Drunks in a Bar

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"Out of all the places you could go to in this huge city," Snake said. "And all the bars and nightclubs you could pick, you decide to choose the worst one you could ever think of."

"It's not a bad bar," Jim said, ignoring the man's irrational reactions.

"You really think it's fun watching a bunch of sweaty men square dancing?" Snake asked. "I don't even know how you like this music."

Jim just shook his head, attempting to get the annoying complaints that his partner always said out of the way. They were at Jim's favorite place to relax and have a beer. It went through his system too fast for his blood level to even have a alcohol content unless he chugged three of them in a row. He just liked the taste of it, and the small buzz that he got by the end of the night. As long as he didn't drink enough to make the bartender suspicious of him.

"What's the matter with the music?" Felix asked, head bobbing to the new song that played over the music. "I think it's pretty catchy."

"I agree with you on the catchy part," Snake frowned. "It's enough to give you a headache."

"I thought your immortal genes would prevent something like that," Jim took another sip of his beer. "Human problems are beyond your perfect genes."

"Oh please," Snake laughed. "I do not have perfect genes, or anything perfect for that matter."

"Isn't that what vampires supposed to be, though?" Felix asked. "I mean you guys have the strength, speed."

"Completely dependent on other living creatures," Snake said. "Whatever vampire you hear saying that they're perfect is the exact opposite of that. All they want to do is talk themselves up and make people worship them."

"The ones without a cult can be just as bad," Jim said, taking a bite out of his burger.

"Oh, I wasn't saying those weren't," Snake gestured towards himself. "I mean, look at me. I'm as bad as they get."

"You're a tamed Doberman."

"The fact that you compared me to a dog is the most insulting thing you could have said to me," Snake took a big bite out of his food.

"You eat like one," he smirked at him.

"I don't make a mess like you do, mutt."

"Fruit bats are pretty messy, you know."

"Do I look like a fruit bat in that form?"

"You're as small as one."

"Alright, boys," one of the waitresses came over with more drinks. "Calm down there. The roast sessions are on Thursdays, not Saturdays."

"You guys do that?" Felix smiled. He had such a boyish charm to him. Jim swore he grabbed the attention of all the girls just from that smile of his. If that didn't do it, his happy demeanor usually did it, or the fact that he'll listen attentively to just about anyone about anything.

"Thursdays," the waitress winked at him. "Jim's even participated in a few of them."

"I get a lot of practice dealing with this one," he moved his head to motion towards Snake. "He complains so much the moon gets tired. How do you think the sun comes up every morning?"

"Alright, asshole," Snake laughed. "You just wait until I start talking about your little crush."

"Oh?" the waitress looked over to him. "And here I thought you weren't going to date for a while, Jim? What happened to being the lone Detective?"

"You don't want to know," Jim rubbed his face.

"He's hooked Betsy," Snake told her. "Even brought her on a ride in the car."

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