Eyes of Three

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"You wanted to see what I can do, isn't that right kid?"

Yuno glances at Yami.

He hadn't said as much but- "yes sir." That doesn't make it any less true.

Yami aims his blade and points towards the leader of the Eye of the Midnight Sun "the big bad guy there is mine, you can handle the scarecrow can't yeah kid?"

Yuno hums in agreement, his confidence is still up from the attack he just landed and his fingers itch in anticipation of getting to see captain Yami fight.

"This will be fun," his captain laughs. "It's been awhile since I had a real fight."

There's the now sickening familiar sensation of mana bursting free and filling the air. It makes Yuno stumble briefly but he takes comfort in the fact that the mana this time belongs to his captain.

Without another warning Yami twists the dark magic around him and launches at the light mage. For a fraction of a second Yuno is able to pick up on the man's surprise and a hint of fear. He recovers quickly though and uses his own magic to avoid taking the blow.

Yuno takes a deep breath. 

Light and darkness are flying through the air in what looks like a synchronised dance, moving so quickly that Yuno has trouble keeping up. If he had still been relying solely on mana sense then there is simply no way that Yuno would have been able to keep up with their movements. With ki however he is able to follow the physical body of the mages that would have been lost in magic.

They're fighting like this Yuno reminds himself. He doesn't know how they have time to keep up with the others' movement let alone think of a strategy to counter their attacks.

And then they start having a conversation on top of everything else.

Yuno feels his jaw drop as he watches captain Yami begin to grill the terrorist, questioning his motivation and pointing out the hypocritical flaws in his plan. 

He doesn't know how they're doing it, how they can possibly carry a conversation whilst avoiding and countering deadly blows.

"Master Licht." Yuno looks away from the display above him and faces the mage Yami had entrusted him to take care of "allow me to assist!"

He opens a spatial portal, magic flickering at his palm.

"Don't ignore me!" Yuno shouts, wind magic whipping up in a fury "You're going to pay for hurting all those people! For hurting my brother!" 

The man grunts in surprise and struggles to get away from the wind blades Yuno has sent in his direction. He barely manages to form a spatial spell that can buffer the force of the blow.

"You brat!"

"Call me what you want-" he pulls his arm back in a similar formation as some would pull back the drawstring of a bow "but I'm going to be the one to defeat you!"

An arrow made of wind forms and Yuno feels the power drip from his fingertips, a deadly smile slipping onto his lips.

He lets go of the arrow and it shoots through the air. The man tries to do what he had done before- block it with a spatial spell. However this time it doesn't work. This time the head of the arrow slices through the spell and continues towards its target.

It makes contact, stabbing into the man's lower abdomen.

He doesn't know if that blow was fatal and at this moment in time he doesn't care.

Instead he stands proud as he watches his foe all onto the ground. It is no less of a fate than he deserves.

The light magic in the air flatters.

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