The Rainbow After The Storm

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Things happened so quickly after that. More police officers came. Then the paramedics. Then the news came, and had to be abruptly shooed away. The medics checks on Indigo, but she wasn't in too horrible of condition. Their main goal was to see if any of the hunters were still alive. Any of them who needed medical assistance was quickly rushed to the hospital. She didn't care that they were doing their job. She would rather see them dead.

All she cared about was the man that had almost died right in front of her very eyes.

Indigo had tried to rush over to him when he was fighting that madman, but it seemed to just backfire. She had been too concerned about where Skaal was going and if he was going to get hurt to even think about herself getting caught by one of those men again. If it weren't for Snake and Felix, they both would have been dead. Now Jim was getting checked up on by a pack doctor, along with Will and Prue. They didn't want to be seen by any human doctors as there was a chance that they might not know about their own medical issues. Their doctor got there faster than the other paramedics, obviously concerned for all of them. He got to work right away.

"Do you think he's going to be alright?" she asked Snake. He had an ice pack on his face.

"If he can survive that woldsbane," Snake nodded. "I'm sure he'll survive another bullet."

That might be true, but him getting shot again still worried her. She had heard a few gunshots when she was running after him, but it seemed like he hadn't gotten hit when he was fighting Leon. He acted like he hadn't gotten hurt at all. Now that she was waiting on the doctor to finish up with him, though, it seemed like he was in worse shape than she thought.

"Snake," she turned to him, half remembering the state that he was in. "Are you okay?" She had avoided looking at him because of how bad his burns were. He was still wearing the hoody that she had seen him in when her and Prue were trapped in those cells. She didn't have time to think about how horrible he looked back then.

How could a vampire even get in this bad of shape?

"I'll be fine," Snake sighed. "It'll heal. This just means that I'm going to need to take some days off."

"Are you sure you shouldn't see a doctor or something?"

"Indigo, I don't know if you know this," he huffed a laugh. "But there aren't doctors for vampires. We either heal naturally, or we die. There's no in between."

"Are you going to heal completely?" She asked. While she was curious as to the wellbeing of one of the men who helped save her, she had to admit that these questions were partially to distract herself. Jim had been with the doctor for quite some time now. "Or are there going to be scars?"

"Probably a few," he answered. "But it'll barely be noticeable if it does. I don't scar that easily."

"Any vampire scars easily if they have holy water raining down on them," Felix said, handing him something. "Put this on your neck. It's good for burns."

"What is it?" Snake asked, looking at the container as if it were an alien.

"It's gel," Felix told him. "Specifically crafted to help heal burns."

"I'm guessing you didn't get this from the pharmacy on the corner by your house either," he muttered, sniffing the container next.

Indigo had half a mind to laugh, even under all the stress they just went through.

"Give me that," She yanked it from him and twisted it open. "Show me your neck."

"I don't think your boyfriend would approve of that, you know," he told her, keeping his neck hidden. "Werewolves get pretty possessive of who they love."

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