Part 10

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Welcome to Chapter 10 - well we are almost to the end, this was a massive chapter so split it in two - so enjoy this part!!

Parrish POV

Lydia and Stiles's baby really does know how to pick their timing to make their arrival, Noah swiftly moves from the bed before we help Lydia lie down. Melissa leaves to go get the relevant nurses, doctors and equipment as Scott, Deaton, Derek and Peter head out of the room.

"I'll go wait in the waiting room with the others, I have a call I need to make anyway. Good luck Lydia." I state as Lydia starts crying in pain calling out for Stiles as Noah holds her hand for comfort, I get my phone out knowing what I need to know.

"Hey, it's me. You need to come to the Hospital; Lydia has gone into labour and really needs you. It's over, it is time for you to come home." I state into the phone and disconnect the call before he can even reply back to me, leaving no other option but to come here.

I head to the waiting room and instead of sitting down and start pacing back and forth; I keep looking up hoping to see the doors open and him to walk or even run through but time passes and he doesn't arrive.

"Parrish, will you please take a seat before I take your handcuffs and connect you to a chair! Who on earth are you waiting for, everyone that needs to be is already here? Minus Scott's Dad and I am pretty sure Scott has already let him know" Deaton state towards me and I scowl at him and take a seat as the door opens up again and he comes running in red faced and slightly out of breath with Rafael arriving behind him.

"Him! Where the heck have you been?" I snap at him before he can even catch his breathe or the others can even react to his appearance.

Scott POV

Yep, definitely Stiles's kid with the amazing timing, I quickly excuse myself from the room after giving Lydia a kiss on the head for luck. No offense to Lydia and love her dearly but I do not want to see a person exit her.

Derek, Deaton and Peter join me in the waiting room near the entrance as I message Dad to let him know what was happening, I notice Parrish leave the room afterwards but doesn't join us right away; I watch as he types into his own phone before holding it to his ear.

"Hey, it's me. You need to come to the Hospital; Lydia has gone into labour and really needs you. It's over, it is time for you to come home." Parrish states before hanging the phone up and placing it back in his pocket, he comes to join us but doesn't take a seat and starts pacing up and down.

We fall into a comfortable silence as we all process the last few weeks, while also sending positive hopes and prayers towards Noah and Lydia. Parrish, I think is trying to either lose some excess weight or something but he is driving me crazy with the constant back and forth.

"Parrish, will you please take a seat before I take your handcuffs and connect you to a chair! Who on earth are you waiting for, everyone that needs to be is already here? Minus Scott's Dad and I am pretty sure Scott has already let him know" Deaton state towards Parrish who just scowls at him and takes a seat as the door opens up again and in comes running a red faced and slightly out of breath person, I thought I would never see again. Dad arriving just behind him looking a bit beaten but very much alive.

"Him! Where the heck have you been?" Parrish snaps getting up to his feet again as I stand frozen in place just staring.

Rafael POV

As I stare down the barrel of the gun with Greenberg taunting Scott and everyone else on the other side of the phone, I start silently praying to everyone that if I make it out of this, I will do my best to make up for my mistakes. I hear the gun be charge in front of my face as I close my eyes and await my death, please let it be quick.

"Greenburg, please don't do..." Scott starts to say before a single gun shot rings out, I gasp for breath as I heard a thump and clatter of the phone hitting the floor. I slowly peel my eyes open and take spluttering deep breathes as reality hits me that I am still alive.

"DAD!!" Scott's voice screams out from the discarded phone next to where Greenberg lay bleeding but alive, I reach over and throw his gun away from him before picking up the phone.

"'s okay. I am okay." I state as my voice shakes as I hear several gasps and sobs escape from the other side of the phone.

"Dad..." Scott shakingly states as though unable to believe it is me on the phone right now, before I can answer several officers arrive and cuff Greenberg as I sit back on my feet as a hand lays itself on my shoulder, as I look up I am greeted with a face I thought I would never see again.

"Don't worry, my guardian angel was looking after me. It's all over now, Greenberg is in custody alive but wounded." I state before saying goodbye and disconnecting the call, I place my phone in my pocket before rising slowly back to my feet.

I turn around and come face to face with one Stiles Stilinski; a small smile appears on his face as I feel my mouth open in shock and surprise. Last time I had seen him, he was been given a guard of honour while been wheeled into the Hospital on the way to the Morgue.

"Stiles? Am I dead right now?" I ask as that is the only logically explanation how this is happening right now, he only chuckles as he pulls me into a tight hug.

"Nope, this is me repaying you for something you did for me here many years ago." Stiles states letting me go and I look him up and down. For someone who was tortured and shot dead not that long ago he is looking pretty good.

"But how? You were shot and killed weeks ago; I saw your body myself. Your Dad said he saw you and you told him that you were having a son. I am so confused right now!" I start in a tangent before Stiles stops me and walks over to the locker Greenberg had opened and reaches in side and pulls out a bag and envelope.

"You don't think I didn't see any of this coming, as soon as I knew what type of person Greenberg had become I created a plan that would allow me to move in the shadows to help take him down. Only thing I didn't count on was Jared and Dad been present, is Dad still alive?" Stiles asks with a look of hope and wonder in his eyes, this shocks me out of my own thoughts.

"Oh my god, you didn't know how your Dad was all of this time? Yes he is okay, trying to jail break from Hospital to find Greenberg but both him and Derek are doing okay." I advise as relief and confusion flush over his face as my phone dings with a message as Stiles's phone rings.

Dad, Lydia is in labour.

I smile at the timing as Stiles places his phone away from his ear, I guess the call was someone who knew the truth and was letting him know.

"Come on, I will give you a lift to the Hospital. On the way there, I will tell you what happened to Derek and then you can tell me how you survived a shot to the chest." I explain placing him in a one-armed hug and take him towards my car.

The entire way there, Stiles's leg bounced as he kept checking his phone while explaining everything to me, he explained waking up in the Morgue scaring Dr Geyer who was doing the confirmation checks that he was actually dead to having his injures stitched and leaving the Hospital in the dead of night to avoid detection. The Hospital never flagged the lost body as technically he was never in the system, he explained how he used an old hideout of his and planned the next steps.

"Why didn't you call me? I could have helped you." I ask him while also in a way already knowing the answer but asked him anyway.

"I couldn't tell anyone, not after what they had done to Dad. I blamed myself for his torture and what I thought was his death. Inside the envelope is all the evidence you need to build your case against Greenberg in relation to the death threats and attacks completed, also my signed report of the events that I can remember." Stiles explains and I am amazed he even had all that prepared, especially with everything he had on his plate.

"You still amaze me everyday Stiles, I am glad you are alive." I state as we pull into the Hospital car park, Stiles smiles before grabbing the bag and racing out of the car after I park. I jog behind him and enter behind him to everyone's shocked faces.

"Him! Where the heck have you been?" Parrish snaps as soon as he sees Stiles, I just nod towards everyone and can't help but feel as though this is all finally over.

Thank you for reading - ahhh Stiles is alive!!! - the final chapter is up next!!!

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