Both Haunted and Holy

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As Leopold and Noelle run towards the pile of corpses Fuegoleon had directed them towards Asta continues to drag his claws against the stone of the road, uncaring of the many scars now marring the earth.

The spatial mage is not the only problem, Yuno can tell there is someone else causing havoc throughout the capital draining the mana from many of the civilians.

They need to do something.

Seems Fuegoleon agrees as he straightens himself up and attempts to step forward.

He is quickly stopped by Asta who digs one of his clawed fingers into the mans cape and lets out a warning growl.

"I appreciate your concern but as a magic knight my duty to safe guard the people comes before my own safety."

"That may be," Yuno places a hand to his chest "but if anything happens to you then that means that these people would have won, we have to keep you safe and figure out why they are targeting you out of all the magic knight captains."

Fuegoleon nods "as true as your words are I'm afraid I cannot sit idly by while my people are being hurt."

Yuno can respect that.

He understands the frustration Fuegoleon must be feeling perfectly well.

But he cannot leave the captain unguarded, not when their attackers had shown they were willing to resort to all sorts of dirty tricks.

"That's fine but sir I have one request to make of you."

Fuegoleon raises an eyebrow "and what might that be."

"Keep Asta with you!"

The man looks at him in surprise.

"His claws are able to nullify magic, if anyone tries to harm you via spatial magic or some other method then he can stop it!"

Fuegoleon gives a slight tilt of his head "and what of you? Are you able to stray far from your curse?"

A valid question, one Yuno isn't sure of the exact answer too; but he knows because of the incident in Hage that Asta is capable of gaining quite a bit of ground on his own.

Not the most ideal testing grounds but for now this is the only plan Yuno can think of.

"I'll handle the mage causing trouble in the Eastern district while you escort the captive back to the castle, when your finished you can assist either myself or Noelle and Leopold with our battles."

Fuegoleon continues to look at him in surprise before his face falls into a soft smile.

"A newly made magic knight giving such careful and thought through orders to a captain-" he rest a hand on his shoulder once more "seems I made quite the blunder when I casted you aside." 

Once again pride and acceptance swell in Yuno's chest and he's forced to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself stoic.

"Asta," Yuno turns to his brother who has stopped clawing at the earth and is instead now circling them nervously "stay with Fuegoleon-" he keeps his voice firm and pushes the resolve he has made through their link "no matter what happens do not leave him alone."

Asta blinks slowly at him before he bobs his head and a gentle sounding chatter leaves his throat.

"Alright lets move!"


Yuno finds a woman on a broom stick flying around the streets of the capital.

She's openly asking villagers who's mana she's drained if they think she is beautiful and challenging them to see if the can guess her age. 

Yuno promptly calls her an old hag.

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