A Bat, a Fish, and a Wolf Walk into a Bar

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She couldn't believe what she had just seen. She didn't want to believe what she had just seen. It was unlike anything she had ever thought of. Her dreams were nothing compared to the behemoth that had lunged towards the one who had tried to grab her. She was just trying to look for Jim. She needed to warn him, even though Snake had told her to stay home. It didn't feel right just sitting around and waiting while he could potentially be out there getting hurt.

He still did get hurt. Right before he turned from a giant wolf...

Indigo was still trying to process this as she was raced through the forest. Everything that had happened that night flashed through her eyes. She wasn't sure whether to be worried about Jim after getting that wound, or scared because of just how calmly everyone seemed to react to him getting shot. That was the whole reason she went to Snake. Because she couldn't get ahold of Jim, and she wasn't sure what was going to happen to him that night. It was either that or go to the office.

Now she was thinking she should have just gone to the police station to talk to him. If she knew where in the forest that his brother lived, she would have just drove up there herself. Instead, she trekked through the forest in the dead of night, going against her better judgement for the sake of someone she now realized might have been more prepared for it than her.

And she was still in trouble.

"You aren't going to get out of our grasp!" A faint female voice heckled through the breeze. Snake had been pulling her through the forest at a strangely fast speed. And yet these people still somehow knew where to find her. "No vampire is going to take our most precious ingredient."


"Way to make things ten times more complicated," Snake looked towards the voice. His gun was already out as he aimed it. "Plug your ears, Indigo."

She did on instinct, learning her lesson the last time, when she saw Jim get shot. That was from a rifle, if she could take a guess, and it was much louder than the pistol that Snake had. It still hurt her ears when he shot. But that didn't matter. All that mattered was getting the hell out of there.

"Your aim isn't as sharp as you think, blood sucker," the woman's voice came out from the shadows again. "What's the matter? You seem rather defensive over your next meal. Are you really that thirsty?"

"You're really cocky for someone who's too afraid to show themselves," Snake said, shooting another bullet towards her. "Don't you know that sounds are the best way to locate someone?"

One more bullet and she heard a groan. There was no way that woman was going to survive a bullet. She wasn't sure whether to be sorry for her or not. They had just tried to grab her again. She was really getting sick of being the damsel in distress too.

"What did she mean by that?" Indigo asked. While her brain was going a million miles a minute, her mouth was working just fine, asking all the questions she wished she had the answer to. Then again, she wasn't sure she wanted the answer to this one.

"Looks like I get to explain some things too when we get back," Snake told her. "For right now, though, you're just going to have to trust me. I'm going to get you out of here, okay?"

The way he looked at her was strange. His light blue eyes were still the same, but his irises had changed from dots to vertical slits. She wasn't sure what she should do at that point, but she felt like she could trust him. After all, he did help Jim, and he went there just like he had told her during their phone call.

And she really didn't have a choice.

"Okay," she nodded.

"Alright," Snake put an arm around her. "Don't take this the wrong way, but we need to get out of here, and you're a little too slow for my liking."

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