Song of the Sea

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"I'm so...sad"

"I haven't felt this way in a very long time."

"I never got to know you brother."

"I am so very sorry."


Yuno watches carefully from his place on the shoreline as Noelle forms a familiar spell. She pulls the water up and into a sphere that becomes a shell around her.

Sea dragons lair, currently her only spell. They've concluded that the fastest way to reach their goal would be for Noelle to focus and develop the protect spell into a transport one.

She's struggling greatly, trying her hardest to change the shape of the spell and hold it there. Every attempt she makes to move without fail the spell breaks apart and showers him and Asta in rainfall.

Yuno watches with a frown as that happens again. Noelle's magic swelling before bursting out of her control and breaking entirely.

Asta pounces from his place beside his brother and bounds towards the falling water mage. It's a practised routine now, Noelle falling from the sky and Asta rushing to catch her.

She lands in the beast's arms with a small 'oof' and a reminder of how grateful she is that he has regained more of his gait. She doubts he would be able to catch her in his smaller form.

Asta places her down and gives her a reassuring nuzzle to her cheek but it seems even the demon's affection isn't enough to draw her out of her stopper as she growls in frustration.

"It's not working," she stares at the ocean ahead. "I just don't have the knack for this."

"You'll get there," Yuno calls from his place on the sidelines "you've just gotta keep practising."

"Easy for you to say," the royal shoots him a glare, "every spell you cast is perfect."

"Because I've been training since childhood."

"And you think I haven't?!" She snaps "I've tried for so long and have gotten nowhere!"

Asta makes a small noise of distress as he collapses back onto all fours.

"Have you ever had any help? Like a tutor or a guide?"

Noelle looks away from him "no, I've always been on my own."

Yuno feels a distinct pang of sympathy flood through him. He knows how Noelle's family is, it shouldn't surprise him that she's never had any form of support.

"Well you're not now...I could give you some pointers if you like?"

The water mage's frown deepens and she digs her heel into the sand "I don't need your pity."

"It's not pity're my friend I want to help you."

Asta makes a noise that's the mix between a purr and a gurgle as he bobs his head up and down in agreement.

It's quiet aside from the sound of the waves. Noelle doesn't answer him, doesn't even look at him as her gaze watches the horizon as though it has the answers she seeks.


"I'm not your siblings Noelle...I'm not going to make fun of you over this."

"I'm a royal with no control over my magic! It's humiliating!" She suddenly snaps "I shouldn't need to rely on a commoner for help!"

He makes himself ignore the jab at his status. He knows it isn't her fault her mind thinks the way it does, it's been drilled into her since she was a child that royals are meant to be perfect and should never stoop so low as to request help from anyone; least of all a commoner.

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