Grimoire For the Unworthy

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When Yuno is fifteen he gets his grimoire.

And it's a four leaf.

He does not deserve it.

The other villagers know this too as they glare at him with mirth. It doesn't matter though, everyone in Hage knows better then to try and challenge him.

He looks down at the grimoire in distain.

He can't think of one good thing he has ever done to have earned this grimoires favor. He was nothing but a curse, he shouldn't have received a grimoire at all.

He pushes those negative emotions down, he needs to be careful. He can't get too worked up over this. Not here in front of so many people.

Shaking his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts he looks over at the others.

Sister and Father cheer him on and praise him for his excellence, all of which he doesn't deserve. Recca has her arms crossed as she glares at the ground with a bitter look in her eyes. He doesn't blame her in fact he understands the feeling.

Nash and the other kids smile at Yuno and attempt to cheer up their sister but she merely walks away.

Yuno does not blame her.

Sister and Father look after her in worry but make their way over to him, offering an idea of celebration. He simply shakes his head.

"I think," he looks back down at the four leafed book in his hands "I need to be alone right now."

He turns and leaves.

This day was supposed to be his and Asta's. They were supposed to get their grimoires together but that was never going to happen.

"Can't believe that cursed freak would be chosen by the four leaf grimoire," he hears two boys his age sneer.

He takes a deep breath and hopes they are smart enough to keep walking.

"Do you think we're strong enough now to take him on?"

'No, don't try it.'

"Are you crazy?! Why would you risk even coming close to that thing?!"

He sighs in relief.

Good, he's had enough despairing thoughts for today he doesn't want to add anymore.

The universe is never in his favor though.

The chains come out of nowhere, pinning his arms to his side and trapping him against his will.

Yuno panics, someone is attacking him.

Someone is attacking him.

A man stands in front of him, smugly brandishing Yuno's brand new grimoire in his hands.

'When did he-'

"Well isn't this a surprise," the stranger laughs "I didn't expect for some little country hick to get a four leaf clover of all things."

No, no, no, no.

Yuno struggles against his restraints.

He needs to get out before-

"Of course one such as you is not truly deserving of a grimoire such as this."

"Stop it," Yuno shouts in desperation "just leave the grimoire and get out of here before it's to late!"

His attacker only laughs "is that supposed to be a threat?"

He shakes his grimoire "you won't be able to cast a strong enough spell against me without this."

That doesn't matter.

Yuno feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up. A low rumbling sound begins to ring in his ears.

Yuno kicks his legs out violently "you don't understand he'll kill you!"

The man raises an eyebrow but as he goes to speak his words get caught in his throat.


The shadows around Yuno begin to condense as that same low grumbling evolves into a beastly growl.

A large clawed hand protectively grips Yuno's shoulder as the other slams and cracks the cement of the street.

His attacker is looking behind him speechless.

Yuno doesn't need to turn around to know Asta is towering over him protectively.

His brothers frame is still made of shadow only as they grew he has become more gauntly and grotesque. His spine and limbs have elongated in an inhumane fashion- his limbs unnaturally skinny with ribs jutting out as if starved and the vertebra of his spine stick out like spikes.

Asta lets out a cold breath that stains the air which reveal his sharp fangs.

"What the hell," the stranger takes  a step back in his shock.

"Asta," Yuno grits his teeth whilst looking over his shoulder "don't!"

Sharp pointed chains are suddenly barreling towards them and Yuno looks on in terror.

Asta swipes his massive paw, claws slicing cleanly through the chains and shattering them into nothing.

Yuno makes eye contact with his attacker.


An inhumane screech followed by the clacking of teeth.

Yuno closes his eyes and waits.

Asta launches himself at the man, moving on all fours like an animal.

The mage makes to counter by striking the creature with another chain attack.

They pierce and sever the shadows but Asta does not cry out in pain.

Rather he just raises his clawed hand and swings.

The stranger is thrown into the stone wall, it breaks at the force of the strike and Yuno can hear the wind being ripped from the mans lungs.

Asta doesn't wait for him to recover.

He leaps and pins him with one of his large claws, hooking the man by the waist and digging painful into his hips.

Slowly he drags the fighting mage out of the pile of rubble.

The man screams as Asta pulls him closer to his jaws, so close the man feels the beasts icey breath on his cheek.

There's one more inhumane shriek followed by a scream that abroubtly cuts.

It's silent.




Yuno doesn't want to open his eyes.

He knows what he'll see.

Asta has brought his fangs down onto the mans throat and is now tearing him apart with his jaws.

Such is the fate of those who try to harm Yuno.

The cursed child of Hage.

A/N: You would think someone with two Little Nightmares fanfictions under their belt I'd be better at describing horror, alas these scene don't quite pack the punch I want them too but I have done my best.

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