing the sound also, they both close their eyes as the bang rings out again.

"Someone is in the locker room, we need to move now." Scott states starting to move forward before been stopped by Rafael.

"You can't just go charging in there, you have no idea who it is and if they find what they are looking for what is to stop them destroying it. We do this safely and quietly, so Scott you will come with me via the north entrance while Parrish and Derek take the field entrance. Parrish, change your radio to station four." Rafael instructs taking charge with such authority that we all nod in agreement and without a single question, Parrish changes his radio over to the correct station before we split apart.

As we get to the entrance nearest to the Lacrosse field I can see the door is swinging open and close, I guess this is what is making the banging sound we can hear before a louder bang from inside confirms our theory correct that someone is inside and appears to be searching.

"Come on, where are you?" A male's voice rings out as we reach the door to the locker room, Rafael whispers through the radio advising he is ready at the other entrance.

On the count of three we storm into the dressing room to be greeted with heavy gun fire, I grab Parrish and dive behind the shower wall as the bullets continue firing in all directions.

"10,4 shots fired at police, need immediate back up to Beacon Hills High School." Rafael voice rings out before replies are quickly heard, I guess he had the common sense to have back up on stand by just in case.

"The is the Beacon Hills Sheriff Station along with the FBI, you are surrounded. Stop firing and come up with your hands up otherwise we will use deadly force." Parrish states firmly before returning his own shots in the direction that the bullets had been coming from moments earlier.

"I can't do that; I am a dead man anyway. No way am I getting out of this alive, not after what I have done." The same man's voice we heard shouts earlier rings out, in a way he sounds almost scared of his actions.

"Please, we can help you. If someone is making you do this then we can protect you, just put down the weapon and we can sort this all out." I state back hoping he accepts the offer, he currently is our only suspect or lead into what happened to Stiles and Noah.

I slowly move around Parrish and duck behind a nearby locker and slowly peer around trying to get a glance of who was currently holding us at gun point; as I look round all I can see is the back of someone's head, if only I had Stiles's talent to identify people just by seeing the back of their heads.

"Why would you even want to help me? After everything I have done, I don't deserve to be saved." The young man states again the gun hanging at his side and I know it is time to make my move, I swiftly move and tackle the young man to the floor before he can register I was moving.

We result over the gun before a loud bang echoes close to me and sharp pain radiates though my side, I hear footsteps coming from around me as I try to move but suddenly don't have the strength to move on my own free will. I hear voices above me, but it is all mumbled together as the room starts to darken around me.

"Derek!" Scott's voice rings out loudest and jolts me back awake, I notice his and Parrish's worried faces are staring down at me. I guess I must have passed out briefly as they moved me but I can't remember.

"I'm okay." I state trying to get up before realising I actually can't, I look down and notice that Scott is pressing a folded towel into my side and I can feel the wetness on the floor below me.

"Alright Superman, you are not okay. You have been shot so you will remain as you are until the Paramedics take you to Melissa who is waiting for you." Parrish states with a slight chuckle as he stands up and I notice two Paramedics coming over towards us.

I decide there was no point in arguing the point as by time I got to Hospital the wound would have been healed anyway; but something did feel different this time. Last time I got hit with a bullet and passed out was when Kate arrived and kidnapped me.

"Mr Hale, can you hear me?" A voice states as I feel someone gently tapping my face, of course I could hear them but I try to open my mouth, and nothing comes out. What is happening to me?

"Derek? Can you hear me still?" Scott asks this time and still I can't seem to be able to answer, I can feel my heart pounding in my chest at such a rapid speed.

I try to move my head to nod or my hand but nothing seems to be working, okay now I am starting to panic even more. I notice the darkness starting to form at the edge of my vision again and my eyes feel way to heavy to keep open so I allow them to close.

"Derek, open your eyes for us." A new voice joins as once again I feel someone tapping my face before the sound of an annoying beeping fills my ears once again before I knew nothing anymore.

Rafael POV

How had this happened? Derek is Supernatural creature, yet somehow here he is shot and wounded on the floor of the locker room. I take over getting the suspect into custody under arrest for Stiles murder and the attempted murder of Noah and I guess now Derek also.

The Paramedics pass me as I hand him over to two Deputies, I trusted to make sure he arrived at the Station without any issues with strict instructions that no one speaks to him before I do, before I turn heading back into the locker room to check on Derek, I am pretty sure that by time I get to him he will be up on his feet and snarling at everyone in sight.

But the sight that greets me is something completely different, Parrish is holding onto Scott while one Paramedic is performing CPR on Derek while the other is providing him with Oxygen via a mask. I quickly join the others and stare in horror as they continue attempting to revive him as the loud long beep echoes through the quiet locker room.

They stop what they are doing to check for a pulse again and to read the machine before giving each other a look before nodding and placing the mask away and turning off the machine. Without either of them uttering a single word to us I knew what this meant.

"Time of death 18:35!"

Thank you for reading - R.I.P Derek!! - new chapter will arrive soon.

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