Playing With Fire

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"It's been too long since we've all seen you!" One of the men on his hunting party said. He was a good guy, probably a little too chatty for his role of guarding and defending the forest. Jim remembered him well. He had to help him train all those years ago.

"No, it hasn't," Jim rolled his eyes. "I always come on the holidays."

It was strange how easy it was to get brought right to the past with his pack. Blacktooth was the one that he was born and raised in. It was his family and home. But finding his career left him working too much to visit them as often as they wished. If it were up to all of them, he would still be living in that pack house that he had grown up in.

There were a few other reasons why he didn't visit as much, but he'd rather not think about it then. He had just spent most of the week patrolling the forest for any signs of witches with the small group that his brother had put together for this mission. He wasn't sure how long this was going to take, but he hoped it wouldn't be long. He had tried to find them before the weekend at least, being that he had Sundays off and he was planning on doing something else rather than work. But that just didn't seem to be the case.

"That's not enough, man," The guy hit the top of his arm lightly. "I mean, so much has happened since you-!"

"That's enough, Trent," William stopped him. "We don't have much time to grab something quick to eat before the sun goes down."

"I was just saying that we all missed him," Trent rolled his eyes. He was a real lady's man with his looks. Tanned skin and vibrant green eyes always caught a woman's attention whenever he was in the city. But all the pack saw him as was a big nuisance. He talked way too much for his own sake and the man didn't have a filter.

Jim actually liked that side of him, though. It was easier to figure out just what was going on at home with him around. His wolf was a real help too. If Jim hadn't been the one to train him back then, he was sure the man would be deemed useless by the pack and put on kitchen duty or something. It took quite a lot to reel him in, but he had turned into a pretty good warrior. All he needed was something to focus on and he could follow it like a bloodhound.

Trent wasn't the only one with them. He was just the only one who was talkative. The rest had told Jim the same thing in the beginning of the week. Now they all chatted amongst themselves, enjoying the quick break that they got before heading out to work. William didn't bring his second in command, or anyone from his council. He left them to deal with matters at home while they dealt with defending the forest that was theirs.

"I missed you too, brat," Jim laughed, enjoying the light conversations. The wind felt good when they had run here. They had used their wolves to get to this little diner faster. Skaal enjoyed it a lot. His wolf always loved to hunt. It was another reason why police work went well with him.

"Aww, come on Alpha Jim," Trent whined. "I'm not a kid anymore."

"Maybe not," He smirked at him. "But you'll always act like one."

At least the warriors didn't bring too much gossip with them. As much as Jim wanted to get caught up with what had happened with his family, he'd rather it be over a beer than right before a hunt. He'd have to invite them all out sometime. It would be a nice change of scenery from having Snake who always complained about everything, or Felix who asked a thousand questions.

It still bugged him that they had to look for witches again. If they couldn't find them, then he might have to open investigations up. That coven was dangerous, and not just to humans. Blacktooth had gotten plenty of enemies over the years. It had been common ever since their parents left so long ago. While they weren't as worried that they could do harm to them, the pack didn't take any chances with those creatures, especially if they had a criminal background. Jim already told his brother all that he knew. The coven wasn't that big, which was why he was sure that he had taken care of all of them. He must have been too occupied trying to keep Indigo safe that he hadn't noticed a few escape into the forest. Now this was beginning to be more like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

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