Magic Knights

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"Noelle," Yuno calls as he knocks on her door "come on wake up."

Royalty or not Yuno will be damned before he does all the chores given to them on his own.

"We have work to do!"

"Shut up commoner!" her muffled voice shouts through the door.

Asta lets out a low whine behind him and Yuno feels him nudge his hand.

"Not yet Asta."

"Noelle! I'm going to count to three!"

"I am royalty!"

"And I don't care!"

He can't help but snicker when he hears the girl let out a muffled frustrated scream into her pillow. If she was going to make this difficult for him then he was going to annoy her as much as possible.


"Leave me be insect!"


"If you even think about opening that door-"

"Three. Asta!"

His brother barrels down the door and excitedly bounds into the royals room. Asta lets out a loud chirp- a sound he has never heard him make until they joined the Black Bulls, as he leaps up onto Noelle's bed. Well half of him is on Noelle's bed,  he's forced to leave his back half on the floor seeing as the small twin sized bed was nowhere near big enough to fit all of the demon onto it.

Yuno leans on the door frame "good morning princess."

Noelle glares at him through her covers "I hate you."

"So I've heard, Asta!"

His brother plucks the squirming girl up out of bed and plops her down onto the ground. He bumps his head against her hand causing Noelle to roll her eyes and step away.

"Get dressed we have work to do."

"I'm royalty!"

"Do we have to go through this every day? You're helping so suck it up," he whistles to Asta and his brother huffs in disappointment before taking a step and disappearing into the shadows "now get dressed."

He turns and the door repairs itself behind him, he doesn't go far rather just leans against the hallway wall and waits.

It's been about a week since he has joined the magic knights and so far things have been going well. After the first incident with Noelle nothing eventful had happened since, just the two new comers getting introduced to their daily tasks.

It wasn't any different then the work he had done at the church, mostly cleaning but some maintenance work too. It was chores they'd have to stay on top of once they actually started going on missions which they have yet to start.

Noelle had been adamant that she was not going to be doing 'servant' work but Yuno was adamant that he was going to have help. Luckily for him Asta liked Noelle and the spirit listened to him if it meant they'd get to be around the water mage.

Asta had never really liked anyone other then Yuno before.

Well he had liked their family at Hage but there was distance between them considering that the children and even the adults of the church we're terrified of him. Yuno could tell through their link that Asta still longed for them but knew to keep his distance.

The Bulls were not afraid of Asta and now it was safe to say that Asta wasn't afraid of them. Well most of them...some of them.

As of now the Bulls Asta actively liked were Magna and Noelle, the ones he tolerated were Finral and Vanessa and the ones he distrusted were the rest.

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