Birds of A Feather Fish Together

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"What did you do?!" The earpiece never sounded so loud in his life.

"Bought us more time," he answered, casually moving his hand to lower the volume. It had been a nice night out. The weather was perfect, and the clouds looked amazing even against the dark sky. It made the sunrise just as beautiful.

"A werewolf like him isn't going to die from a little poison, you know," the man hissed into his ear. "You're going to have to do better than that if you're trying to get the job done early."

"It's the strongest in the market," he answered. He had done his homework when it came to deadly concoctions. "If it doesn't kill him, then it keeps him off our tail for a bit longer."

He hadn't entirely liked just how close the officer had gotten to spotting him a few times. And he was lucky that he even had that holy water with him for when that demon tried to grab him. He loved to come prepared. The hint of surprise, along with the scream from his enemies, was something that he would relish for a long time.

"Even then so, we need that gypsy."

"Is that really necessary?" He frowned. He hated gypsies as much as the rest of them, but he really wished that this could be resolved easier.

"Are you questioning me?" The voice sounded sinister, slowing down to be as threatening as possible. "I thought you were one of my most loyal."

"I am," he backpedaled. "I just want this to be over with already."

"Ah, I see," the man relaxed his voice at that. There was a hint of a smile in his voice as well. "This is why I like you, you know. You're just as thirsty for vengeance as I am."

"That's why I'm out here," he told him, stopping by a crowd. It seemed as though the night shifters were heading home, and the early risers were up and going for their morning coffees.

"The impatient don't get rewarded," the man said. "This gypsy is important. No matter what, I want her, and I want her alive. I don't care how you do it. I just want it done. Is that understood?"

"Yes, sir," he took a deep breath.

"Good," the man answered, his voice sickly sweet. "Now, don't disappoint me. Everything is counting on this."

The small beep told him that the call had been disconnected. He looked to the sunrise for a moment after, still nothing but cellophane to the passersby's. There was still much left to do.

And now he had to figure out a new plan.


"Hey," Pete looked at the two of them curiously. "Where's Detective Magnar?"

"On vacation until further notice," Snake told him.

"That's not like him," the man frowned. "Is everything okay?"

"We're hoping so," Felix said before Snake promptly nudged him. "Ow! What was that for?"

"It's not good to talk to people about someone else's personal matters," Snake looked at him with wide eyes. This fish could take all the hints in the world and still not get it. He could have a neon sign right in front of his face and still not get the picture. "Especially when we don't know if he wants us to tell everyone."

"You always have to be this way," Pete rolled his eyes. "The man of mystery himself, always pulling Jim and everyone else you get close to into keeping secrets."

"There are laws put in place for a reason," Snake told him, hoping to end this argument quickly. "Or should I mention all those writeups you've gotten to everyone in our little police station?"

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