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  " ja you brought me to a parking lot?" I  chuckled . " no , c'mon " .

We got out the car and he grabbed something out the truck then we started walking in the sand . " ohhh, I didn't even realize we were here" I smiled noticing the waves of the water .

  " c'mon " he held my hand and we went down more to the water .

I looked at him and then looked back at the water . I took my sandals off and jogged into the water .

  " too bad you have sweats on " I chuckled making him laugh .  Soon enough after taking in the fresh air , I went back next to ja .

" c'mere " he grabbed my hands . He looked at my eyes and caressed my cheek making me smile softly .

  " do you really want this ?...us?" I asked .

He pushed my hair behind my ears " I do , and I have been for a while " .

  I smiled and stood on my tippy toes, giving him a kiss . He reached in the bag he had and pulled out roses making me smile big .

" I wanted to do something special before I asked you but I can't really wait another day so, will you be my girlfriend?" He smiled .

  I nodded my head quickly " I meannn why not " I joked making us both laugh . We wrapped our arms around each other a hug .

For a little while he walked around on the beach and then we went back to his house and chilled .

  " your coming to my game in Boston right ?" He asked as he rubbed my feet .

He had a game in tomorrow against the Celtics which is an away game , which I usually go to .

  " I don't know.. I have to look over my schedule cause I have some business stuff  and interviews and " I yawned .

" but I'll let you know if I'm coming " . He shook his head " no it's fine , take care of what you got going on first , it's just one game " he shrugged .

" also um...your brother texted me a couple days ago " he said making me look up at him .

" Which one?" .

Me and Herbert had the same mom and dad. We had siblings from my moms second marriage though herb doesn't claim them though accept for our other two sisters ...you'll find out why later on .

"Damarion . He asked me how were you and if your doing okay, he wants you to text him" .

We had 5 step siblings; Damien, daevieon, Dominique damarion and destiny. We lost our younger sister a year ago to gun violence, she was 17 turning 18 .

I never had the best relationship with my step siblings except for Dominique and destiny , and then she died and everything got worse .

I never really got along with the boys to be honest except for damarion . He was always the one trying to fix our family and he cared for me deeply .

The oldest; Damien was a hot head . He was in jail for 5 years back when I was 14, daevieon, the second born moved far away and really didn't want anything to do with us after destiny passed and Dominique was more like the normal one but was never for the bullshit.

" I'll talk to him " I shrugged . " have you talked to the others ?" He asked .

I shook my head " they don't talk to me and I don't talk to them , I'd rather not anyway " I said truthfully. The only siblings I talk to is domonique and herb.


As the night went on I decided to call damarion and we had a good talk until he told me something about my mom / his step mom

He was trying to get in contact with all of us because mom had been having some problems and was in the hospital, he was hoping we could all go down there and see her .

As much as I don't want to see any of them, for my mother's sake I would

" you look sleepy , come on " ja helped me up off the couch and we went up to his room .

I instantly got under the covers and cuddled next to him .

The next day ..

  "Baby have you seen my green Christian Dior shirt !?" Ja shouted from the top of his stairs .

It took me by surprise when he called me that, I guess I have to get used to it .

  " in the dryer !" I responded making him jog down the stairs .

" you think this will go good with my black cargo pants ?" He asked and I nodded .

  " wear your black Alexander McQueens with it too " . He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist .

" aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" I questioned . " I can't love on my girlfriend?" He kissed all over my face making me giggle.

  " you have plenty of time to do that, just not right now" I pecked his lips and got from between his arms .

Soon as I turned around I felt a snack on my ass " ow!" I shouted and looked at him .

" sorry, it was looking at me so I had to " he shrugged making me cross my arms .

" that hurt boy" I frowned and he just laughed " want me to rub it" he grabbed my hand " nope, leave me alone"

  " wowwwww, now I can't touch my girlfriend!" He said dramatically . " go finish getting ready!" We both laughed and he ran up the stairs as I watched Tv in the living room .


Once I had dropped ja of to the airport I had started packing also because I leave tonight to LA to see my mom .

Damarion had told me earlier that the others had agreed to come down there too so I guess that was a good thing ..?

Once I got done packing , I called tae to come do my hair and then I had my nails and toes re done .

Once it hit 5:30 I let out to the airport and was on my way to LA.

A few hours later..

" yea I landed like 30 minutes ago...everybody's there already? Alright, I'm on my way" I hung up on herb.

When I looked back at my phone I texted ja good luck at his game and that I made it to LA .

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