Fate of Five Leaves

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"Alright you two listen up," Yami's voice bellows as he polishes his katana "we've got a new job for ya."

Noelle flicks her hair "it's about time."

Yuno does not feel her sentiment, he thinks it's far too soon after Saussy. He hasn't even had enough time to test out the new binding jewelry, he has no idea if it'll even work.

Magna points at the two rookies with an excited grin on his face "we're going to be escorting some noble punk to the Heart Kingdom!"

"Nobility?" Noelle asks while Yuno raises an eyebrow "wouldn't they want one of the more...renowned squads?"

Finral, who stands beside captain Yami rolls his eyes at Magna before addressing the two younger members.

"Normally yes, in fact I think this is our first request we've ever received from a noble." He rubs the back of his neck "but you see they specifically requested you Yuno."

Yuno tilts his head "me?"

Yami scoffs "seems you made quite the impression during the entrance exam."

Yuno frowns.

Finral shakes his head "you remember Salim de Hapshass, the noble you fought in the exam? The one with the lightning magic?"

Asta snarls behind him.

"It's him? What does he want with me?" Something about this immediately feels off, surely he would have traumatized that poor soul. Why would he ever want to see Yuno again?

"I don't know," Yami grits his teeth "though I do know that this doesn't sit right with me. Be on your guard but at the same time getting on the good side of some rich folk could do us some good so try not to mess this up."

"Sir!" The group salute their captain.


For someone that had nearly been eaten by a cursed spirit Salim is far to kind to the curses wielder.

He makes small talk with Yuno, asking him about his dreams and aspirations; excitedly exclaiming his delight in his want to become the Wizard King.

It's unsettling.

He of course eventually brings up the topic of Asta, timidly at first but still clearly trying to gain more information.

Yuno is closed offish when it comes to Asta with his family and friends let alone with a stranger. He shuts the conversation down almost as soon as it begins and Salim appears to respect his wishes for now.

The noble is quick to change the topic to something Yuno is more comfortable with, the subject of his home town.

Yuno speaks warmly of the church but there isn't much he can say about the rest of the town. They've shunned him since he was young. Even if he wanted to chat more with Salim there isn't much more he can offer.

He is able to confirm the story of the demon. Yuno explains that the legend is in fact not a legend at all and that the demons skull still stands tall.

As he is in the middle of explaining what he knows about the area to the noble he feels a subtle shift in Asta's presence. His brother is wary but it doesn't feel as dark and heavy as it normally does.

He figures Asta is just slightly on edge with Salim around.

That is until they're attacked.

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